Ken Crocheron; the man, the legend

| April 5, 2013

I’m sure you remember this guy from last weekend, Colonel Kenneth Crocheron, the only phony we ever had who wore his unit awards in the middle of his personal awards;


Well, we’ve been digging into his past and uncovered some astonishing stories about his daring-do in the military. Like the time he free fall jumped into Cambodia during the Vietnam War, but he got impaled through the shoulder by a tree branch over the Ho Chi Minh Trail with legions of North Vietnamese streaming beneath him, but he couldn’t even cry out in pain for fear of being discovered and captured. Somehow, he ingeniously freed himself and found his way to a local medicine man who miraculously healed and allowed Ken to carry on with his mission – we never found out what his ultimate mission was, but you can bet that it was dangerous and required him to smile mightily.

Then there was the time he jumped out of the Space Shuttle or something at 40,000 feet, but he had a micro-tear in his jumpsuit which caused him to bleed profusely from all of his orifices, including his eyes. He lived, curiously, and managed to make a safe landing and then made it a hospital. Whew! Close one, huh?

Folks tell me that he’d “get the call” for one of his secret missions while he was in church and have to get up and walk out to take the secret call. Apparently, he knew everyone in the war against terror because every time a casualty was on the news, he’d sink into a deep depression because it was one of his countless friends. If it was a Special Operations guy, Ken had personally trained him. Probably he was sad because it would remind of the time he was assigned to a morgue detail in San Diego and he found one of his high school classmates in a body bag. Because the Army always puts commissioned officers on morgue details.

Then there was the time he deployed to the war on terror and told everyone that he was headed to do dirt on the Taliban, but only got as far as his camper outside of town where he hid out, probably anticipating a terror attack on the town and lying in wait for the criminals for several weeks. That takes a special kind of soldier, ya know.

And he had a huge hand in the operation to kill bin Laden – the SEALs who did it were “his guys” according to sources. He’s also claimed to support the widows of fallen troops – he paid off one woman’s motorcycle for her.

Whatever would we do without men like Kenneth Crocheron?

Category: Phony soldiers

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I can’t believe that this guy would disturb everyone and interrupt the service in church for his own self-aggrandizement. That really is a new low.

Also… why did he have to be called Kenneth? D:


I call bull on the space shuttle story. I’ve been the waterboy on every special ops shuttle flight since ’74 (I was only 5 at the time, but advanced for my age) and have personally served Kool-Aid to every jumper since. I’d remember if someone as smiley as this joker ever dropped from my deck!


@ Rich …. BULLSHIT … they serve TANG … Busted!


What a tool! All I can do is shake my head.


If “Colonel” Crotchrot is the badass he tells everyone he is, then why don’t we ship him to North Korea and let him prove it alongside the alleged USMC “Supersniper”?


In a week, I’ve gone from amused observer to genuinely pissed at the blatant stream of bullshit this clown has vomited.

If he is the winner in this year’s tourney, I’d like the honor of personally delivering the award.

Hack Stone

He was not hiding out in a camper during his last “deployment”. It was an Urban Assault Vehicle.


That cheessy lil smile he got going on like he is a mental patient. I wanna laugh at this guy but then looking back at how he has probably scammed everyone in Utah.

Looking at his face and that cringeworthy smile just makes you wanna kick his ass.


This guy is a genuine Creepazoid.


i am impressed at how he skillfully arranges his boot laces too capture tree branches to stop his HALO freefall.
he’s awesome

Combat Historian

I was going to make a smart alecky funny comment about colonel cockroach, but I had a long day, so I’ll just ask the Good Lord to consign this POS to a special kind of Hell for what he put the Jeanes family through during the last few years.

A Proud Infidel

@61, C.H., It’s like I said about the alleged Marine “Supersniper”, just like him, this jello-dicked fool has been outed. As I see it, it’s just a matter of time until some Vet like you or me comes face to face with him and treats him like a cheap doormat with Jane Fonda’s picture printed on it!


His codename: Agent Orange (Eddie Murphy should pre-emptively sue).

