Coming for our rocket launchers

| March 4, 2013

I see in the bill introduced last week in the House, (H.R. 437) that Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D-NY4] has decided to crack down on rocket launchers, or at least shotguns that can have a rocket launcher attached to it. So, in case you didn’t think they know what they’re talking about, you can rest assured that they most certainly do.

All semiautomatic shotguns that have a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; pistol grip; fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 5 rounds; ability to accept a detachable magazine; forward grip; grenade launcher or rocket launcher; or shotgun with a revolving cylinder.

I guess I missed that Feinstein’s bill also bans rifles with rocket launcher adaptation features, too.

All semiautomatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine and have at least one military feature: pistol grip; forward grip; folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; grenade launcher or rocket launcher; barrel shroud; or threaded barrel.

So, I guess that, if I don’t mind getting my face burned off, I can still attach a rocket launcher to my bolt action rifle or my single-shot shotgun and that would be fine. At this point, I’m wondering if they even know how rockets work.

At least it looks like they’ve backed off from registering grandfathered weapons. McCarthy’s bill allows transfers of weapons to family members, whereas Feinstein’s bill would require a background check. However, both bills prohibit the sales or transfer of all grandfathered magazines. Basically, they’ll give the farm away just to pass any old bill that bans pistol grips, flash suppressors and bayonet lugs. And firearms that have rocket launchers attached to them.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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You didn’t know that they attach a L shaped tube on the back of the rocket launcher to direct the back blast away from the gun owner?


Next week they’re going to ban Dungeons and Dragons because RPGs are dangerous weapons that civilians shouldn’t have.


There needs to be an IQ Test given for Congressman and Senators. F’ing idiots trying to ban shit that doesn’t even exist….

Zero Ponsdorf

OMGOMGOMG My potato gun is taboo?


@2 DAMN IT, MALCLAVE!!! I almost spit my coffee all over my computer. LOL!!!

Just an Old Dog

I think she’s watched “Starship Troopers” too many times.


So that means this weekend’s moon launch is off?

B Woodman



They need to ban that rubber mallet that she uses to pound sand up her ass. IQ in their case is idiot quotient.


USA Today had an article today that said ATV deaths are declining to somewhere around 700+/year. This contrasts with statements by Diane Feinstein that “assault rifles” have been used in about 350 deaths since the previous ban expired (10 years+/-).

In other words, ATV’s kill 20x as many people every year, than do “assault rifles.”


I wonder if Baracka plans on doing something about medical errors? “An average of 195,000 people in the USA died due to potentially preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, according to a new study of 37 million patient records that was released today by HealthGrades, the healthcare quality company”.


He is doing something about them, increasing the number; only real result when more and more people overwhelm an already strained system.


I’m going to change my name to Foldingstock Rocket Launcher.

I want to see how long it takes Them to catch on.


Fuggin’ retards – all of them. Isn’t it time to vote for new senators and congressfolk yet? This is beyond stupid ass nonsense.

Just Plain Jason

Do a google search for “thing that goes up in the back” and this r-tard comes up. That is her definition of a barrel shroud. Genius!


I thought a barrel shroud was the cover for a rain barrel.


Wow… I think they are centerfuging their weapons-grade stupid because it seems to be getting worse…

CI Roller Dude

I want one!

Just Plain Jason

You know I wonder if someone has informed her of the dangers of rocket propelled grenade launcher launchers with barrel shrouds? I hear that gangs have them these days?


Can I keep my potatoe cannon?


She didn’t say she’d be banning rocket launchers that are attached to rocket launchers did she?


Do slingshots count as rocket launchers?


Stinger Eject Motor – saved our faces. 🙂


@16, I thought that the barrel shroud was that piece of cloth that had the image of the gun burned into it as it ascended into Heaven.


Twist: 🙂


You guys should like this.

It’s a very real grenade launcher, not a toy.

The Lurker Formerly Known As Curt

If any of you guys have a spare 1911 mounted rocket launcher and ya need a few extra bucks, I gotta get one of those so I can get it grandfathered…


…might need a bayonet for it too…