Michael Bloomberg; The American Napoleon
That petty tyrant up in New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is busy making idiot statements today. According to the Washington Times, he told NBC News that when he sees fit, he can suspend your rights;
“I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,” Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC. He made the statement during discussion of his soda ban — just shot down by the courts — and insistence that his fight to control sugary drink portion sizes in the city would go forth.
It’s no wonder that our founders wrote a Constitution to protect us from this type of government official. His grasp of the concept of inalienable rights granted by a Creator seems somewhat skewed or non-existent. In another Washington Times article, the billionaire claims that he has a responsibility to dictate to us what he thinks is acceptable behavior armed with his billions;
“I think I have a responsibility, and I think you and all your viewers have responsibilities, to try to make this country safer for our families and for each other,” he told host David Gregory on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “And if I can do that by spending some money and by taking the NRA from being the only voice to being one of the voices so the public can really understand the issues, then I think my money would be well spent, and I think I have an obligation to do that.”
That “only voice”, the NRA is actually the voice of millions of Americans – the only way, apparently that we can make our voices heard against the cacophony of the main stream media and the tyranny they support. So, I’m wondering where the civil rights lawyers are who would otherwise oppose another billionaire who tries to force his way on Americans in contradiction to the Constitution.
Clearly, little Mikey has a Napoleon complex and needs to be knocked down a few notches so his ego matches his height. Maybe some New Yorkers should lobby to remove his body guards’ weapons and see if he feels so mighty without the same protection he wants to deny the rest of us.
I’d love for Bloomberg to run against Bite Me in the 2016 primaries. That would be a blogger’s dream.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
“Infringe on your freedom”? Who died and made him God?
Doesn’t this clearly demonstrate that Bloomerbutt has delusions of grandeur and needs to be removed from office? For his own good, of course. He’s a looney tune.
I think Wayne LaPierre’s response was mild, to say the least.
When he isn’t busy being an idiot tyrant here, he runs off to Bermuda and his special treatment there.
Including guns for his bodyguards in an otherwise gun-free territory.
Obama; The Emporer…. Bloomberg; the Dictator in waiting.
He will eventually run into a wall of his own making. I hope. Unless he’s got a portrait in the attic.
I wonder what he’ll have to do to cause the uproar that he so desperately deserves? Talk about the luck of the devil.
Bloomberg is exhibiting the signs of what is politely termed megalomania:
Megalomania is an unrealistic belief in one’s superiority, grandiose abilities, and even omnipotence. It is characterized by a need for total power and control over others, and is marked by a lack of empathy for anything that is perceived as not feeding the self.
The most prominent example given in recent history was Hitler. You could probably include Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein in that, and maybe even the guy who started the Taliban.
PN, the uproar is coming.
He’ll take a big fall and there will be no net. Somewhere somebody has the tape recording or the video tape or the 8 x 10 glossies. Maybe he already bought their silence. I’m hoping not. “Hey, where’s that blue dress?”
So long as Bloomberg has money, he can do whatever he pays to do. The good thing is that Bloomberg now has to spend millions for every effort. He has no moral high ground on which to stand, but has to pay rent for the soapbox.
And at the end of the day, ordinary 9 to 5 folks who earn under 6 figures and are responsible, thoughtful, and think themselves free consistently defeat Bloomberg. A fool and his money are soon parted. That’s Bloomberg’s wall – he has to pay more and more to be heard.
Bloomersburger is yet one more example of out of control liberalism. It has come about by the lack of response to the absolute stupidity and lack of success of all liberal programs for the past 6 decades…
The Country Club republicans took over and decided that we should become a lighter version of liberalism.
In reality, our movement through organizations like the NRA and the Tea Party are our only salvation. The NRA led by Wayne La Pierre is doing the work that should have been done years ago by conservatives. Same with the Tea Party.
The appearance of the low-no information voter is truly the bane of our country.
They will continue to vote in the SOS until something happens to embarrass liberalism, although I could not imagine what could be worse than 90% of their voting public and representatives in the government…
Do not back down, be calm, be professional and go quietly amid the noise and haste knowing you are secure in your own beliefs.
Bloomberg, American billionaire scumbag extraordinaire. 2/17, I just hope it happens soon, laughing at his fall from grace is gonna be FUN!!
Mikey is a classic example of a narcissist who believe his own hype.
And here’s to us being able to see his very public and very humiliating “come to Jesus” moment.
@3-rb325th, Dictator? You left out the “k”.
Anne Coulter is asking why, if Bloomers is so concerned about public health, does he not shut down all those gay bath houses his city is famous for? They are known incubators of HIV/AIDS. It has been well documented that indiscriminate, unprotected, anal sex between males is the most effective means of transmitting this expensive-to-treat, lethal disease. And it’s completely attributable to irresponsible human behavior.
