CT’s new gun ban

| April 2, 2013

Old Trooper sends a link about the new scary gun ban that has been introduced in the Connecticut legislature yesterday.

The Connecticut deal includes a ban on new high-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 children and six educators dead. There are also new registration requirements for existing magazines that carry 10 or more bullets, something of a disappointment for some family members of Newtown victims who wanted an outright ban on the possession of all high-capacity magazines and traveled to the state Capitol on Monday to ask lawmakers for it.

The package also creates what lawmakers said is the nation’s first statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, creates a new “ammunition eligibility certificate,” imposes immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales, and extends the state’s assault weapons ban to 100 new types of firearms and requires that a weapon have only one of several features in order to be banned.

The newly banned weapons could no longer be bought or sold in Connecticut, and those legally owned already would have to be registered with the state, just like the high-capacity magazines.

Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, a Fairfield Republican whose district includes Newtown, said Republicans and Democrats have understood they needed to “rise above politics” when they decided to come up with a legislative response to the massacre.

“At the end of the day, I think it’s a package that the majority of the people of Connecticut I know will be proud of,” he said.

So, there’s a registration process for existing magazines over 10 rounds capacity and, apparently, background checks for folks buying ammo. Good going, Connecticut, be proud of yourselves for making folks who’ve owned those things for years into criminals. But the law doesn’t go far enough for some folks in Connecticut, according to NBC News in a link sent to us by Ex-PH2;

Families of the Newtown victims objected, sending a letter to legislative leaders Monday saying more children might have survived had Lanza been carrying smaller magazines.

Lanza “fired 154 shots in approximately 4 minutes, killing 20 children and 6 educators. Miraculously, in the time that it took him to reload in one of the classrooms, 11 children were able to escape and are alive today,” they said in the letter, which is reprinted below.

“We are left to wonder, what if the Sandy Hook shooter had been forced to reload not 6 times but 15 times. Would more children, would our children, be alive today?”

They want all magazines over 10 rounds capacity completely banned, not grandfathered.

The two people who are responsible for the Lanza murders are already dead – so why are they so intent on punishing all of the gun owners in Connecticut who didn’t participate in the Lanza murders? And I don’t think that reloading 15 times would have deterred Lanza’s spree – he was a nut. He had plenty of time to reload as many times as he wanted – there was no one to stop him. It was a gun-free zone.

I wonder how the folks who work at Colt feel about losing their jobs when the Connecticut manufacturer, one of the largest gun manufacturing companies in the world, picks up it’s marbles and goes somewhere else.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Country Boy

Idiots just painted a target on their citizens as being less prepared to defend themselves.


I hope Colt moves to Texas.

NR Pax

And then when the next shooting happens, CT residents will wail “How could this happen?” then come to the conclusion that new, stricter laws are the solution.

I hope Colt gets out while they still can.


Colt, Stag Arms, Mossberg….I hope they all pick up stakes and leave. The CT governor’s spokeschick already told Fox News that they really don’t want Colt in the state anyway.

Then when Colt, Stag Arms and Mossberg haul stakes for a business friendly state, the same suspects will be blowing snot bubbles about a) unemployment and b) those big, mean, uncaring corporations not sticking around to be abused but providing jobs for people.



How’s real estate in Maine these days?

Old Trooper

Colt and the rest of them probably won’t be leaving any time soon. It will be at least 2 years for them to find another home and move their manufacturing equipment, if they decide right now today. If they wait 6 months to a year to decide, then you are talking about 3-4 years down the road, which will make it less daunting than if they already had plans in the works and came out and announced it today.


I dont think that they will move, they will just not sell any of their products in CT.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

All of New England has become increasingly unfriendly not just to firearms manufacturers but manufacturers in general. That’s why Massachusetts has negative net migration and lost a congressional seat.

Laws like this make the news because of the Sandy Hook type events, but every day in New England more laws pass that restrict manufacturers ability to compete. While these little states like to dream that they can fund everything with biotech firms, insurance, and service jobs it’s not realistic to expect non-manufacturing firms to create middle class jobs. Biotech requires a highly educated, and currently small, workforces. Insurance has some white collar work and some low end paper pushing work, and the service industries are notorious for bottom scale wages….manufacturing supplies decent paying trade level wages. Lose that base of workers because you lose their employers and you change the nature of your economy for the worse.


As messed up as this sounds, anyone with a little training could have killed more kids with just 10 round magazines if they wanted to than he did with his magazines.


If memory serves me right they found 13 ten round magazines on Klebold and Harris’ bodies.


What? Maine has user-friendly gun laws.


The rangers up there are constantly going after poachers.

Here’s the problem with Connecticut. Most of the people who work in expensive jobs commute to New York City, where guns are a no-no, thanks to Mayor Bloomerbaggs. The yuppies want everything in their perfect world to be nicey-nice, so they live in some daydream world that doesn’t exist and they don’t like it when that ‘doesn’t exist’ thing confronts them. Then they want to punish everyone else for disrupting their daydreams.

It’s called living in denial. You can’t catch the bad guys, for various reasons, but you can take out your anger on everyone else around you.

Here’s a link to CT city-by-city crime rates.


If all the people who voted for that gun control bill moved back to New York City where they belong, it would probably empty out half the state.


“in the time that it took him to reload in one of the classrooms, 11 children were able to escape and are alive today.”
That’s a lie and they know it. Out of the six magazines he used, only three of them were fully emptied. He went into both classrooms with full mags. No other released details state otherwise.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@12 plus he was meticulous in the planning. If he only had 10 round mags he would have duct taped two together and brought more….no one wants to say that he would plan differently with different tools at his disposal, they just want to pass some law to make it appear as though something useful is actually happening which is not, in fact, the case.

