You Are All Racists

| October 27, 2012

Been having an exchange on FaceBook with Joe Galloway.

Should add for you younger folks: We Were Soldiers.

Based on this: Colin Powell’s former chief of staff: ‘My party is full of racists’

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s chief of staff during his time as secretary of state, decried John Sununu’s comment that Powell only endorsed Barack Obama because they are both black. “To say that Colin Powell would endorse President Obama because of his skin color is like saying Mother Teresa worked for profit,” Wilkerson told Ed Schultz.

When I brought up Allen West Joe suggested he is just a token black.

I am sorry, I have no/zero/nil idea how to to deal with this. I am annoyed enough to dump it here. Joe is one of my heroes, but I don’t understand.

Gonna post this. Sorry Jonn. There is some sort of divide that has me grasping.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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The terms “racism” and “racist” have been bandied about so much in the last 4 years, that there are likely more references in the MSM during Obama’s term of office than in the previous 30 years together.

Colonel Wilkerson wouldn’t know a racist if a white-sheeted Democrat hit the colonel upside the head with an Obama sign.


“Token black.” The belief that all blacks and other races belong on the Democrat Plantation, and all those who leave are a traitor to their race (lets leave out who passed Jim Crow laws, founded the KKK, and oh, and Robert Byrd). Allen West has been called an Uncle Tom, House Slave, etc, numerous times by the left. Justice Clarence Thomas has been savaged by the left for being a black conservative who dared to marry a white woman. Therein lies the real racism. If you would like further evidence of voting based race, check out this military poll from the last election. Pay particular attention to the black vote.


So if voting against Obama because he is black (or half black) is racist, is voting FOR him because he is half black and Romney is white racist?

Not at all, to the liberal mind.

Michael in MI

Allen West has been called an Uncle Tom, House Slave, etc, numerous times by the left. Justice Clarence Thomas has been savaged by the left for being a black conservative who dared to marry a white woman. Therein lies the real racism.

The liberals/Democrats also smeared Michael Steele when he was running for Senate in 2004 (?) and they smeared Condoleeza Rice in despicable ways all through her tenure as SoS in the Bush Administration.

You are exactly correct. It is the Left which shows they are the true racists when they state that all Blacks are supposed to be on the liberal/Democrat plantation.

The Left has never believed in the dream of MLK, Jr. of “judging a person by the content of his character rather than the color of his skin”. The Left does nothing but judge people based on race or skin color. And then they turn around and accuse others of ‘racism’ who choose to judge someone based on content of character and ignore race. It’s despicable.


Someone in the GOP whose boss is (again) supporting Obama makes a claim that Republicans are racists?

Robert Byrd, WHITE courtesy phone, please.


Racism exists. Probably always will. Some of us would really like to see it minimized as much as is humanly possible.

For the time being, no one seems to be addressing actual racism except those of us who simply live race neutral lives each and every day. Some of us do live by MLK’s ideal of judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Some of you (particularly lefties) might be surprised to discover that there are millions of us who live that way and always have. Speaking only for myself – I will die living that same way because to do otherwise would dishonor my ancestors.

It is the party of Lincoln which freed the slaves, passed Civil Rights legislation, and continues to support freedom for all citizens. That’s about 150 years of abolitionist and inclusive behavior.

So keep lying, misrepresenting the facts, and all that other silly stuff, lefties. It does not actually change history or reality. Some of us will continue to fight your attempts to enslave another generation of American citizens. Your acting childish by willfully remaining ignorant and calling names will not change anything.


“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”


^ Not Joe Biden, I hope.

Just an Old Dog

In my life experience I have gained this opinion. In the Service, race is not nearly the issue it is in the civilian world. Likewise successful people of any race get along with each other. The lower the social status of a person is, the more they make decisions based on race. Also Whites are more likely to go out of their way to squash any impression they are racist and to point the finger at other whites and accuse them of racism. In the blue collar world, racial favoritism is played by minorities on a scale that would be considered blatant discrimination if whites did it, Case in point I world in a shipyard where 90% of the tradesman, foreman and low level supervisors were Hispanic. My trade laid off 60 people. of that number only 12 were Hispanic, the rest were black, white or Asian. 90% of the workforce and only 25% of the layoffs.


There’s little doubt that the left plays games of racism and racist labeling more than the right.

