DC’s homicide rate exceeds Afghanistan US casualty rates

| October 16, 2012

The Washington Post doesn’t say this, but they wrote an article today which mentioned that there have been 2294 homicides in that city since 2000. So to determine about how many homicide victims there have been since 2001, I subtracted out the 204 homicides in 2000, and since the Metro Cops stopped posting current year homicide numbers on their website (because, apparently, if they post the numbers, there’s no problem), I added in the 2012 unsolved homicide victims (50) that makes the number 2102 from 2001 – 2012 (or more).

This is not to trivialize the deaths in Afghanistan, or to magnify the situation in DC. It’s just something that I thought you should know.

Category: Terror War

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nasty leg

But, doesn’t D.C. have some of the strictest gun laws in the country? Weird…

former ssg

If you think that is bad. Look at East St Louis. More than 1 murder for every thousand people

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Jonn, the DC situation needs no magnification. It’s pretty depressing all on its own.

Maybe if we ever can find some politicians who actually want to talk about the failure of massive police programs surrounding the drug wars some of those deaths will be avoided. We never like to talk about America’s appetite for drugs, but we love them. We love them so much we buy them in quantities that make it worth while for the folks bringing them here to start their own submarine fleet of expendable one way submarines to get the drugs in. There would be no reason for the cartels to ship product if there wasn’t such a huge demand for dope here….clearly our drug policy is not working. The people involved will tell you how little product they actually stop at the borders.

Politicians certainly don’t want to lose their carefully crafted police state in a debate over ineffective drug war policy, after all who knows when we might need those cops to disarm the populace and control thought on every level…better to keep the masses focused on the long term degradation of our society when two homos get married….that’s more a sure sign of the apocalypse than cocaine submarines and humans swallowing condoms of dope and 10,000 or more dead at our own hands every year…after all most of the folks killed in dope wars are young minority males, and they don’t matter much in the general scheme of things as far as our politicians are concerned.


@1 Instead of laws against homicide, maybe they need to institute ROE?


If that’s DC, I wonder what Chicago’s looks like these days?


DC is also a lot smaller geographically than Afghanistan…


I didn’t realize Afghanistan had gotten so dangerous as to be comparable to DC…


DC has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. If you are a private law-abiding citizen, you are unable to legally carry a gun. However, since when do criminals follow the law?


You guys are missing the big picture.

Are all these deaths worth it? Withdraw from D.C. now!


Chikago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is looking to Twitter suggestions for removing guns off the streets – There is a reason why 2nd city is having a net loss of population (the educated high earner types).

AW1 Tim

This is just the latest comparison. Back in the pre-surge days, Baghdad had a lower homicide rate than DC did.

And I am also in agreement that it’s time we revisited our drug laws and started making it less of a law-and-order gambit and more of a controlled supply thing.

If you really want to cut the cartels off at the knees, then legalize drugs. Legalize all of them. Make them a taxable product like alcohol and tobacco.

Offer a free withdrawal/rehab program ONCE. After that, they’re on their own. Let folks grow their own weed. Let folks make their own meth. Make folks responsible for their own choices for a change, and tax the stuff.

I see it as a win-win situation. Folks get the junk they want. The gubbmint gets a steady stream of tax revenue.

Combine this with lower income tax rates, a massive reduction in welfare programs and also a huge reduction in federal spending, and we might actually have a balanced budget within our lifetimes. 🙂