More News From Egypt

| October 27, 2012

Want to see what happens when freedom gets pushed to the back seat?  Just look at Egypt.

An Egyptian TV host is facing 4 months in jail for “insulting the president” on TV.  So much for those pesky Western concepts of free speech and freedom of the press.

Chrissy-poo Matthews must be so proud – I understand he endorses this kind of thing.  I wonder when he plans to emigrate to Egypt and put his ass where his sentiments are.  (Yeah, right.)


Tell me again why it was such a good idea to stand by idly doing nothing to prevent Egypt from be taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood ?

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Chrissy Matthews only wants Democratic Presidents (especially a Kenyan born one…allegedly) to be treated with high and mighty deference i.e. kings, emperors, dicktators…Republican POTUS can be called chimps, Nazis, morons, unpatriotic, racists, turd burglars or whatever and its deemed freedom of expression…


Maybe we’ll get lucky and Chris Matthews will implode on live TV. Can you see that vein in his forehead pumping ever time he starts a rant? I see a stroke in the offing.


The Muslim Brotherhood takeover was inevitable. The bigger question is why the State Department continues to encourage them, now that they are in charge.


Well…if only our main stream press would investigate & ask tough questions of this administration instead of groveling…not holding my breath.


This is nothing new. When the 101st ran a NATO operation in Greece and Turkey in 1961, our battalion had a group of privates arrested for drunkenly calling out Jody cadence as they made their way back to our temporary encampment on the outskirts of Istanbul. They were charged with “Insulting the Turkish Republic” and “Insulting the Turkish People.” Took the diplomats some time to get them sprung.