It’s their schtick. But it’s erroneous, stale and politically immature.


I just came across this little key piece on twitter. Colin Powell’s chief of staff, COL Wilkerson, who leveled the racism charge against Republicans, once proposed impeaching President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. The guy is a liberal hack and a GOP fraud, nothing more.


Ann Coulter made a related observation recently:

“Black Democrats apparently can get elected to Congress only from majority black districts, whereas black Republicans are always elected from majority white districts: Gary Franks, J.C. Watts, Tim Scott, Allen West and (we hope!) Mia Love.

“How come white liberals won’t vote for a black representative? Why can’t a black person represent Nita Lowey’s district?”


You all may enjoy this bit of news:

Think the cow had an attitude?


Ugh, I just lost a lot of respect for Joe Galloway.


Yeah-he pretty much ran down the war in Iraq some years ago too. Whatever you once may have done, you’re only as good as your last moral decision-never forget it.


And this just in:

I only report the news. I don’t… well, sometimes I do. 🙂

2-17 Air Cav

Joe Galloway is entitled to say whatever the hell he wants to say. I don’t have benefit of context or the excahnge that led to the reported comment. I just won’t go there under those circumstances, thanks.


I suppose Mia Love and Herman Cain are also “token” blacks? Does that also mean Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley are “token” Indian-Americans?

Then there’s Tim Scott, Jennette Bradley, Lynn Swan, Jennifer Carroll, and (a man I’ve voted for) Cincinnati’s own Ken Blackwell. Token, all of them. {/snerk}

2-17 Air Cav

Lay off Galloway.

2-17 Air Cav

Why is it that Senators say stuff like, “My good friend and colleague” just before they they lay into their good friend and colleague? Why is it that obama smiles broadly when he greets Roimney, whom he reportedly detests? Why is it that a guy will call someone his hero and then toss him?


Oh, goody–so the MSM (and my liberal friends) have jumped all over the statements of this hack.

Sorry, if he had the courage of his convictions, he’d back up his boss who went in front of the UN and made the case to take out Saddam in 2002, but YMMV.

More monkeys throwing shit at the cage to see if anything will stick.

10 days, people. 10 days.


Galloway went partisan hack several years ago. He let emotion overrun his ability to analyze, and started ascribing motives to people with different political viewpoints based on nothing but ether. I read Powell’s autobiography, and thought he would vote for and endorse Obama based only on what he wrote about himself. Powell has a viewpoint based on his experiences, and if he feels voting for O is the right thing to do, more power to him. He is just the latest example of the reasons I could give a hoot about endorsements form prominent individuals.


Nothing like making accusations of widespread racism on that beacon of clarity and impartiality, Ed Schultz’s program, on the illuminating and minimally popular MSNBC.

R-A-L-P-H!!! Puleeze.

As for Joe Galloway – – he’s done some terrific work over the last 40+ years……..but, it’s commentary like this that damages his credibility with his Veteran and Military base.


Competence in one area (journalism) does not necessarily translate to another field.

Galloway is a fine author 20 years ago and was a good war correspondent 47 years ago in Vietnam. Those past accomplishments don’t mean he knows his ass from a hole in the ground concerning current domestic politics.

He’s also now close to 71 years old (he was born in Nov 1941). Some people begin to show signs of senility/loss of mental sharpness around that age or earlier.

Bottom line: take the comment for what it’s worth: the opinion of one individual who doesn’t know what in the hell they’re talking about.


I only read through the first ten comments before I decided to correct something. I have no idea what Joe Galloway is doing or saying and I don’t care. However, yes it was the Democrats that owned slaves and it was the Republicans that freed them. However, 150 years ago, the Republicans were the progressive liberals and the Democrats were the conservatives. They began to switch their party ideals somewhere in the early 1900s I believe. Keep that in mind when you go saying that it was the Democrats that owned slaves and the Republicans that freed them. While technically true, it is misleading when spoken out of context


Great point, Jabatam. How thoughtful and insightful of you to ignore the current situation in order to impose another retarded liberal talking point. “Somewhere in the early 1900’s” “Democrats became Republicans.” So, is “technical” truth somehow less true than the sub-moronic none sense that tools like you spew? What do you want, “technical” truth, or the subjective, invented “truth” that fuels dolts like you?


