Wait, what? What is a semi-automatic Machine Gun?

| October 17, 2012

The only ones I know of are the M60’s we had in the VAARNG that didn’t get proper PMCS. Other than that, how many semi-automatic machine guns are there?

(This post is traffic/comment bait, not a serious question.)

Who is this chick anyway? I googled her and she looks like the Tuff Toy my dogs have been fighting over for a year plus.

UPDATE: As Claymore aptly pointed out to me, does this mean that Freedom of Speech for the press applies only to quill and parchment writing?

UPDATE x2: Per comment below, I give you the auto-crossbow.

We need to move Congress on this immediately. Let’s get Dog Chew Toy chick to be our spokes-sapien.

Category: Politics

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She’s Barkin’ mad, is who she is!!


She’s just another looney Hollyweird liberal who thinks her opinion is factual and correct.


I had a semi-automatic machine gun once. I was a cherry private and put the firing pin in backwards in my M60.


Oh, and by the way, you washed up liberal hag…muskets were the semi automatic rifles of their time, and the weapon of choice of most standing armies.

Today…that would translate to semi automatic rifles at the LEAST.

2-17 AirCav

Excellent rebuttal by Claymore! I’m not taking any rides on a link. I’ve seen enough. Tuff Toy, you say? Gone are the days when the dizzies were hotties, I guess. Now they look like used Tuff Toys and are dumber than than dog dirt.


There was a thread on Reason.com a few days ago that showed how the Democrat party platform has changed with regard to gun control from 1980 to 2012 (they were for it then, they hardly mention it now). That’s because we (and I mean gun owners and the NRA) have largely won the public debate. But she can keep up the copulation with that yard fowl on this losing issue if she likes. We’ve got ’em, we’re keeping ’em and there’s not a damn thing she or anyone else can do about it.


I saw a single shot 240 once, retard loaded it sunny side up. He got the first one to go bang though. The scary thing is he and his team leader didn’t learn the lesson and it was repeated in theater.


Well the M2 flex has a single shot mode….


Call me a History nerd if you like, but people seem to forget the automatic arrow guns the Romans had. I suppose the 2nd Amendment also preceeded those…


Ellen Barkin is an increasingly irrelevant washed-up actress and nothing more than a rabid liberal. Hurling vile insults is the only way that she can get people to notice her. This is one of her milder posts. She doesn’t know the first thing about firearms or law-abiding gun owners but she hates them all anyway.


For the young uns, ms. Barkin was the hottest thing since sliced bread in Hollywood back in the mid to late 80’s, as hard as that is to believe.

2-17 AirCav

Man, those guys are smart. Best line comes when they’re removing the contraption from the truck: “It’s so hard to find good slaves.”

2-17 AirCav

I’m anything but young but Ellen Barkin rings no bell. However, I am familiar with yellin’ and barkin’


She was pretty hot in “the Big Easy”, but she has not aged well.


@11 TSO, I saw pieces of one at Saalburg in Germany. Not much of any offensive weapon but it would be cool to see one work. I’ll check out the Mythbusters episode when I get back to a place with decent internet.


I had a bolt action M2 once.

Jonn Lilyea

Even at the peak of her career (Sea of Love?), Barkin was known as the ugliest hottie in Hollywood.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Nothing sadder than an irrelevant old hag whose only worth had been defined upon her looks, now that those are gone and people realize there was never any reason to consider any opinion she had to offer, finding out the only way to get any attention is by being outrageous. Too bad she’s not aware that stupid is so closely attached to the outrageous part.

2-17 AirCav

Okay, I Googled her and do recognize her. Here’s a link to a pic. I am sure that her boobs are real. Why she hasn’t dealt with that huge wattle is a mystery.



When people mention that the “right to bear arms” originally meant flintlock muskets and not semi-automatic rifles, etc I make the counter argument that “search and seizure” originally meant one’s home and not the telephone or email. This tends to end the discussion quickly.


