Is This Really Serious or just another Y2K Fiasco?

| September 27, 2008

I have come to the conclusion that I am dead set against any kind of government bailout.

I have obviously not read the final proposal but it is a joke and we are getting soaked.

Why am I so convinced that this is little less than overt thievery? Because if it was really a crisis that could introduce the next great depression, no patriotic American would include language like this:

(1) DEPOSITS.-Not less than 20 percent of any profit realized on the sale of each troubled asset purchased under this Act shall be deposited as provided in paragraph (2).
(2) USE OF DEPOSITS.-Of the amount referred to in paragraph (1)-
(A) 65 percent shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund established under section 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4568); and
(B) 35 percent shall be deposited into the Capital Magnet Fund established under section 1339 of that Act (12 U.S.C. 4569).

First of all if it was really a crisis then the very men that brought it would not be writing the prescription. Remember there were no Waffen SS on the jury at Nuremburg; and there was a damn good reason for that.

The language above was inserted by Senator Chris Dodd who is so dirty in this whole mess that he probably should be investigated for corruption and fraud instead of writing the bailout.

When Democrats use the cover of “crisis” to work all weekend and insert loopholes to funnel millions, if not billions, to corrupt Democrat front machines such as ACORN, this is not a crisis. This is nothing less than a grand scheme to achieve income redistribution and funnel a ton of money that will be either stolen or used exclusively to push the Democrat socialist agenda.

This is not a financial crisis; this is an open bank vault.

If this is really a crisis then anybody supporting language like Dodd’s is 100% un-American. Yes, that is questioning your patriotism.

This is the kind of thing that McCain should be attacking loudly. And by loudly, I mean…


And frankly Senator McCain failure to do so makes you just as dirty as these thieves!

Category: Politics

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This may be a bit childish, but don’t you feel like we’re being hustled? All of sudden we’ve got these guys willing to work all weekend and all this “the sky is falling” rhetoric. And lots and lots of oh, we have to hurry and get this done and through and passed and — I just want to say, STOP. Ok, deep breath. Now — WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

509th Bob

GRAB your wallets and purses, folks! The Democratic-controlled Congressional Government is here to HELP! You need only to surrender every bit of cash that you had, or will ever have, so that your money can be funneled into the pockets of Democratically-controlled criminal enterprises like ACORN!

You sorry bastards wouldn’t give up your money beforehand, so now we’ll (the Democratic Party Controlled Congress) just rip it straight out of your paychecks.

By the way, we (the Democratic Party Controlled Congress, especially influenced by Barney Franks) want to rape you (the American public) in the anus. Bend over. Resistance is futile. Oh, is that Ron Paul over there unbuttoning his trousers? Yoo Hoo!, it ME, Barney! Ron, come over here! Help me out with this resisting Hetero!

Frankly Opinionated

That the Democrats are knee deep in this shitpile is not a surprise. What gives me pause is that there appear to be no Republicans throwing down on them. That John McCain realizes that America desperately needs him rather than Nobama is not a good enough reason for him to not start kicking ass and taking names. Are we so damned wimp that we can’t call a spade a spade anymore? I feel that those who know what is up are complicit merely by not exposing the crooks, and showing America just what has been done to get to this point.
Sheeesh, why can’t we have at least one politician get a spine implanted?
And,,,,,,,,,,when my trucking business failed in the early 80’s, the gummint was not there to bail me out and wipe my butt.
There is a very foul odor emanating from up there in DC.
nuf sed


At what point are we to say “this is enough”?

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice…And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
– Barry Goldwater, 1964 Republican National Convention

McCain’s actions these past two weeks have shown him to be an inept leader having either scant knowledge or complete disregard for the Constitution of these United States. Obama is, of course, a socialist who seeks to reshape the structure of government and the American way of life to his own warped design.

I feel that America is well on the road to decline. When this so called “bail out bill” passes, and the ownership of your investments usurped by your government – what then will you do? It’s only going to get worse and each of us must make a choice: 1) stay and fight; 2) leave and start over; 3) do nothing and become a slave to others.



No it is time to vote these punks out of office.

Have you seen the Roy Blunt’s side by side comparison of what Dodd et all wanted and what is in the bill (at the moment)

It shows how much influence the house GOP had on the final draft – for that you can thank John McCain.

richard wheeler

Not Y2K but check that 401K Jonn.Mac has final opportunity right here.What will he do?

Jonn wrote: There you go again, feigning sympathy and making assumptions about my personal life.

richard wheeler

No sympathy here. I got my own problems.Was recalling your blog that trumpeted your 401k’s performance and parroted Macs “strong economy” statement.


Shouldn’t a bailout be put out for a vote by the American Public? After all, it is OUR money that they want to spend on the people who aren’t responsible enough to pay their mortgage!