OK, Jabatam – how do you explain the Dems continued support of slavery and discrimination well into the 20th century, as is evidenced by their blocking all legislation presented to correct any and all forms of discrimination by the Reps?

And please don’t give me this “they were all southern democrats” BS because it simply is not so. The father of one of my college roommates was some sort of state leader for the KKK for Indiana. Hardly a southern state. Yes, he was a member of the KKK AND an influential member of the dem party. (Must add that it was quite an education to be that close to it. And, yes, I learned more than I ever wanted to about the KKK; racial hatred; the ties between the dems, the KKK, and communists; and their agenda.)

So please spare me your “context,” Jabatam. Where were you during the 60’s when LBJ lost most of his political influence because of his support of civil rights legislation? Not that he did it for altruistic reasons, but he did step up, even mouthed the words that it was the right thing to do.

Unfortunately, the dems found other ways to enslave a population, some for racial reasons and others just because they breath, while furthering their socialist ideals. Maybe that was part of LBJ’s plan all along.


I’m not a historian, and I’m not going to waste my time debating with you over this. If you choose not to believe me, I really don’t give a shit. Look it up for yourselves, unless you’re happy with the amount of knowledge you currently possess.

Way to go labeling me without having clue one about me. It’s really lame when the first thing out of your mouth in a response is “liberal this” or “liberal that”


Ah yes…the libtard/Paulistinian “read a book” rejoinder.

How quaint.


Jabatam: having grown up in the Deep South in the 1960s and 1970s and seen it firsthand, I can definitely tell you that you are full of it. The Democratic party effectively ruled the South at the state and local until the “Reagan Revolution” of 1980s. And racism there was common within the Democratic party.

I also have relatives in the north (Ohio), and visited them periodically while growing up. They are mostly Democrats. And the prevalence of racism there in the 1960s and 1970s was by my estimation not much less as in the South at the same time.

Both the GOP and the Democrats have their racist fools, and always have. But the prevalence is at least as high in the Democratic party as it is in the GOP. However, like racism in the North in the 1960s and 1970s, the Democratic party does hide theirs better today.


#29…that is exactly my point


And my point Jab is that you’re fuller of shit than a Christmas turkey but hey…make another revision to history and how Wilson was a right-wing thug and TR was a benevolent leftist.


There are countless references to liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats during the American Civil War. I’m not going to spoon-feed you. If you want to know then you’ll find out for yourself; I’ve already spent more time on this than it’s worth. You’ve already proven to me that you’re not going to accept any point of view that doesn’t go along with your own.

Again, it is extremely lame to play the “liberal” or “libtard” card…tells me you have nothing else to say. Hondo actually makes a good point to which, again, I’m not a history or political science major so I don’t have all the answers in this arena (or even most of the answers). However, like I said, there are numerous references all over of the “liberal Republicans” and the “conservative Democrats” in the 1800s. The shift in ideals may have come later (I said “1900s I believe”).

Believe it if you want; look it up if you want…in the end, makes no difference to me


Funny thing about public hero’s. Once you gain an insight to their personal side (good or bad as the case may be), you are never quite able to see them in same shade of light that you originally saw them in, in the first place.


“If you choose not to believe me, I really don’t give a shit. Look it up for yourselves, unless you’re happy with the amount of knowledge you currently possess.”

Now that is priceless! What exactly is it that I am to “look up?” History is not something one chooses to believe or not beleive. History just is what it is. Saying it is something else changes nothing about what actually happened.

Which might explain why some of us hunger for gathering as much informatioin as possible about this and that. You know, because, like, we understand that no one knows everything about much of anything. There is always something else to learn.

Unlike those who choose to believe something in spite of evidence to the contrary. Or refuse to alter their knowledge base when more data is discovered.


Funny, I am in fact a well read history major with more than a passing knowledge of American history. The “countless” references to “liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats” that Jabatam refers to are indeed countless – in the negative sense – in primary sources. I’d say that being lectured on facts by someone who acknowledges their own ignorance of them an then admonishes those in actual possession of them to, you know, go read a book or maybe watch a Ken Burns documentary, or maybe watch some MSNBC to get educated is more than ironic.

Yeah, I’m tired of arguing with these drooling, thumb-in-their-ass morons too. They aren’t even interesting people.


