Gun Control Rally meets gun owners

| March 29, 2013

From the misnamed Think Progress, a report about a rally held on a National Rally Day by the Mayors Against Gun Owners and the state chapter of Moms Demand Action in Indianapolis who were confronted by a counter-rally of gun owners who showed up armed with loaded long guns and hand guns;

Of course, that caused the moms to freak out;

A member of Moms Demand Action said that she felt unsettled by their presence and said that the organizers would have to think twice before holding another event, particularly one where children could be present.

Ya know, I almost felt for them for a minute until that line about “the children”. As if gun owners can’t control themselves long enough to not shoot children. I guess they’re such tempting targets, otherwise legitimate gun owners just can’t help but shoot some kids.

Ladies, grow the hell up. That’s probably the safest that any kids at the rally were in their entire lives. And that’s why your panties are all twisted up over an inanimate object in the hands of a trained and legal gun owner.

By the way, for the gentleman in the video, most of us don’t own those weapons for hunting and you can’t shame us into feeling guilty about owning those guns and not hunting with them. You need to grow up, too, fella. This isn’t about hunting rights, it’s about gun rights.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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B Woodman

Good on the dude carrying the flag to TRY (I doubt if it will stick) to educate the dude-of-color, that owning a gun is NOT about hunting. It’s about having the RIGHT to own a gun, no need to show a reason WHY you want to own one. That’s why the first ten Amendments to the US Constitution are called The Bill of RIGHTS, not the Bill of Show-a-Need.


Sorry that freedom scares you lady. Oh wait, no I’m not.

Seeing a bunch of women hyperventilating and asking for big papa government to save them is pretty hilarious.


Obviously, if you have a gun on your person, you have nefarious intentions afoot.


I’m thankful for people who think this has anything to do with hunting.

Its like they slapped an “I AM AN IDIOT” sign on there forehead.

Saves me time.


What percentage of these mommy’s little snowflakes will end up as socially-deviant miscreants versus those who were raised in pro-2A homes? These are probably the same people who hate dodgeball, want everyone to get trophies, and otherwise insulate their precious progeny from the harsh fucking realities of life until Junior is shoved out into the REAL world and gets eaten alive when it’s not as he was told it would be.

I’d be curious to see if there were any stats on that.


2d Amendment has 0 to do with hunting. Do you see an amendment in the bill of rights related to trapping beavers or fishing trout?

A Proud Infidel

It’s further proof that any search for logic and/or common sense among liberals WILL be in vain.

Army Mom

Those moms should be more concerned about their children going to any public school. My son once told me that he could get “anything he wanted” at his hich school – in Indianapolis. They should ask those scary people to instruct their children in gun safety.


It all boils down to, A bunch of people who are unarmed trying to disarm people who are armed. Because they MIGHT SHOOT some child in the future.
I bet women pushing strollers in Brunswick Ga. might disagree.
Why not take peoples cars away because they might run over a child in the future?


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