Yea, no offense to ms. Barkin but I never did understand why she was considered such a “hot” sex bomb back in the day.

I guess she was good at portraying sex but looks wise never was my cup of tea (nothing to do with politics there).

CI Roller Dude

I told a non-gun person the other day about this shot I did in Iraq. With a .25 auto pistol I hit a guy at 3,000 meters. She said: “That’s nice.”
Again, I use the Space Shuttle….like me trying to fly it and not able to find the clutch.


@24 – She had a tendency to get nekkid a lot in the movies she was in, which in the 80’s, happened to make people famous for no other reason.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@25…that’s funny sh1t dude…

I thought everybody knew the Space Shuttle has a triptronic shifter…

Just Plain Jason

I always thought you had to push start the shuttle…


JPJ: I thought you had to play the Doors’ “Light My Fire” and have a pyromaniac somewhere in the AO of Pad 39 to do that. (smile)


Where does it stop with them? Today they want to ban semi-automatic machine guns, tomorrow they want to ban bolt action machineguns.


I saw a semi-automatic machine gun once. Old man Bill had it on display at Buttnernut Sports Shop in Syracuse. It was a vintage 1919A4 that was rendered semi-auto. I agree with this womans’ assessment, because it was terrible to see. Belt hanging out, slumped on it’s tripod, not being used, no offers to buy it… it was sad. Surely, our founding fathers did not intend for such a lowly sight when they wrote the second.

There was also a semi-automatic BAR hanging from the cieling. Think of the atrocity. A semi-automatic rifle firing from an open bolt. A BAR without the ‘A’. It was like seeing a Lambo powered by a Geo Metro engine. A race horse with a wooden leg. Clearly, the second ammendment does not apply to such abominations.

I say there damn well should be a ban on semi-automatic machine guns, and people who render them as such should face federal charges.


Never seen a semi-automatic machine gun? Then apparently you never crewed an M48A3 tank. The .50 cal on them were mounted inside the TC’s cupola, lying on its side. Ma Deuce was never intended to shoot lying on her side, and she wouldn’t. One or two rounds down range, then ten or fifteen minutes taking her apart and putting her back together, then another round or two, and repeat the process. As close to a semi-auto machine gun as you’re ever going to find. Whoever designed that system should have been horsewhipped – then made to go out with Ellen Barkin.


An M-16 with the selector switch set for single shot?


#33 That would be a lightweight, magazine fed, gas operated, air cooled shoulder fired weapon, capable of firing semi automatic or in 3 round bursts. Machine guns are typically fully automatic and belt (linked ammunition) fed, with few exceptions. The M2 is capable of single shot, though I’ve never seen it used. More often than not anything less than a 5 round burst with a ma deuce will cause a stoppage. Clearly this dingbat doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and is concerned that pretty soon there will be nothing left of her but her boobies.


I do remember the M-16A1 that would go through a magazine in seconds. Of course nowadays, a soldier is not issued this (A2’s have the 3 round burst) unless they have been trained on the full auto M4. I was around for the transition to the 3 round burst and thought it stupid then, haven’t changed my mind about it since.

I could accurately place rounds on target with the full auto, used properly, just as well as the burst. The burst just irritated me, kind of like big Army saying “no you are too stupid to know when to let up on the trigger.”

2-17 AirCav

@35. Um, regarding your last line,I was. Long ago and far away on a firing line at Fort Jackson, I spent 20 rounds in a single pull when we were supposed to be firing those three-round bursts. It was a mistake on my part and I realized it only when I felt the repeated stings of a drill sergeant’s clearing rod on my back. I did not again make that mistake.


2-17 AirCav – I should have prefaced that with “after I screwed up in BCT” and like you, felt the loving rap of the DI’s clearing rod. Damn things hurt and they are fast with them too!


Holy crap … automatic repeat fire machine gun crossbows, ass fired rocket powered rats, drinking and drinking and driving, and staying up all night … sounds like a normal weekend at my house upstate!