If Jabatam’s point, however inartfully made, is that the usage of discriptive words changes over time, then I will concede the point. In fact, many of us here have lamented just that fact ad nauseum.

In my own history, I self-defined as a liberal (probably should have called myself a “classical liberal,” but at the time did not know that) during the 60’s, based on my values, thought processes and all that. Some time during the decades of my becoming and being a productive member of society which followed, my values did not change but the definitions did. I still believe in personal choice and responsibility, government limited by the restrictions of the US Constitution, etc, but am now called a right wing nut.

My preferred explanation for how that happened is that while I (and a few hundred million of my closest friends) wasn’t (weren’t) paying attention because we were busy being productive, the policy makers shifted the entire country so far to the left that those of us who started out in the center or left of center ended up on the extreme right in the scheme of things.


Nope, that wasn’t Jabatam’s point at all, although he and people like him are equally satisfied with inculcating doubt as they are with outright acceptance of their propaganda.

Jabatam’s point is that anyne who opposes the goals of modern American Progressivism are incurable racists with an irredeemably “racist” past, present and future. Anyone that believes in the tenets of individual sovereignty, personal responsibility, the ascendancy of the individual citizen over the “collective” and the subordination of sensual gratification to the a sense of unequivocal morality are his enemies.

Jabatam is a tool, a useful idiot. I don’t believe that he and his ilk have experienced a moments’ worth of real introspection and clear thinking in their lives. They are reflexive, reactionary dolts who regurgitate the Chris Matthews – Rachel Maddow propaganda without a second thought. They simply rearrange their prejudices and present them as fact.


OWB is far more articulate than I but yes, that was the point I was attempting to make. I was wrong on the time frame though…a quick google search pulled this up and illustrates that it was sometime during the 60s-80s that the definition changed. As I said, I’m not a history or polo-sci major


Wow Rik…just wow. That’s an awful lot of assumptions about me for someone who has never once spoken to me. I think you just told me more about yourself than I ever told you about me


Rik – sometimes people make a point without realizing that they have made it. 😉

The Dead Man

Hey Jabatam, do me a favor and go research Senator Byrd and the history of planned parenthood for me will you?

What, if he’s allowed to be lazy so can I. At least I gave him solid leads


#42…in my post #39, I went against my better judgment and provided a link. I know I’ve already said this but this time I mean it…I’m done with this thread. I have football to watch and homework to do. Have fun bashing me all you want…I have thick skin


I don’t need to unwrap a loaded diaper to know that it’s full of shit. That “you don’t know me” whine is just that. Whining. If you cant handle the truth, stay on the couch and shut up.

The Dead Man

#43 I’m a history buff, not a major and I’ve had more than my fill of the garbage that is political science. That link is half-assed at best and doesn’t go into any real intricacy, nor does it properly assess a lot of the situations well into the later half of the century that muddy that brief view. As I said, if you’re allowed to be lazy about it, so am I.

A proper answer would take much more space than these posts likely allow, more time than I’m willing to commit and more work for others than I can be arsed with. I know this because I’ve turned in a ten page report on a history of the parties, starting with a preamble about the whigs. Stop sleeping through class


It seems to me that Col. Wilkerson has few choices here (and, by the way, Wilkerson seems from his Wikipedia profile to be a down the line Democrat based on who / what he supports if Wiki is accurate). EITHER Colin Powell is lying to himself and the rest of us regarding his political affiliation; OR Powell has lost the ability to make a critical intellectual assessment of the performance of Presidents; OR Powell is a closet leftist who agrees with the socialist, anti-American agenda of this president; OR Powell is suffering age-related mental impairment; OR Powell is voting for the black-skinned man; OR Powell is voting against the white-skinned man. Which is it? Or am I missing a possible ‘other’ explanation? Calling Col. West a “token” deserves to earn someone a bloody lip / nose combo in my estimation.


@46 – You left out “all of the above”. That’s the other choice.


Joe Galloway has no more right to call someone a “token black” because he reported on some incredible moments in history than anyone else, who would and should be called out for their racist crap.
That is what you call hypocrisy boys and girls, calling the Republicans racist while you yourself call a black Republican a racial slur.
Just because Joe had balls of steel to go into LZ X-ray, it does not make him beyond reproach for assinine commentary.


So I’m throwing this into the mix, from CBS News this morning:

Have a great day.