Eighth century justice

| May 14, 2007

According to an AP story on the Fox News Channel website, al Qaida in Iraq explains that they abducted the three US troops this weekend in retaliation for a rape and murder of an iraqi girl last year;

“You should remember what you have done to our sister Abeer in the same area,” the statement said, referring to five American soldiers who were charged in the rape and killing of 14-year-old Abeer Qassim al-Janabi and the killings of her parents and her younger sister last year.

Now, keep in mind that none of these troops are involved in the case, the three who were involved have pleaded guilty. So what the Hell is this about? Just an excuse.

Let American forces treated every Iraqi, or every Arab, as if they were al Qaida, imagine the outcry. And I’ll betcha that al Qaida would do their share of murdering of young Iraqi girls given the opportunity.

al Qaida has also made a demand that the US forces stop looking for their captured brothers immediately. Here’s why;

[One Iraqi man] said the fighting began at about 3:30 a.m. and lasted for about 30 minutes. The officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to security concerns, said the coalition’s search operation in the region has detained more than 100 suspects. The U.S. military did not immediately comment on the report.

Just like their judgement of the result of the 9-11 attack, the 8th century barbarians misjudged our reaction to this ambush and abduction. This statement indicates that they don’t realize that Democrats aren’t in control of ground operations in Iraq. The generals wouldn’t stop the search even they were ordered to stop – I guess al Qaida missed the part of “Black Hawk Down” where no one was left behind.

The Washington Post reports that;

About 4,000 U.S. soldiers, backed by Iraqi troops, searched homes, palm groves and farmland on Sunday for the three missing American soldiers. The attack occurred in an area, known as the Triangle of Death, that has long been considered a breeding ground for Sunni insurgents.

Iraq’s deputy prime minister, Barham Salih, told CNN that “indications are that al-Qaeda and its affiliate organizations are responsible for this attack.”

So I wonder if Nancy Pelosi, et al. are willing, at this point, to admit that al Qaida might actually be in Iraq.

Category: Terror War

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