Feinstein’s scary gun ban booted by Reid
According to Politico, Dianne Feinstein learned that her ban on scary-looking black rifles will not be part of the main gun control legislation in the Senate;
After a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday, a frustrated Feinstein said she learned that the bill she sponsored — which bans 157 different models of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines — wouldn’t be part of a Democratic gun bill to be offered on the Senate floor. Instead, it can be offered as an amendment. But its exclusion from the package makes what was already an uphill battle an almost certain defeat.
Of course, its only because Reid remembers the 1994 midterms when the Democrats lost the majority in Congress for the first time in more than 50 years mainly because of the so-called assault weapon ban. Politico continues to speculate on whether or not Chuckie Schumer’s background checks legislation will be included in the package bill;
A universal background checks bill with no exemptions was offered by Schumer in the Judiciary Committee and approved by the panel with only Democratic support. But it will not be part of the basic bill that comes to the floor, Democratic insiders said.
There are additional versions of background checks bills being floated — and Manchin may soon introduce a version based on the talks with Coburn — but which one will get Reid’s blessing is up in the air.
Whether these bills are passed or not, the damage to Democrats has been done. Gun owners might have fallen for the constant “we’re not coming for your guns” line we’ve heard over the past 12 years, but i don’t think they’ll fall for it again next year. The Democrats showed their hand in the post-election months and sooner or later, they’re coming for our guns.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
It couldn’t happen to a nicer senator, now if only her electorate can come out of its coma and replace her….
eh, all there are going to do is let the UN pass some kinda crap treaty banning firearms. It all sounded good, until they woke up and realized how many marxacrats Sen were going to be unemployed…
Just watch, they’ll try to slip Feinstein’s piece in at the last minute, in the middle of the night, buried in some obscure language.
VOV (#1), you give the voters of the People’s Republic of Kalifornia too much credit, these are the same people that keep re-electing Pelosi. Feinstein and Pelosi are both aging crones approaching 80 years of age whose only priority seems to be causing as much damage as possible to our freedoms and the economy.
What they would do that…./sarc
Let’s see. The UN allows massacres just outside the wire on their bases in Africa because of jurisdictional concerns, but we are going to let them decide our firearms policy? Yeah, I don’t think so, Skippy.
As for Senator Bride of Franken-stein, the reason she keeps being elected is because she spreads money around her district. If it weren’t for the cash, they might elect someone who has a good idea (or at least has something other than a rotting spleen in their head).
Blue helmets make such NICE targets. . . . .
Just sayin’.
Being a resident of the People’s Democratic Republic of Kalifornia its almost impossible to withold the rage and frustration of the conservative voters here. Fienstien and Boxer are dug into the Senate like Alabama ticks on a hound dog’s balls. During elections they outspend their opponents about 20-1 and have the press, unions and education system in their pockets. The only good thing is both these bags are older than dirt. They have to get painted up like dime-store monkeys to look like they are under 55.
Sorry the above comment was mine,
Feinstein and Pelosi have become the pearl clutching progressives of their generation.
@8 – Neither of them looks 55 any more. Their addictions to plastic surgery and botox and semi-permanent hair coloring are losing their effectiveness. Let them keep making stupid remarks that get published. The more they yack, the dumber they sound.
VOV–stones, glass houses, shit like that. Remember, MA sent a MURDERER back to the Senate for over 40 YEARS after he left Mary Jo to drown while he sobered up.
But Ditzy Dianne, San Fran Nan, and the idiots who keep sending them back to DC for decades keep reminding my why I left CA and never looked back.
Jonn–ONE of the issues which led to the defeat and party swap of the House in 1994 was the AWB. There were other issues, to be sure–what was at the time the largest tax hike in history, the evisceration of the military started under Bush (peace dividend) which was carried out on steroids under Clinton, the mere proposal of Hillarycare, etc.
And yet less than two decades later the moochers and looters are willing to bend over and spread wide for their liberal masters provided their Obamaphones and food stamps keep coming.
How I weep.
Let’s not forget that the dhimmirats are best known for back door deals and sneaking things in at midnight )remember the Congressional pay raises). WE HAVE TO stay vigilant, if Tonto were alive today, he’d tell us “Liberal man and woman speak with forked tongue.”
2. NEVER turn your back on a liberal.
Y’all might wanna check to see what has been introduced along side S150. Any bets that they pass everything but a very small portion of what she proposed? There still will be restrictions piled upon restrictions, but it will be another form other than S150.
So far, there is no win for we who understand the meaning of the words, “shall not be abridged.”
But…but…(sniff)…she’s been working on it for a year! All that hard work, all those speeches, all those hopes for a legacy….all gone, Poof! Bwahahahahahahah. Ding-dong, the wicked witch’s bill is dead…
OWB, it’s been dumped.
“Why is the ban being dropped? According to Democratic leaders, it has no chance of passing — and if it were included, Democrats wouldn’t even be able to bring it up on the Senate floor for debate.”
MSNBC article: http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/19/17373761-assault-weapons-ban-dropped-from-senate-bill?lite
Doesn’t mean she won’t try again, assuming she’s still alive next time around. Take a close, hard look at her hands in the still photo down the page, and her eyes, too. She is showing her age in both those spots. I don’t care how much she dyes her hair, gets a nip or tuck, or gets botox. She’s showing her age. She’s 80.
Now your just being mean…DF is still “only” 79 – young pup (Birthday in June). Plenty of time to continue pursuing her liberal agenda to disarm America. If history is any guide DF ain’t leaving anytime soon…something like a hundred or so U.S. Senators have served into their 90s and a few into their century mark. BTW I think only Frank Lautenberg has DF beat in age in the Senate.
Devtun, she’s an old bag.
Ex-PH: That is only one part of the bill. There are other aspects to the bill and other bills. All of them have some nasty stuff in them, most if not all of which will eventually be declared unconstitutional, if they manage to make it to the supremes while there remain enough folks there who undertand the US Constitution.
This is the same tactic that they always employ, and exactly how they have watered down our freedoms thus far. They propose something so radical that it is rejected. Meanwhile, they pass something else, which is also restrictive, punitive, or whatever, which appears better than the original but is still unacceptable. Rinse and repeat. It takes longer, but eventually, incrementally, they get everything that they had originally proposed.
It’s all smoke and mirrors.
@19 You’re right. A similar process occurred in my home state (pause as I bow my head in shame) of NY. The buzz is the reason that we ended up with this ludicrous 7 round limit (which I sincerely hope is challenged on constitutional grounds) is that the left wanted even fewer rounds. A 4 or 5 shot limit would never have passed but when you make your offer so ridiculous and extreme and you get an amoral, power grubbing narcissist to champion your cause, reasonable people end up actually being relieved with a compromise of 7 because its not quite as bad as it could have been.