Bloomberg buying America
Wayne LaPierre correctly pointed out this weekend that millionaire Michael Bloomberg, who the Washington Post calls “one of the 10 richest men in America” is trying to “buy America” with his millions as he spends the money on trying to impose his New York City nanny-statism on the rest of the country. The courts have already ruled that Bloomberg’s regime oversteps the bounds of what government should do, when he tried to limit the size of beverages there.
Wayne LaPierre as quoted in the Washington Times;
“He’s going to find out this is a country of the people, by the people and for the people, and he can’t spend enough of his $27 billion to try to impose his will on the American public,” Mr. LaPierre said. “They don’t want him in their restaurants, they don’t want them in their homes, they don’t want him telling what food to eat, they sure don’t want him telling what self-defense firearms to own, and he can’t buy America.”
Bloomberg has tried to tell New Yorkers what they can eat, he even has tried to tell women what they can do with their breasts in the privacy of their own homes. It’s the worst kind of statist behavior – one millionaire imposing his will on Americans – as if he is the embodiment of C. Montgomery Burns of the Simpson cartoon.
Bloomberg shows his total delusion in a quote from the Washington Post;
“I don’t think there’s ever been an issue where the public has spoken so clearly where Congress hasn’t eventually understood and done the right thing,” Bloomberg said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” adding: “I think we are going to win this. Celebrating in advance isn’t the right thing to do. We’ve got to go out — we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.”
Yeah, well, when you don’t tell the public what you really want, you’ll get the response that Bloomberg obviously is banking upon. Sure we all want 100% background checks, but when Bloomberg and Schumer fail to tell people that their idea of background checks leads to defacto registration. That there’s no way to prevent criminals and the mental defects who use guns illegally from getting their hands on guns because all of their legislation only threatens punishment for formerly legal gun owners and traders.
And criminals aren’t going to do background checks during their back-alley, car trunk sales anyway. So what’s their answer? Nothing but crickets, because easier to write laws that restrict the rights of the law abiding than it is to write laws that actually protect someone – all to bow down at the “do-something” altar of liberalism.
Yeah, I don’t like the idea of being dictated to by a millionaire New Yorker who is surrounded by armed body guards. But that’s me.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
The irony is that the same liberals that screech about the Koch brothers seem fine with Bloomberg.
…and Soros.
Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg. That’s at least half of the top 8 billionaires in the US that are using their vast wealth to push for greater Federal Govt control over the lives of “the peasants.”
Given the shift in American political beliefs (according to polls) on many issues, the short attention span of voters, and their propensity to fall for marketing and advertising, I will not rule out that Bloomberg’s Nanny State campaign will have no negative effect.
For 4 years, we’ve had a politician in chief, with his administration, who have lied and have contradicted themselves in the same speeches, and they still weren’t voted out.
Bloomberg was also quoted saying, and I’m paraphrasing, “the government has the authority to restrict your rights when it’s for the good of the people”. IOW; we’re in charge and we will tell you what to do and you have no rights.
He’s a tyrant, plain and simple.
Bloomerbat built his $27billion media network fortune by being a control freak. Andrew Morse is now the head of that worldwide corp.
That works fine in building a business, but does not translate well to a more amorphous environment like politics because you can’t fire the denizens of a city like New York. They don’t work for you. And they can fire you.
Notice that Buffett has chosen his successor, but hasn’t relinquished his position yet. He won’t let go until he’s in his grave. Soros is another control freak. His success comes from manipulating the currency market. Bloomerbutt, Soros, and Buffett are all old men.
What other billionaires have you seen dabbling in political science?
Eventually, they’ll be gone — one can only hope soonest — and this cycle that started with them ends. Yes, this is a cycle and they’re just the stuff that rises to the top of a boiling pot. All cycles come to an end. This one will end, too, and they can’t control that, either, any more than anyone can control the weather.
But aside from that, Bloomerbutt appears to fall more and more in the category of what you all call plain old ‘batshit crazy’. Think about it for a second. People in New York don’t like him, but it’s up to them to get rid of him.
Jonn – request a correction: Bloomberg is a billionaire, not a millionaire.
There is an inordinate amount of people today who believe the government is in fact the answer to all problems.
Because we have raised a generation of kids who have been overprotected from day one to the day they exit college, we should not be surprised now that those kids believe the government should protect them the rest of the way. We have made these kids the center of the universe, how many times a day do we hear the idiotic phrase, “think of the children”?
Why does this surprise anyone? We have not been raising a nation of tough, independent thinkers who rise to every challenge. Instead, in an effort to be kind and considerate we have raised a couple of generations of addle pated pansies who need mommy and daddy’s health care until they reach their late 20s…..
When you raise a nation of pussies don’t be surprised when they act like pussies….
Bloomberg speaks to these people now, and they respond because they have been conditioned to do so.
There is should be there are….
Doomberg also said that he wanted to control what the ER docs were prescribing to ER patients, cuz he knows best what’s good for everyone.
VOV, lighten up. They aren’t all like that.
If they were, there wouldn’t be those gangs of bored, restless kids who get online with each other and run a flash mob event through a shopping center.
Like many ultra-successful types, some of these billionaires use money as a means to power and since they have been “right” more often than not in business (hence the billions) naturally think they know better than the rest of us how to run our lives. Hey, if we were so damn smart, we’d be rich too, right?
“…Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg.” Hey, you left out people like the Koch brothers and Roger Ailes. I thought you conservatives believed billionaires deserved to spend their money any way they wanted. Remember “Citizens United”?
No, you just don’t like that it works both ways.
Joe … Joe … Joe … are you looking for an arguement here today?
Are you fishing for some stimulating discussion?
Well … we are not biting right now!
But thanks, just the same!
Nowhere did anyone say that Bloomberg should not be allowed his Constitutional Right to Free Speech, or that he should not be allowed to spend his own money in the endeavor.
What was said is that we also have a Right to Free Speech, and are freely exercising that right to say Bloomberg is a wannabe tyrant, whose opinions should be ignored by those that wish to retain their Own Rights, as well as protect the Rights of their neighbors, even their ideological opponents.
And what I am saying is that anyone that thinks these big-government types are “for the common man, for the working man” are freakin’ idiots.