PETA Wants a Memorial . . . .
. . . to commemorate a large number of fish killed in a traffic accident.
Yes, you read that correctly. PETA has asked for a roadside sign to be erected as a memorial for a large number of live fish that died as the result of a traffic accident while on their way to market to be sold as food. About 1,600 pounds of sea bass to be precise.
And before you ask: yes, this indeed happened in the Granola State (“get rid of the fruits and nuts and all you have left is the flakes”) – AKA California.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Yeah, we’ll get right on that.
Seems to me a reasonable request…from a 6 year old!
Has anyone ever suggested that all the PETA people be given their own planet? They seem to already be halfway there. Why not just complete the trip for them?
I have a memorial for them…I found it in the gag gifts aisle at Wal-Mart: Billy the singing big mouth bass. I should think that would be suitable enough.
I thought there already was a PETA memorial? Isn’t it called a butcher shop.
The People’s Republik of Kalifornia…no wonder why my Bro Bill is talking about moving to Az! His wife, a teacher, is very welcomed here…Bill, not so much.
Can’t remember which speech I attended but they started off with something like “I have been to all 49 states and numerous foreign countries including California”.
Libya, Hurrinace Sandy and these dumbasses ask for this?
Wow. I want a memorial for all the brain cells that died while they smoked whatever it was to come up with that idea.
I read this on Fox yesterday. I thought they had added a Duffleblog type section to their website.
Fish are friends, not food!
Couldn’t help myself.
There must be something in the water …
OldSoldier54: yeah – lots of dead fish after the oxygen ran out. That’s why PETA wants a memorial. (smile)
Hey didn’t PETA advertise on here once?:)
They still do, Twist. 🙂
People died yesterday in New York and the media are faithfully reporting the death tolls, attributing the loss of life to Storm Sandy. Truth be told, some of the deaths were attributable not to Sandy but to Stoopid. One of them was of an animal rights activist who was walking her doggie at 7 a.m. yesterday. She and her spouse, partner, or whatever were walking poochie when, BOINK!, a tree fell on them, killing both. The dog was unhurt.
Praise the dog!
Another of yesreday’s Storm Sandy deaths was of a woman who saw a live wire on or near a car outside her abode. She did what anyone else would do, I guess: She grabbed her camera and went outside to take a few pics of the whirling dervish wire. The guy across the street–whose car it was–sees the woman and says (get this!) he was going out to move his car. Something stopped him from doing that, however. Went he got outside, the woman was, as he described it, gyrating and smoking on the sidewalk.
IF the PETA- idiots want to use their own $$ (not taxpayer dollars),then let ’em go for it.
Oh, but have to also get permission from the city as well. They’ll probably get that too.
But if all this comes to pass, I’d LOVE to see some conservative asshole get it removed on the grounds that it’s a religious monument, separation of church & state & all that.
This one…
I guess I should be petitioning for a monument to be placed on my farm for all of those lovely spuirels, rabbits and deer that have met their demise at the hands of those vicious hunters,,,,,,,,wait,,that was me. Never mind!