“Insane” crowds at gun shops in Connecticut

| April 3, 2013

Ex-PH2 sends a link to NBC News about the buying frenzy at gun shops there as the legislature gets ready to vote on more restrictive guns laws. Gun manufacturers are feeling the pressure to move to other states;

“I feel like we have one foot being pushed out the door,” Mark Malkowski, the owner of AR-15 manufacturer Stag Arms, told NBC Connecticut. He said his company has received nearly two dozen incentive-laden offers to move out of the state.

“They’re really good offers,” Malkowski said. “They are offering tax abatements, they’re offering to build you a factory.”

A Connecticut gun store employee who asked not to be identified told NBC News that his store is selling five times the usual amount. “When your governor is threatening to take away your guns, what do you think is going to happen?” he said.

But that’s Connecticut. What they do won’t effect you, right? Nope. Their pretend Vietnam veteran Senator That Dick Blumenthal introduced legislation in the Senate for background checks on ammunition, it also requires that ammunition sellers maintain records and reports of their sales (path to registration) and requires that dealers report sales of more than 1000 rounds to the feds. And, oh yeah, to show how smart he is, he wants to prohibit those bullets that cook the deer after you shoot it, and armor piercing bullets.

So, he wants to expand the NICS system – the system that’s already overburdened and that they complain doesn’t work well enough.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Robot Wrangler

Umm teflon bullets actually have less penetration power against kevlar because of the teflon from what I remember reading. The teflon was originally put on to lessen ricochets as the teflon got a better grip on glass and hard surfaces. This guy is as bad as Diana DeGette and her Magazine argument for getting rid of standard magazines.


A local gunshop got in a shipment of .223 ammo one morning, and I was in there that afternoon. They had sold everything they had on the shelf, and were selling it so fast they were simply going into their stockroom to get the requests, not even bothering to re-stock the shelf. Men were standing in line to buy it.


What caliber of ammunition is it that cooks the deer after you shoot it? (I’m laughing so hard I can hardly type.) I’d like to know, just in case I’m stuck some place without a BIC lighter.

Old Trooper

Hey Dick; why don’t you lick my Schuette taint?


Someone needs to remind those dickbreaths that there used to BE an ammo registry…. they dropped it in 1986 because after many years and tons of hassle for all concerned, cops admitted they solved almost no crimes using the info gathered. But it was a huge PITA to maintain the records etc.


I know that there is a bullet tax in Cook County, to the south of me, but that goes to a victims’ fund. I don’t think there is a ‘list’ of purchasers kept.

Two dozen ‘come on down’ offers for StagArms to move to another state? I’d move in a heartbeat, if that’s the case.


well Conn just passed their new gun legislation. let the panic buying go into high gear.


When Stag Arms and Colt move out of Connecticutt, will the dems replace them with Solyndra? Oh, snap, that company went bankrupt. Well, maybe they can get Fisker Motors to set up shop there, wait, they’re shopping around for a bankruptcy attorney(s). How about LG Chem, they can make batteries for the Chevy Dolt. Wait, seems that hasn’t worked out too well here in Michigan. Nobody wants the Lithium Ion batteries.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@8 If Connecticut keeps this up they will also get to experience the joys of a negative net population migration. Population increases but only among the parasitical members of your society while those capable of moving in order to succeed in less oppressive environments do so.

It is interesting to me that we are now going to have millions more guns on the streets and in homes because 4ssholes have created a panic buying spree across the nation. Well done gun control wienies, the manufacturers are enjoying the uptick in sales….


Same thing happended in NYS.

I legally bought an AR-15 and Russian made SKS Vietnam War trpohy on the day thy Gov signed the bill that most certainly will be over-turned, ammended and/or repealed!

A day will come in this country when MORE guns are used to prevent crimes then are used in crimes.

Oh … sorry … never mind!

B Woodman

Well, Douchewad Dick, if your ammunition registration legislation (try saying that ten times fast) goes through, you will have created a booming out-of-state sales and black market network. Think it will increase the state’s economy? Pfffft. Think it will affect the criminals obtaining ammunition? Pffffft. Think it will affect the determined law-abiding citizen (not serf) from obtaining ammunition? Pfffft. Think cash, beautiful, untraceable cash.


Look at it this way, VOV. When crime takes an uptick because of this silly legislation of fear, all the yuppies who work in NYC will move there to get away from the higher crime rate in Connecticut and the goof-doof laws can/will be repealed.


For left/libtards, crazy people with guns don’t kill people only guns do.


All you need is to but 999 rounds of ammo and you will be safe


I look at it this way–the gun shops in NH, VT, and Maine are PACKED. Guns aren’t even staying on the shelves long enough to gather dust, even at markups 50-100 percent above what they were six months ago.

Don’t even get me started on the ammo sales. Just before Sandy Hook I went to Kittery Trading Post just over the border in ME and saw caseloads of loose .223, .22 LR, and .17 HMR, among others. Good luck finding ANY of it now.