AP covers for hacker

| September 19, 2008

Michelle Malkin has been all over the email theft of Sarah Palin’s personal email (links here and here) and last night Ms. Malkin wrote about an email exchange between AP reporter Ted Bridis and a reader in which Bridis blames Ms. Palin for the breach.

If Gov. Palin hadn’t been using a consumer-level Yahoo! account (more than one, actually) this crime wouldn’t have happened because the hacker exploited the service’s “forgot-my-password” mechanism, which is inherently insecure.

Well, it also wouldn’t have happened if the Washington Post hadn’t broadcast her email account either.

I wonder how defensive Mr. Bridis would be if the “hacker” was someone like, oh, say Rusty Shackelford of The Jawa Report and the “hackee” was some scumbag terrorist plotting to blow up New York City?  I wonder who Bridis would pin the blame on then.

Category: Politics

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Frankly Opinionated

The liberal way- If the person hadn’t been there,,,,,,if the person hadn’t dressed that way,,,,,,, if the store hadn’t had all that money in the cash register,,,,,,if the person hadn’t put the yellow ribbon on his/her car,,,,,,,,. The left absolutely refuses to see that the guilty are responsible for their actions. When something goes wrong in their world, the first thought is of “Who can we blame this on?”.
For instance, a liberal school friend from waaaaaaay back and I were in conversation. He says it is Bush’s fault that Michigan is in the tank. I illustrated that Michigan has been in recession for 11 years because of its own doing. Nooooooooo, Michigan is in trouble today because of Bush. I guess all the years before Bush didn’t contribute. They just won’t own up to their own crimes.
These guys took responsibility for their actions:
Team Eglin is hosting a POW/MIA event on Friday, 19 Sep, 0900, at the Air Armament Museum. We have approximately 65 POW/MIAs and/or their families in the area. Our most visible being Col Bud Day.
Where I will be this AM.
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