Clean, Articulate and Totally Empty

| September 27, 2008

Keeping in mind that the vast majority of Americans who will actually get off their ass and vote have already made up their minds, I watched the debate from a different perspective.

I’ll have to give round one to McCain, actually a fairly solid victory.

McCain came out slow but finished well; not too much surprised me from McCain. McCain lacks a killer instinct and missed several opportunities to crush the neophyte senator with a clue bat.

What surprised me most was how clearly flustered and frankly amateurish Obama came off. He failed to defend his near-trillion dollars worth of pork, his no-no-no energy policy and his tax policy which would be disastrous.

That was on the economic part.

On the national security/foreign policy part….

McCain stomped a mud hole in his puny ass and then walked it dry.

“Let me get this straight, we’re gonna sit down with Ahmadinejad and when he says he wants to wipe Israel off the map; we’re gonna say No you’re not”. Oh please!”

Then McCain caught Obama lying about Kissinger’s position and called him on it.

That’s the “inside baseball” view of someone who stays on top of politics.

None of this matters to the target; the undecided/independents. These voters look at these things much differently.

From this perspective, I agree with Charles Krauthammer, it was pretty much a non-event.

McCain did a poor job of talking to the camera (the folks) while Obama did a fairly good job of that.

McCain came across energetic and did not lose his composure or sense of humor while Obama appeared to get visibly angry at least once.

The end state was no great sound bites or huge gaffes, thus non-event.

I don’t think this debate will boost the polls either way.

The careful, measured tone of both of the candidates last night was likely viewed by most undecideds as boring. The viewership of the next McCain/Obama debate will struggle to achieve 50% of last night.

The October 2nd VP debate is now the game changer.

If Palin doesn’t vastly improve over her interview with Katie Couric, McCain is in big trouble.

On the other hand, Obama has to be terrified that his entire campaign could be in the hands (or mouth in this case) of Joe Biden.

It is likely that the most nervous people in America in October 2nd will be McCain and Obama.

Category: Politics

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John 5 (VN 69/70)

COB6, I agree with you. But I think it was disgraceful that Obama did not know the name of the soldier on his KIA bracelet, he had to look at it before naming the soldier. How do you wear that type of bracelet and not know the name that is on it.
I did kinda enjoy the SLAP that McCain gave Obama about the seal though.

“A veteran – whether active duty, retired, National Guard, or reserve… is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to and including my life”.
That is an Honor, and there are way to many people in this country who no longer understand it.” Author unknown


OhBummer sweated like a Democrat financier on the witness stand. He kept grimacing and making faces. He kept trying to interrupt and talk over McCain. This is an equivalent of the way he tries to handle negative interview programs flooding studios with calls to deny others the right to speak. Too many facts were wrong or just plain reversed for the occasion – like ht Kissinger business. He couldn’t remember even the name on his bracelet.
A lot of people who expected Mac to lose his temper seem to have forgotten that four years at teh Academy gives provides a degree in eating pressure while keeping your mouth shut. And five years as a POW must have raised that training to the post-doctoral level.

Frankly Opinionated

I watched it only to see just how they would come off. Each were very predictable. Nobama was flustered, and like most people who realize they are on the losing side of the debate , did a lot of interrupting, and talking over John. McCain was himself, and was very measured in his responses, even while being interrupted. He was the class act. Trying to think for the un-educated, I can see that either side would be called the winner. Nobama didn’t come prepared as usual, (like taking along a t-shirt to change into for a little basketball, eh?)
My polling place:
has veterans active in the McCain campaign. They want to show their support.
nuf sed


I think you called it well.

But, if Sarah Palin were to misquote Henry Kissinger, you’d find it on the front page of the Washington Post the next morning, with a screaming headline. And it would be styled a HUGE gaffe. The same is true for that economic plan that does not add up and the use of a name bracelet without knowing the name on it.

Right now, the vice presidential candidate from the Republican party is being held to a higher standard of performance than the presidential candidate from the Democratic party.

COB6 Wrote: You are absolutely correct. It is shameful but it is true.


“Right now, the vice presidential candidate from the Republican party is being held to a higher standard of performance than the presidential candidate from the Democratic party.

COB6 Wrote: You are absolutely correct. It is shameful but it is true.”
And completely business as usual for the MSM.


Do you really think Sarah Palin can’t out-debate Joe Biden? Come on. I could out-debate Joe Biden.

509th Bob

sarc on/

How do you out-debate Joe Biden? Given his history of lying, if he says he was born on Krypton and flown to Earth as a child, how do you refute that? The moron might even pull out a blue suit with a red cape! Should Governor Palin pull out a 30.06 rifle and shoot the buffoon to prove that he’s not Superman? Although I would personally enjoy that, that’s generally not considered a “proper” response. So, how do you shut down a congenital liar who can’t shut the hell up and quit lying?

The world awaits the answer.


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