Yet Bloomers is moot on this particular health topic. Makes you wonder how much new York spends annually to keep gay AIDS victims alive. Bet you it’s a much higher figure per patient than treating diabetes.
Mute not moot. OFD strikes again…
He’s just as bad as George Soros. Ohhh but its okay because he’s “liberal.”
And how did he make all his money? Probably investing in companies that manufacture “sugary” drinks. Oh, by the way, many fruit juices are loaded with sugar as well.
George Soros claims to be a Socialist, but he’s not. a Socialist Billionaire is an oxymoron. He’s not a Socialist, he’s a Capitalist, he just wants everyone ELSE to be a Socialist.
Same goes for Bloomy. He doesn’t want anyone telling HIM how to live, because he’s “special” and he can do things for himself. But he expects everyone else to be infringed upon and do his bidding.
I just shake my head.
Oh and thanks for the final big laugh….that made my evening:
“I’d love for Bloomberg to run against Bite Me in the 2016 primaries. That would be a blogger’s dream.”
I bed SNL would have the highest ratings ever for the skits they did about debates between these two.
Throw the legacy governor Cuomo in that little “debate” and make it a 3-way, and I’d pay to see it.
Then I’d pay to see the look on their faces when the winner of that primary loses AT LEAST 48 states in the 2016 general election.
Speaking of Joe Biden, here’s some interesting info:
Fuck beans over half a million for one night stay in a Paris hotel???
Yet, our tuition assistance can’t be funded…
The question I can’t seem to answer is why Bloomberg and Cuomo keep getting elected? Are New Yorkers any dumber or more inclined to cashbox Liberalism that they vote to give away their freedoms without a second thought?
I just don’t understand it. This shitbag goes on national TV, pisses on the Constitution, and no one is beating his ass?
Eric, we’ve already had 4+ years of comedy gold from President 57 States, and his butt-buddy, Joe Bite-Me. And yet, SNL can’t find anything funny about them. What makes you think they’d do anything with Bite-Me and Doomberg?
Hell, Doomberg’s campaign against +16oz sodas or his campaign against salt would have been good for two or three shows worth of comedy, but I have yet to hear of SNL going close to either of those points.
Oh, and Joey blew over a mil in two nights. And, I read that the First Children are in the Bahamas for Spring Break. So, the government can afford to send them and the Secret Service off to the Bahamas, and Joey Bite-Me can drop a mil for two nights’ stay, but they can’t afford to open the White House for tours for the peasants?
Bloomerbraindead made his billions by building the Bloomberg News Network media corporation. He’s no longer head of that. I guess controlling a few thousands employees wasn’t sufficient for his megalomanic persona.
So I went digging for examples of the idiotic things that Bloomerbutt has been doing, such as the food Nazi thing and shipping the homeless out of New York.
For your enlightenment:
This one is from the NY Post, about the same thing, with a reference to a North Carolina prekindergarten child whose home-packed lunch was not considered nutritious enough by a teacher’s aide.
This is the article about the preschooler’s lunch being inspected and found wanting:
Note: this child was four. She didn’t like vegetables, she didn’t eat the school’s vegetables, and her mother said she gives them to her at home to make sure she eats them. Now I’m just asking when is some kid going to throw the school lunch in the teacher’s face and tell her off?
But in regard to Bloomerbags’ Busybody behavior, he also spent New Yorkers’ tax money in 2009 to ship homeless people out of New York and assumes that incoming people will come in on private jets and take a limo to the nearest homeless shelter.
And this link is all about Bloomie:
The more he runs his mouth, and the crazier things he says, the more likely it is that he is digging that big hole that people fall into when they go too far.
I’m actually in total agreement with the guy as far as the food industry killing us with all the shit and sugar they put in foods. His pompous acts of trying to restrict peoples choice are the markings of a petty tyrant. Educate kids about nutrition, put gym back in school. I would go as far as restricting people on SNAP from buying certain foods,
@19, SNL went to crap many moons ago. The only skit I have seen worth a crap was the United Way skit with Peyton Manning.
@21 – Old Dog, we have the choice of eating high-sugar foods. The required labeling shows the fat, sugar and salt content, the ingredients tell you what kind of fats (saturated, unsaturated, etc.). I have no issues with that. I make better choices that way.
But those are MY choices, not someone else’s dictates. Bloomberg is rapidly going around the bend on his rush to control everything and everybody.
Have to agree with Ex-PH2, Old Dog. The manufacturers making sodas and junk food aren’t exactly holding a knife to anyone’s throat and forcing them to drink/eat their products.
The person responsible for the long-term effects of overindulging in a legal product is the person consuming those products – not the manufacturer.
For anyone who wants to know what and how many executive orders have been signed by the incumbent lame duck, go to this site:
They are all listed there, going back to at least Bush II.
That way you can keep track of what goes on in those tiny minds in WDC.