Baghdad Leon on Algeria

| January 18, 2013

I think I heard this same speech coming from a palace rooftop in Baghdad back March of 2003;

“Terrorists should be on notice that they will find no sanctuary, no refuge,” Panetta said in his speech at King’s College in London. “Not in Algeria, not in North Africa, not anywhere.”

Panetta said he is working very closely with the British government and other countries to determine exactly what is happening in Algeria. He met with British Prime Minister David Cameron after the speech for about 45 minutes, focusing largely on the situation in Algeria and Mali, where French forces have intervened to push back militants who control large swathes of the country.

Well, as long as he met with Cameron after the speech, I’m sure Panetta will get this all straightened out before he jets back to California with half of the Pentagon for the weekend. It’s good news that they’re sending aircraft to Algeria to evacuate the hostages…the ones they can find, anyway. Depending on where you get your news, apparently some are saying that as many as 20 hostages are missing.

Panetta on Wednesday called the hostage situation a terrorist act, and Pentagon spokesman George Little indicated it may be the work of al-Qaida.

“If you’re looking at an attack in this part of the world of this scope and magnitude, then al-Qaida has to be near or at the top of your list of suspects,” he said Thursday evening.

So, did Secretary Obvious check with the White House before he called it a “terrorist act” or is some State Department functionary going to go on the Sunday shows and say it’s too soon to tell? And I thought al Qaeda was in it’s death throes. That’s what the zombie ninja robot surge was all about wasn’t it? The drones cut off the head of the al Qaeda serpent, Biden told us.

“No one nation can shoulder the burden for our collective security alone,” he said.

Yeah, and they can send in the Algerian special forces to kill all of the witnesses. Maybe all of these attacks on our interests are the result of this administration acting like a bunch of pussies who think that words can defeat terrorism.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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“Maybe all of these attacks on our interests are the result of this administration acting like a bunch of pussies who think that words can defeat terrorism.”

Oh come on now. While we can argue whether the current administration’s policies are effective or not, the terrorists have their own agenda and are on a mission from Allah — they’d be attacking our interests no matter what. Even if we had President Lilyea and a bad-ass mentality of terrorist-killing, they’d still attack our interests.

When you believe you’re on a mission from god, not much else matters. Doubly so when if you die while serving that mission, it’s viewed with reverence.

John Kidle

Probably saw that movie that got everyone pissed off in Benghazi.


Anonymous: to an extent, you are correct. However, it’s significantly more difficult for the terrorists to recruit if everyone knows we will strike back swiftly and disproportionately than if we appear weak. Not everyone on a “mission from God” has a wish to be an immediate martyr.

The Soviets knew that, and acted accordingly. Google “Alpha Group” to see at least part of the reason why the Soviets had precious few terrorist incidents directed against them.


“(I)t’s significantly more difficult for the terrorists to recruit if everyone knows we will strike back swiftly and disproportionately”. You mean, just like the U.S. did after Benghazi? Oh, never mind.


Dang! Subs hitting fishing boats, minesweepers attempt to sweep a rock, Bengahzi, Egypt now Mali.
That Obama though, one thing about him he is consistent when it comes to the FAIL.


Hondo–true dat. Wonder why the Chechens have been so quiet of late?