More conspiracy – from the real Duff

| October 31, 2012

Everyone has been speculating about the firing of Admiral Gaouette who was relieved of his command in the Persian Gulf and returned to the States. Of course, some of the reasons that he was fired have extended to the Benghazi consulate attack, but he was in the wrong theater of operations to have been involved in any way there. Well, our buddy, Gordon Duff posits the best theory I’ve heard. And by best theory, I mean the most ridiculous and entertaining theory from a blogging standpoint. Certainly, not the most credible, however;

The decision was made based on a conversation with the Secretary of Defense who, at the end of the talk, believed Gaouette was part of a group of military officers who have been under suspicion for planning a “Seven Days in May” type overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected.

This is not conjecture, dozens of key officers face firing, hundreds are under investigation, all with direct ties to extremist elements in the Republican Party and the Israeli lobby.

Reports received are sourced at the highest levels of the Pentagon and indicate that the administration has been aware of these plans for months.

Well, you knew the Joos had something to do with it, because it’s racist, Ron Paulian Gordon Duff. He goes on with theory that it was the Joos who stormed the Benghazi consulate to frame the non-existent al Qaeda terrorists, for whom Duff seems to have some sympathy. But it’s all a big conspiracy to attack those poor little Iranians with nukes that the Bush Administration stole from Barksdale AFB and they’ve stashed on Diego Garcia awaiting the Israeli frame-up of Iran in the same manner as the Benghazi false flag operation.

And it was all an attempt by the military to make the Obama Administration look bad before the election. As if the Obama Administration needed help looking bad. Did I mention that Duff supported Ron Paul? And of course, the next best candidate to Paul is Obama, if you can’t see that well, you’re not paying attention.

Oh, and you remember how I mentioned in the other post about the Iranians claiming that they fired Sandy at us that DUff must be working for them? Well, check out the by-line in the Duff article; PressTV, the Iranian government media arm co-wrote this article with Duff. And he has the temerity to name the website “Veterans Today”.

Category: General Whackos

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I take this with a huge grain of salt. Especially the connection to the republican party. I seriously doubt right-wingers would accept a civilian controlled military performing a military coup on this nation.

They would be taking power from civilians and giving it to whom? Civilians? No, Governor of the 50 states would tolerate any of this either. There has to be a less sensational explanation!

Chuck W

The remakes are seldom better than the originals. Wonder who they are going to get for Burt Lancaster’s part? He was awesome in the original.


Some people have way too much time on their hands!


Read the nice article written by Mr. Duff. That’s five minutes of my life that I will never get back. Awesome.


I read the article and now I feel like I need a nice stiff adult beverage. I guess we all missed the memo where we are supposed to be on high alert.


@1 Military-Industrual-Complex-Bilderburg-Illuminati-Trilateral-Commission-New-World-Order-FED-Catholic-Church/Vatican-Committee-of-300-Council-on-Foreign-Relations-Freemasons-Opus Dei-Knights-Templar-Skull-and-Bones-Mafia-Majestic-12-DARPA-ARPA-E-The-Masons-NASA-CIA-FEMA-Area-51-DOD-Secret-Nazis-Iron-Mountain-Wal-Mart-Men-In-Black-Lizard-Aliens-Greys-Rosicrucians-Ordo-Templis-Orientis-Golden-Dawn-Priory-of-Sion-GM-FORD-Chrysler-The-Moonies-The-Mansons-Hashshashin-The-Black-Hand-Thule-Society-Sons-Of-Liberty-Big-Pharma-DOW-Proctor&Gamble-Reptilian-Elite-Nikola-Tesla-Elvis-Judge Crator-Jimmy-Hoffa-Bigfoot-FBI-UFOs-KGB-Mossad-Operation-Blue-Star-Hollow-Earth-NSA-MKULTRA- Watergate
/just scratching the surface.


Are you kidding me? Oh, puh-leeze!

RADM Gaouette was the commanding officer at NAVSTA Great Lakes, the ONLY Navy boot camp left. He had every opportunity to run in that direction, with a massive recruit training program there.

Can we put a nice, bright, shiny tinfoil hat into a box and send it to Dooff? I mean, Duff.


And the title of his article? Doesn’t he know that the Bounty sank just as Hurricane Sandy arrived?

Just Plain Jason

ABORT ABORT ABORT! DUFF FOUND US OUT!!!! We can never succeed!

Just Plain Jason
2-17 Air Cav

@9. I’m turning myself in–but only to Duff or Iranian.

2-17 Air Cav

Iranian TV


My only comment:

I rest my case.

Adirondack Patriot

I know Duff is nuts, but there may be some grain of truth to the fact that someone in the Obama Administration BELIEVES there is a conspiracy.

Again, not that there is a conspiracy, but that some idiot in the White House believes there is a conspiracy and found Duff to be a kindred spirit with whom she or he could share the fantastic tale of woe.

Just Plain Jason

This kind of stupidity should be a crime.

Just Plain Jason

I am contemplating commenting one there about how he needs to get together with Icke because they are so with it on their writings…


Susan, it is a crime. It doesn’t rise to the level of felony stupid, it’s merely misdemeanor stupid.

Just Plain Jason

OMG!!!!! One of the top commenters, I don’t think I have to suggest Icke to him.

Frankly, the infiltration (more like INFESTATION) and CONTROL of planet Earth (especially America, Germany, the UK and Australia) by ALIENS in various forms (whose Homeland is Zionist Israel) is by now so extensive and the “programming” of the masses of humanity so complete, that the probability of successfully stopping the ALIEN ATTACK (now in an accelerating and more overt phase since 911) is extremely low. It will take a successful “Seven Days in May” (or any other month) to wrest control away from the ALIENS and their STOOGES in the Federal Gov’t, and even patriots like Dr. Alan Sabrosky fail to understand the severity of the situation and the extreme and unconventional actions which are now MANDATORY to avert turning America into the next ALIEN Gulag (like the Gaza Gulag). DRONES, FEMA camps, the NDAA, etc. are now in place to make that happen with the next (already planned) “False Flag” 911 and declaration of Martial Law! If Romney somehow gets into the WH (it WON’T be by fairly winning the election), America’s situation will become immediately DIRE! Even with ObamaRahm-a, the Zionist Slimeballs will still remain IN CONTROL.

The “Yahweh Option” may be the only option left to SAVE HUMANITY and one against which the ALIENS have no defense!

God help US!

Just Plain Jason

…and then gojira came out of nowhere!



Whoa! Is that for REAL!!??


Ho-Hum, zzzzzzzzzz, wake me when the grill is ready and the beer is cold, or the shooting starts.


Hah! I KNEW it was a conspiracy!

I couldn’t get in here because the conspirers in the conspiracy were taking TAH up and down the river and leaving it in a five foot snowdrift to freeze until the spring thaw when a snowplow would come along and find the frozen tah hanging on a fencepost. Nailed the (@*)*$~!$@$#@!*&&* door shut on me, they did.

Power outage? Yeah, sure, my fat Aunt Harriet! It’s a conspiracy.





I cannot believe you left out HALLIBURTON!!!



words can’t explain this kind of crazy


Old Soldier I checked out the guy’s facebook page…he is nuttier than squirrel shit.

Just Plain Jason

^^^^^ That was me…