UN/Iran warn against your Romney vote

| October 22, 2012

Yep, the folks at the UN and in Iran have decided that you shouldn’t vote for Mitt Romney. According to Breitbart, the UN Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights says a vote for Romney is a vote for torture and that will only turn the world (and terrorists) against us – because, you know, everyone treats us so well now;

“The re-introduction of torture under a Romney administration would significantly increase the threat levels to (Americans) at home and abroad,” Emmerson said.

“Such a policy, if adopted, would expose the American people to risks the Obama administration is not currently exposing them to.”

Yeah, thanks for your concern, but it seems to me, what with four Americans recently murdered in Benghazi, that we’re not all that safe from the evil in the world the way things are now, Ben.

Iranian state-run Press TV is spreading the word throughout the world that the GOP is poised to steal the elections “like the successful ones of 2000 and 2004”. Apparently, the Iranian government likes the fact that they have nothing to fear from the Obama Administration and a Romney Administration scares the beejeesus out of them;

Riots also may break out after Romney is declared the winner, the media outlet continued.

Press TV quoted its “Truth Jihad Radio” guest John Hankey as saying, “African-Americans, unlike white liberals, are not a ‘bunch of pussies.’ Kill white liberal heroes JFK and RFK, or steal the presidency from white liberals Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, or John Kerry, and the white liberals are too terrified to even whimper. Kill a black hero like Martin Luther King, or even just beat up an ordinary black guy like Rodney King, and African-Americans might just get angry enough to protest in a fashion that cannot be ignored.

In your dreams, Mahmoud.

By the way, I’m headed for Bethesda today, so I’ll be off the net most of the day, but I fully intend to live blog the last debate tonight, since you folks live blog it yourselves when I’m not here. So, even if you don’t hear from me today, be here for the debate at 9pm.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan

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Oh, the UN and Iran warn against voting for Romney? Great, that just solidified my vote for him.


Add in the news that UN Obversers will be monitoring our election, and you got a good little conspiratorial action being setup here.

Zero Ponsdorf

FltMedic #2: If I said that they’d be calling me paranoid. Is it a conspiracy when two or more paranoids believe the same thing(s) are out to get them?

AW1 Tim


Nope, not at all. In fact, according to the news Chavez, Putin & the Iranians have all endorsed Obama this weekend, so he’s got the corrupt thug vote going for him too.

All of this smells like a severe case of desperation on the left, and I, for one, am mighty glad to see it. 🙂

AW1 Tim

BTW: An Iranian spokesman claims that the Swiss Ambassador to Iran hand-delivered a letter from Obama that “recognizes their nuclear rights”. Ought to be an interesting day.


2-17 AirCav

Emmerson is an English lawyer (ahem, barrister) whose client list includes (drum roll) one Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder. I’m sure that you are as surprised to learn that as I am. Right. Surprised.

2-17 AirCav

Yipes. I just saw that the TAH piece doesn’t name the Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights. Ben Emmerson is the Special Rapporteur.


Just a few more reasons to vote for Romney.


OK …. that is it. I am now compelled to vote for Obama. Thank you to the UN and Iran for ruining everything!




What they actually are trying to do is guage the number of real Americans left in this country. If enough are left to unelect Obama, then they know there is still work for them to do. If Obama wins again, they know that they have won.

Is the Cold War is finally over? That is what Putin wants to know. It may have ended back in the 80’s but it’s not over for them until they win it.


Letter to Ben Emmerson:

Dear Mr. Emmerson,

I understand that you are concerned that Mr. Romney may win in a national election that guarantees a blind vote, as specified in the U.S. Constitution.

I understand your concerns.

I think you need to spend much more time with your therapist and a little time with the Oxfor Unabridged dictionary, so that you can learn the meaning of ‘democracy’.

Can you say that word? I know that you can.

Seriously, go back to your shrink and stay there until the election is over. And call your mom, too.

Sincerely yours, etc.

Letter to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

Dear Mr. Imadinnerjacket,

I received word today that you want Bo to win the election this time around.

I want to understand your concerns correctly. You’re worried that if Romney wins, you won’t be getting enough press in the US newspapers, right?

Well, we can still give you all the attention you want. Just come back to New York and run your mouth at a Jewish restaurant, preferably a Hasidic and very kosher restaurant. Use the word ‘pig’ while you’re there.

Since my return address is on the envelope, I’m sure you want to kill me now, Please knock on the front door before you set up a firing squad. I have bullshit repellent and I know how to use it.

Sincerely yours, etc.

ex AF

Voting for Romney is cutting your own throats. You know that coward thinks that anybody that has a 100% disability and pays no taxes is a loser and a taker. Or somebody in a combat zone who is not paying taxes is part of the 47%. Open your eyes. The GOP does not support the VA or jobless vets. They’re the party of the rich, to them you are nothing but mercenaries.


Post #13 solidified my vote.

Go Romney!

2-17 AirCav

@13. I read each word that you wrote and I pondered those words very carefully. Please accept this in the spirit in which it is meant: Go screw yourself you jerkwad. And waht’s with the “ex AF” tag? What does AF stand for? If Air Force, whose?


Has Jane Fonda endorsed Obama yet?


@ 13 … like your Blog Handle “ex AF”, it really descibes how I feel about your comment. I don’t.

By the way … guys (or children) like you that make us all long for the return of the “US Army Air Corps.”


It reads like ex AF is at least a cousin, if not a brother/sister of Instupid.
Or, it’s just another worthless Occutard.