He was deranged which was why shooting 5 year old kids was something to plan carefully and prepare for in his mind so as to kill as many as possible. Someone like that is not deterred by having to buy a few extra magazines to accommodate his requirement for non-stop lethality….

Old 21B

“…high-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 children and six educators dead.”

Just one time in a news story I would like to see them reference a case where the product being banned was used to defend a family rather than keep politicizing this tragedy.

A Proud Infidel

Has anyone asked these idiot politicians “WHAT ABOUT the bucketful of existing Gun Control Laws already in effect that were violated by that little vermin when he carried out his attack?”?



Not to preach to the choir, but I am going to do some simple research and prove that this letter is based on lies:


“A source familiar with the investigation said authorities believe that Lanza started walking toward the back of Soto’s classroom, where the bathroom was, when he noticed some of the children hiding under desks.

Lanza shot those students. At some point he stopped shooting, either because the Bushmaster jammed or he made an error reloading it, giving six children the opportunity to escape. Soto had placed another group of five children in a closet, where they were found alive by authorities.”

So at most, only six students escaped because he was reloading or, more likely because his weapon jammed.

A Proud Infidel

@16, BTT, Bushmaster, NO. Many of the reports after the attack stated that the AR15 was found afterward still in his Mom’s car. He never took it in with him!


And while we are asking cogent questions – if he fired 154 rounds in 4 minutes and emptied three magazines, spent one round killing himself (supposedly the only round fired out of one of the handguns) that is 91 rounds. What about the remaining 63-64 rounds? You going to tell me he was reloading them with stripper clips when he had three full magazines left? I don’t know a hell of a lot of hundguns with magazine capacities that high….


Posters here are discussing ballistics and logic like it makes a difference. That’s fine, as long as it’s understood that the agrument has already been lost. Those at the top intend to impose gun control on us now, in preparation for an outright gun ban later. The handwriting is on the wall. Read it.


Here, let me give you a prophesy:

When the cases being prepared now are presented to SCOTUS, they’ll end up overturning DC vs. Heller.


NH, Live Free or Die.
Though the noose is tightening.
And VT is still a no permit needed state.


David, according to the search warrants, he used six magazines. Three were found empty, while the other three had between 10-15 rounds left. Those were the discarded mags found in the school, he had many more on his person. In first person shooter style, he wasn’t worried about reloading half filled mags at a later point, all he cared about was having a full mag.

As for the “no AR-15” conspiracy theory, those early reports were wrong. To suggest otherwise it to call every single police officer on the scene and in the evidence chain of custody as well as the multiple medical examiners and assistants liars. Its just that, a weak conspiracy theory.


#4 FMR PAO -> can you provide a link to the spokeschick saying that? I would love to share it!

Common Sense

@6 – they’ll leave and I don’t think it will take that long. I’m sure they started the process and soon as their legislature brought the subject up.

Here in CO, Magpul is on their way out, HiViz just announced that they’re leaving, and Alfred Industries, a Magpul supplier who has been in Denver for over 65 years, said they would leave as well.

Magpul had offers from a dozen states which I’m sure included lots of incentives. Colt and the other CT manufacturers are probably in the same position. Lots of tax breaks, offers to pay moving expenses, etc. States that understand the economy would LOVE to have those jobs and that revenue.


That’s fine with me if the people of CT want to be victims. I’m sure if the law abiding ones get sick of all the nonsense, they’ll find the courage to move.

Maybe once the criminals in CT start killing a bunch of unarmed or ill-equipped citizens, maybe they’ll eventually get the message and a light-bulb will finally go on.


@22 – I was going from a US News report that stated he had a total of six 30-round AR15 mags. I have also seen the “the AR was left in the car” theories, but they all track back to one later-discredited news report. Kind of amusing – some of these folks HATE the media – until they happen to agree with it. Then the MSM is holy writ in that case.


@26 – Would you agree that the news reporting on what REALLY happened at Sandy Hook has been short of a debacle? I’ve yet to see anything accurate about what firearms were really used. Too much conflicting information.

Understandably, I’m confident authorities are still investigating but it’s not likely they’ll find a motive since the key witness(es) are deceased.

Not to change the subject, but has anything new come in terms of what really happened in Banghazi? I’m still fuggin’ waiting on that too.


@27 Re: Benghazi, the book will come out after Hillary and other top dogs have gone on, justin time for recreational light reading for your retirement. Kind of like reading all the transcripts of Nixon’s tapes. He’s dead, Jim! Grab the tapes!


@28 – So much for “transparency”, huh?

Well… one thing is for sure. Barry promised to “fundamentally change America”. That’s probably the closest thing to the truth he’s said.

(Makes me sick.)


#19 PintNag explains “gun control” as well as it can be. Our “betters” mean to disarm us. Do you: (1) Roll over and take it? (2) Do what is necessary to preserve our Constitutional rights? Everything beyond those 2 questions is irrelevant.


Notes to self:
– Keep tabs on various states’ gun laws through NRA-IL.

– Do not move to Connecticut unless all NYCers move back to NYC.

– Keep crossbow cocked, locked and loaded.


Mossberg is already on its way out. Moving to Texas I think. Told the employees they can keep their jobs if they move as well. Colt is a different creature here like S&W did recently they went Willy Wonka and just closed to the public.