A Hugo Chavez Update

| March 2, 2013

Been a bit since I’ve posted anything about our “good friend” and Communist leftist extraordinaire Hugo Chavez.  So I thought today would be a good day to do that.

Chavez’s Vice-Dictator President, Nicolas Maduro, continues to publicly claim that Chavez is making a “difficult and slow recovery”.  As they have for weeks, Chavez opponents are questioning the veracity of those claims. And Spanish newspaper ABC has added fuel to the fire by reporting that Chavez’s cancer has “spread to a lung” and that Chavez has been “moved to an island compound in the Caribbean”.  (ABC did not identify their sources.)

(Author’s note:  the linked ABC article is in Spanish.  My Spanish is so rudimentary as to be virtually nonexistent, but I’m pretty sure this is the correct article – I recognize “medicos”, “isla”, and “células cancerígenas”, and I’m pretty sure that “tumoración pulmonar” translates as “pulmonary tumor”.)

Predictably, Maduro has castigated Chavez opponents, ABC, and a Colombian media network (Caracol) for “spreading lies” about Chavez’s condition.  However, Maduro hasn’t been particularly consistent himself regarding Chavez’s condition, either.  Two days ago, Maduro indicated publicly that Chavez was “fighting for his life”.   And he’s made that same “fighting for his life” statement about Chavez previously.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Hugo.  It appears to be preparing to toll for thee.

– – –

Update:  I found a web service to translate the ABC newspaper article.  That’s indeed the correct one.  It specifically claims the new tumor is aggressive and now involves 35% of Chavez’s left lung.  It further claims Chavez’s immune system is severely degraded; that Chavez also has abdominal metastatic lesions; that Chavez is receiving palliative care; and that he was moved to allow his family to be with him and react on short notice.

If any of that is accurate, that’s not good news for Hugo.  If all of it is accurate, well . . . .

Category: Hugo Chavez

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Knut Holt

Undergoing Tough Chemotherapy They Now Say.

That can explain that he does not meet visitors or show up. By the toughest type of chemotherapy, the immune sytem gets erazed, and must be retransplanted.

In the meantime the patient must be totally isolated from the surroundings and get high doses of antibiotics.


Like usual the os (over-seas) news has more in it then the american version of the news. Been reading the same off other news channels since late summer. He must be getting some good treatments, he’s lived longer with cancer then any other victium. Never have been able to get news out of Cuba, except for the Party.


“metastatic lesions” = spreading throughout his body.

He may still be alive, but it’s only a matter of time.

2/17 Air Cav

He’s either dead already and they’re buying time or he’ll be dead inside of two weeks. This sounds like hospice care and the short notice to family means his time is near. I’m guessing that Sean Penn has already made reservations for the state funeral and has ordered the floral arrangement. Adios.


@#4, don’t forget, Danny Glover will be there for his old pal, Hugo, too. Maybe Harry Belafonte can entertain?

B Woodman

Couldn’t be happening to a nicer dictator. Bad news for Hugo, possibly good news for the country.

And as for Sean, Danny and Harry, revoke all their passports while they’re at the funeral. Let them live in their socialist Communist paradise and leave the rest of us alone.

AW1 Tim

It’s not very Christian to wish someone a slow and extremely painful demise, but I’m not a Christian, so…..

For all the misery and terror he’s been responsible for, his slow and painful death will never be able to balance the scales. But, it’s a start.

Frank G

“he’s dead, Jim”

2/17 Air Cav

Would it be terribly uncivilized to pick a kick-off date for Chavez? It will be very soon so we might have to pick a time of day as well or we’ll have too many winners.

2/17 Air Cav

I checked with Vegas. Fast Frankie’s line is as follows:

March 2…..9-2

March 3…..4-1

March 4…..7-2

March 5…..6-5

March 7…..2-1

March 8…..5-1

March 9…..10-1

March 11….15-1

March 12….20-1

March 13….40-1

Field (i.e., Any date after March 14)…99-1

2/17 Air Cav

ODDS BOARD CORRECTION. The field bet is any date AFTER 13 March

2/17 Air cav

@12. The actual odds on the field may be greater than 99-1. There’s a two digit limit on a tote board. The actual odds TODAY are closer to 115-1, according to Fast Frankie. Of course, odds aren’t static and each day Hugo doesn’t croak will affect the odds.

Jerry Duke

Maybe Penn, Belafonte and Glover could hitch a ride with Obama on Air Force One. Oops, I forgot, Obama is “sequestered”. Guess we can’t afford to send them after all.

Just an Old Dog

He’s in Stable condition: DEAD.


I’m just awaiting the tear filled eulogy by comrade penn.


I have a bottle of bubbly, a good cigar, and some Single Malt Scotch ready for when the news of his assumption of room temperature is posted!!


Popcorn and Diet Coke, Polish sausages w/trimmings — just waiting for the news on it.

D’you think Madonna will sing “Don’t weep for me, Venezuela”?


@#19, Ex, what are the odds that one of the libs on Broadway will come up with a musical titled “Hugo”? They loved them some Eva, I’m sure that they’ll pen a love fest for Hugo.


“Die you gravy sucking pig”