Iran tries to save the Obama Administration

| October 21, 2012

The New York Times reports this morning that Iran is making a last ditch attempt to save the Obama candidacy in the next election by agreeing to nuclear negotiations, but not until after the election;

It has the potential to help Mr. Obama make the case that he is nearing a diplomatic breakthrough in the decade-long effort by the world’s major powers to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, but it could pose a risk if Iran is seen as using the prospect of the direct talks to buy time.

It is also far from clear that Mr. Obama’s opponent, Mitt Romney, would go through with the negotiation should he win election. Mr. Romney has repeatedly criticized the president as showing weakness on Iran and failing to stand firmly with Israel against the Iranian nuclear threat.

The White House denied that a final agreement had been reached.

I’m pretty sure that Obama promised four years ago that he’d make an effort to negotiate with Iran, but those negotiations never materialized.

So this is just another thing that the Obama Administration has had four years to accomplish but a promise of four more years is supposed to make a difference. Anyone who thinks that Iran has any intention of giving up their nuclear program hasn’t been paying attention the last eight years or so. Of course, we all know that Iran would rather have another four years of a Low-T administration in the White House.

There is still a chance the initiative could fall through, even if Mr. Obama is re-elected. Iran has a history of using the promise of diplomacy to ease international pressure on it. In this case, American officials said they were uncertain whether Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had signed off on the effort. The American understandings have been reached with senior Iranian officials who report to him, an administration official said.

Even if the two sides sit down, American officials worry that Iran could prolong the negotiations to try to forestall military action and enable it to complete critical elements of its nuclear program, particularly at underground sites.

Yeah, most of us have no problems with short-term memory, New York Times. Thanks.

Category: Terror War

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Yat Yas 1833

This is the final indictment against commissar omammy. If the iranians are willing to wait for comrade banana to be re-elected, that must mean they are waiting for their muslim brother to be put back in office so they can go against Israel without interference.

Mike Kozlowski

….Given the speed with which this has since been disavowed by the White House, I’m thinking that it WAS going to happen – but the NYT jumped the gun. After all, imagine what would have happened at the next debate if the President had said, in response to a Romney comment about a nuclear Iran, “Well, Governor Romney, it can now be told…”


2-17 AirCav

The key sentence is this: “The White House denied that a final agreement had been reached.” And the key word is “final.” The WH does not deny that an agreement is near or has been reached. They’re playing the word games again. Recall two weeks or so ago when the WH said that no one there reached the “conclusion” that the video no has seen was the basis for the assault and murders? In other words, there is a done deal but it’s not yet signed-off; thus, it is not final. Games.


Maybe they can hold the negotiations in Munich? Then Obie can land at Andrews on AF1 and come down the steps, waving the “agreement” they negotiate, and tell us it means “peace in our time”.

2-17 AirCav

@4. I’ll buy the umbrella!


AirCav, you’d better get a BIG one!

This is just another PR stunt aimed at making Bo look like the Big Cheese, the BMFOC. Nothing else. I really do not believe he’s clever enough to come up with these ideas himself. He’s too lazy. He wants to LOOK good, so someone (VJ? DA?) came up with this idea that makes him look “I’m on it” when he hasn’t a clue. And this, too, will evaporate into the fog of “stuf” that goes on.

Kozlowski is right — NYT got ahead of itself with this one.


Iran fears a message from Romney, a la Reagan. Ronnie sent the message to the Iranians, “release all American’s or ….”