Obama Camp

| September 19, 2008

Yesterday Gateway Pundit wrote that Obama was telling a crowd of supporters in Elko, Nevada to “get in their face” referring to Obama opponents and voters who haven’t fallen for the empty rhetoric. Well, today I got an email from my new BFF, Sheila O’Connell, the Maryland State Director of the Obama campaign inviting me to go to “Obama Camp”;

By participating in Camp Obama, you’ll get the kind of experience that Barack got as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago, where he learned that real change happens from the bottom up.

That experience transformed Barack’s life and made him who he is today.

What’s that tingling in my leg? Here’s a screen capture of the email;

Yeah, I know it’s Camp Obama, but Obama Camp sounds more descriptive. Here’s your chance to experience a bit of Obama’s life for yourself…and be brainwashed. It seems to me to be a bit too cultish…and a little bit like Kramers’ Real Jay Peterman Fantasy Tour. If they start passing out blue jogging suits, clompy Nike sneakers and Baby Three Musketeer bars, I’d be out of there.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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What, no Kool-Aid? But wait — are there T-shirts?


I would be even more concerned if they started wearing brown shirts and flair.
This is how Marxism attempted to completely usurp the United States.

Raoul Deming

It’s “J Peterman” not “Jay Peterman”.

It’s a peace protest rule that to qualify for “Drum Circle” your drum has to be (1) an empty 5 gallon spackle bucket, (2) ordered from a J Peterman catalog, or (3) a prcious cultural artifact though purchased was really stolen from exploited people of color in a third country, preferably Africa.

Understand one thing, Barry plans that everyone goes to Obama camp, supporters before the election and everyone else afterwards should he win…


[…] Obama Camp valorguardians.com […]


My sons love camp! Right now, one is at a camp in Parris Island. Maybe when that’s over, he and his buddies can go to Obambi camp. His older brother camped out in the Baghdad airport for a few months. Can he and his friends come to the camp too? Pro’bly make a bunch of people uncomfortable but isn’t camp all about meeting different people and getting to know them? Somebody bestter beef up the camp food supply; my sons and their friends eat a lot.


Hello Muddah, Hello Fadda…here I am at…Camp Obama..

Ringo the Gringo

I’ve received Camp Obama invitations at least three times over the past 6 months.

And, yes there are shirts: http://www.rotemgear.com/cgi-bin/store/cpshop.cgi/colortees.rotemgear-259977673.-.14+camp-obama-light-t-shirt.html


$23.99 for a t-shirt “in living color and black” — uh, NO!!

I’ll stick with the t-shirt I have that says ARMY “in living gray and black”.

Frankly Opinionated

“$23.99 for a t-shirt “in living color and black” — uh, NO!”
Well maybe if it is from my online shop and supports John n Sarah.
If Nobama can get his link in here, I am sure that Jonn will allow this one, this one time:
Go there and see how I support America Loving Americans.
And, just to gloat a little: Today I was privileged to shake the hand of a Medal of Honor holder- Col. Bud Day; who among other exploits, was once John McCain’s cell mate.
Better than that warm, fuzzy feeling that Nobama offers those who attend his dumb camp.
nuf sed


Maybe the Young Obamists will also get a red kerchief?
And learn to recite:
“Obama lived. Obama lives. Obama will always live!”
“Obama is always with us.”
“From each according to hs gullability, to each according to his greed.”


Am afraid I’ll have nightmares tonight about Obama Camp, with a Michelle Camp for those that “don’t go along with the program”.

Ohhhh, bad thoughts, bad thoughts!!!!

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

I got the same email today out of the blue from the brainwashed dumbocrat in charge of the obama dog and pony show here in MA!

My guess is they’re targeting not only other brainwashed dumbocrats, but Independents as well (I’m an Independent).

While I LOVE the freedom of being an Independent, my mailbox does tend to collect a lot of junk mail from BOTH parties during election season!


Bottoms up!


I’ll go it they teach me how to steal $3-4 million from the taxpayers and make them think I’m a hero. $150 million + went down the tube through Hussein and his friends and Chicago ended up with a hundred dollar gazabo. He makes Je$$ie and $harpton look like pikers.

Marooned in Marin

I got the e-mail on August 22nd, so I knew about this the next morning before I’d received the official e-mail saying Biden was the choice for running mate.


Why don’t these assclowns ever email me? I’d have so much fun scaring the shit out of them with my responses.