Democrats discuss unringing the bell

| May 4, 2007

According to S.A.Miller in today’s Washington Times, Democrats are looking for another way to surrender to Islamofacist terrorism;

“The 2002 authorization to use force has run its course,” said Sen. Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia Democrat and chairman of the Appropriations Committee.
    He announced the planned legislation jointly with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a New York Democrat who serves alongside Mr. Byrd on the Armed Services Committee.
    “It is time — past time — to decommission this authorization and retire it to the archives,” Mr. Byrd said on the Senate floor. “The president must redefine the goals and submit his plan to achieve them to a thorough and open debate in the Congress and throughout the country. That is the American way.”

I guess they figured that the President’s veto didn’t absolve them of their 2002 vote for the use of military force against Saddam Hussein like they planned – so they’re just going to unring that bell. 

Why would they, the day after they pledged to work with the President after he vetoed their first Capitulation Proclamation, decide to take another run at the surrender route? Easy. They climbed in bed with Cindy Sheehan,, the KosKids, and ignorant oafs like Eugene Robinson and they’ve staked their political futures on being anti-George Bush and because they’re tied to the uneducated, emotion-driven drama queens of the Left and there’s no room for compromise with those emotional, intellectually-vacant freaks.

   “There is nothing off the table — including timetables. Nothing,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat.
    His words were directed at peace activists who have unleashed their wrath against Democratic leaders in Congress for indicating that they will back down from Mr. Bush and nix a troop-pullout timetable from the war funding bill.
    “If they prove unable to stand up and do the job they were elected to do, there is no telling what will happen next [election] time,” said Dana Balicki, national organizer for Code Pink, a feminist group opposing the war in Iraq.
    “It’s about what you do, not what you say,” she said. “We will hold them accountable.”
    Cindy Sheehan, the activist who famously picketed the president at his Texas ranch, says her least favorite politician now is Mrs. Clinton because of her “unflinching support of George Bush’s war.”

What’s that old saw about laying down with dogs? It’s all about holding on to their political cash now – having money for the 2008 election is more impoartant than our National Security.

Meanwhile, over in the House, they’ve settled in to their own set of schemes, according to Anne Flaherty of AP;

In a closed-door leadership meeting Thursday, Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., suggested that the House guarantee funding of the war only through July. The bill would provide additional money after that point, but give Congress a chance to deny those funds be used if the Iraqi government does not meet certain benchmarks.

Two months of funding at a time. Good job, nimrods. How brave of you all. And since the terrorists know know they only have to wait a couple of months, or they only have to fight a couple of months and sacrifice a few thousands of their jihadists to make it appear as if they’re stronger than they are, failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Anyone remember Tet of ’68? The Viet Cong were nearly wiped out – their losses were so bad that they ceased being an effective fighting force for the remainder of the war in Vietnam. But because they’d fought so tenaciously, the media thought they still had fight left in them and declared the war unwinnable – a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Elsewhere on the web, Captain’s Quarters’ Ed Morrissey writes about Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari’s plea in the Washington Post that we (Americans) not abandon Iraqis to the terrorists there. Roy Robison, on the American Thinker, accuses the Democrats of going “cowboy”.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics, Terror War

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