Do Marines have weight standards?

| November 19, 2012

Old Grouch sends us a link to this fellow who seems to be in competition for the “Roundest Marine” with our old buddy the “Round Marine“. It entirely possible that Romeo Martinez was a Marine at one time, but I doubt very much that he was ever a lieutenant of Marines.

Another possibility is that he may have swallowed whole a lieutenant, or there’s a lieutenant buried in one of his chin folds;

It’s reassuring that there’s someone for everyone.

No one gets a USMC tat without having actually been a Marine, right?

Category: Phony soldiers

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Bringer of Rain

Obviously this fat turd was never in our beloved Corps… Even boots know that if you are going to get an idiot stamp, the anchor on the EGA faces inboard… I would love to burn/cut that ink off of his flabby, disgusting arm.


@100 if ya have the FOIA, post it. why do you hide behind an anonymous tag? Jonn has made his DD-214 public to anyone that asks