Frankly Opinionated

In following this and the previous post on this turd; I think that along with the flogging that he has worked so hard to earn, that we also owe him a thanks. Yep. Were it not for him, Markysmom, and her sons may not have the opportunity to bring their slant on life to our pages. I, for one, am going to try to make contact, (e-mail), with the family and offer some cyber mentoring.
I pray that they continue to follow “This Ain’t Hell”, knowing that we would like their comments, no matter where they fall, on things/phonies/heroes, posted here.


JP (46), Proud_Infidel (55): sorry, I gotta claim naming rights if that ends up being his Tourney Name:

C2/2000AF: his ass isn’t where I’d like to give this tool a well-placed kick.

B Woodman

Wait. . . . What?? . . . . The assturd is in Utah???

B Woodman

Sorry. My bad. I never read the original link. He lives “down the road” from me in Draper. (I live in West Jordan, mebee 10-20 miles away). When/ if I get some time, I’ll have to look this douchebag up & ask to see his 214.


@ B Woody: Im sure this fine Curdle would love a visit from you! He is 2 blocks away from our Utah Nat Guard headquaters. Dontya know..he went there regularly to receive SOCOM, SATCOM, “BSCON” (my coined acronym for Bulls*** con job), Covert, Secret mission, Black OPs calls from his “men”. When General Petraeus called him, however…he had to ride out to “Camp WillyWonka” (Williams) to take the call on a “secured” line….of course.


You guys probably thought Moonraker was just another movie.. it was actually a documentary.


#61, judging from his lies and lack of credibility. I am guessing he is either a boot camp failure or a 6-8 monther and discharged for punishable actions. My guess is boot camp dropout. He wanted to live a sick fantasy for being an invicible warrior who set impossible standards.


I am just astounded with this guy. I’m speechless.

Green Thumb

Im telling you, this clown appears to have easy access to kids.

If he is lying about this shit, what else could he be doing?

Just look at him.

Better keep your pants up and your kids within eyesight when around the fool.


A Proud Infidel

#70, I thought the same thing the first time I looked at a picture of him! He strikes me as the type who would brag to show you or me about the Luger he has that he took from a dead VC in Baghdad!

A Proud Infidel

Stupid cellphone screens, do any of them offer grammar check?

Combat Historian

@70: I’m not even sure that this clown had the gumption to enlist; I have my doubts that this POS was ever in the military for a single day. Guess we’ll see when the FOIA request finally comes back in with his service records (or lack thereof)…


@75, CH, If he’s ever served, I’m betting he was a Boot Camp reject!


“Fool me once…Shame on YOU”

“Fool me twice…Shame on ME”

“Fool my children…SEND THE GREEN BERETS” !


Has he received a visit?


Isn’t there something that can be done legally? He won’t ever quit lying about this stuff or anything else. This has gone on for decades and decades. He made the lives of his children so much more difficult than they needed to be. They have worried and worried that people who have been victim to his deceit would think that the kids were as dishonest as their father. I don’t think this goes away. He has destroyed their family name, as there are only a few Crocherons in Utah. There is an underlying fear that someone is going to make the connection between their biological father and themselves. When the kids confronted him on this years ago, he AND his wife asked them to leave and told them how un-Christlike they are. I’m disgusted and discouraged that more can’t be done.

Green Thumb

Smegma this man is.


@77 MarkysMom,

When I spoke with your husband one of the things I told him was “We will make this guy famous”. Between This Ain’t Hell and ProfessionalSoldiers we did just that. While Kenny cannot be prosecuted for what he did we did the next best thing. I’m sure Kenny has learned his lesson. In Army terms we call this MC or Mission Complete.


JD and our new friends at TAH;

Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

We are grateful for your support and service.

Our prayers go out to all who serve and protect!

Frankly Opinionated

“From what Jeanes was able to discover, and KSL TV was able to find out, Crocheron was not posing as a colonel for any benefits. That kind of fraud is a crime.”
So, if it is involving money, it is prosecutable, but if it is about Honor, heroism, service, and bravery; it has less value than money and is not prosecutable?
Bite me, but this is what America has devolved too.

Green Thumb



Yep, Frank. But there remain a significant number of us who value honor much more than money. We are most likely outnumbered. Oh, well.