Iran created Sandy
TSO sends a link from the Washington Post which reports that the Iranian government is taking credit for creating the hurricane that struck the East Coast this week;
Here’s the English translation:
Sources confirm that hurricane Sandy, now buffeting the U.S., was carried out by highly advanced technology developed by the heroic Iranian regime, in coordination with our resistant regime. These sources have also confirmed that experts from Syria have contributed in carrying out this work. This is the consequence of attacking Assad’s Syria and threatening its security.
The post attracted over a thousand comments and was shared over a thousand times. Though some users expressed support, much of the commentary appears to be mocking and derisive. The most common comment was a simple string of “haha.” Many made references to donkeys.
I guess Gordon Duff and Captain Eric May have made the leap to the Iran state media organ. Good for them.
Category: General Whackos
I call Bull shi’ite! Bush used the weather machine to try and get rid of the black people in New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina, and now Obama just used it to buy some election time. Everybody knows that.
If Iran’s weather machine technology is advanced enough to cause that large of a hurricane, our weather machine technology must be mind-boggling. Just wish my security clearance was high enough to be privvy to such information. This brings up an obvious question, though; why are we sending troops into combat in Afghanistan when we can just put the country into an ice age? Seems like the Taliban problem would solve itself.
Since when did Pat Robertson start writing for the Iranians?
One word: COBRA!
Two more words: Weather Dominator
Where is G.I. Joe when you need them?
Serbians say it “was the wrath of God against the US for crimes against Serbia”:
I definitely LOL’d. Especially since not one target hit during our bombing of Serbia in the 90s was worth the bomb dropped on it.
I sent that to a friend of mine in Taiwan. He wanted to know if Bo had used HAARP to cause the storm.
Is there an English translation of the Serbian story?
If I had a sweet weather manipulation machine, I would refer to it as “Operation Global Warming” just to make Al Gore’s head explode.
@Moxie hahahaha, I thought the Goracle’s head was the weather manipulation machine?
Here’s a link to an article about the Navy sending three helo-carrier ships to the storm damage area:
The press has almost got a name for the ‘operation’.
@Ex-PH2…here’s a translation. I’m hoping it’s satire, maybe their version of the Onion/Duffel Blog)…because if it’s not, these people are idiots.
SKY / SERBIA / USA, 30 October 2012, – An information service of the Lord God delivered the majority of today’s denial Serbian newspaper editorial board which informs citizens of Serbia that God did not send them because of a hurricane, “sent” on the east coast of America, stating that this is a natural phenomenon.
As the Lord God said in the announcement, his daily activities have nothing to do with natural disasters on earth, and consequently with the hurricane that hit New York yesterday, killing 16 people.
– The Serbian public confidence that we have begun to provoke a hurricane or I or HAARP system. In his name and his heavenly teams have to distance itself from responsibility for the hurricane, “Sandy.” I do not know if it has to do with HAARP, but I would ask the Serbian public that natural phenomena should not be construed as acts of revenge by the USA in their name makes the Lord God – according to a press release from the Divine Intelligence Service.
Further announcements to remind God in heaven for vengeance is not looked on favorably, and that one should not “savor” trouble that can happen to anyone on the planet.
– Disinformation about God as someone who was sent to America as the hurricane made its entry in the Serbian public that we must react. In addition, this morning called me Satan and asked me if these allegations are true and if so, why he will not interfere in the business – said God in a statement, called on the citizens of Serbia that they can no longer organize similar unpleasantness.
I am still sticking with Cobra and I’m going to wait for my inaccurate laser rifle to be issued to fight them off.
@JP, thank you. It’s pidgin English — not quite intelligible, but when I quit laughing, I’ll let you know.
I guess we won’t be getting any disaster relief from Iran.
Gee. Now I’m all disappointed.
I think I’ve been playing too much Red Alert 2 again lately…
“Many made references to donkeys.”
Best. Line. Ever.
LOL, Vive la résistance!
Oh. So that’s what that RQ-170 was carrying.
It is time to tell you drabble earthlings to smeg off.
Yea well, the serb’s are free to believe it was that HAARP thingy the tin foil hat crews keep yammering about. In the mean time, Al Gore commented on the storm situation on his blog Tuesday sends: “Hurricane Sandy is a disturbing sign of things to come,” Gore explained in his “Statement on Hurricane Sandy.”
“We must heed this warning and act quickly to solve the climate crisis. Dirty energy makes dirty weather,” he wrote.
I wonder which calender he uses, because today is the official end of hurricane season for the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico regions.
Read more:
If Al and Oliver Stone could shut their traps, there might be a lot less air pollution and considerably less global warming.
I kid you not. I think those people get FAR too much attention.
These are two opinions on the cause of the storm:
this one:
and this report:
Here’s another link to something sensible:
Note that toward the end of the article, she says that this weather pattern is the weather we had in the 1950s and 1960s and we can expect it to stick around for about 20 years. She’s also forecasting severe noreasters for a few years, for those of you living in the northeast kingdom of New England.
Personally, I’m willing to take the Iranian claim at face value. They say that they intentionally struck the US with a weapon of mass destruction.
The United States has only one response for that….
Duck and Cover assholes.
And this just in this morning:
The government of Iran has offered a 10kil (22 pound) prize to anyone who can prove that the United States (plus Israel and the UK) is the most hated country in the world. The time length for the competition is 10 years. That should provide enough time to figure out how to shut Imadinnerjacket’s mouth.