Flag burning kills one

| September 17, 2012

JP sends a link an article in the International Herald Tribune which reports that one man died from inhaling the fumes of burning US flags in Lahore;

One of the participants of the rally, Abdullah Ismail, passed away after he was taken to Mayo Hospital. Witnesses said he had complained of feeling unwell from the smoke from US flags burnt at the rally.

That’ll probably be another source of outrage. Somehow the pattern of our flag causes death to flagburners. We can only hope.

But the main thrust of the article is that Pakistanis think that they can dictate to us the extent of our freedoms. That we should criminalize blasphemy.

Hafiz Saeed alleged that the film, Innocence of Muslims, had been produced with the backing of US establishment. He said the director, the producer and all those involved in the production and release of the movie must be hanged publicly. “The US must make a law against blasphemy – or we will not let the US consulates in Pakistan function,” he said.

He said a resolution condemning the movie in the parliament was not enough. Instead, President Asif Ali Zardari must announce jihad against countries like the US that supported attacks on Islam.

I agree completely. They should all mount their asses and invade us. If they start now, they might make it by the next presidential elections. Show us how committed they are for once instead of standing off thousands of miles away and burning our deadly flags at a safe distance.

Organisation of Islamic Countries Conference should announce a boycott of US goods.

Yeah, that $17 of annual income that from we get from the goat ropers will really put a hurt on our economy. A bunch of people without shoes are threatening us with an economic boycott. That’s like an ugly hooker threatening to quit.

JI general secretary Liaqat Baloch said the US stooges ruling the Muslim world were on the run now. They had met a humiliating fate in Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey. He said Pakistan was on the threshold of a revolution.

If they weren’t so fricken lazy, they’d be on the threshold of a revolution, but instead, they’re only on the threshold of farting.

Category: Terror War

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The supreme irony is that he died of inhalation of fumes….from an American flag made in China. 🙂



Green Thumb


Veritas Omnia Vincit

One down 1.499999999 billion to go….


Simply Brilliant … why did I not think of this first.

Produce US Flags, for purchase by Muslim Extremists, made of toxic materials, that when burned in anger, will kill all who are within feet of the burning!

Brilliant … Simply Brilliant …

“One of the participants of the rally, Abdullah Ismail, passed away after he was taken to Mayo Hospital. Witnesses said he had complained of feeling unwell from the smoke from US flags burnt at the rally.”

2-17 AirCav

If that’s not enough, it looks like those bastards burned SpongeBob Squarepants in effigy!

B Woodman

Like #2 said!! Good thing I can semi-control myself, otherwise I’d be on the way home from work to change my pants.
Ahhhh. . It’s good to see the Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences in action.

2-17 AirCav

Not to worry any jihadists but I had heard that US flags were now being treated with a special, undetectable, solution which, when ignited, produces a deadly gas. This story seems to confirm that. I never said anything about this before because I didn’t want to start any rumors.


So someone who hates us died burning our flag? What’s the term I heard used so much when I was over there?
Yeah, I think that fits.


#11…spot on!


If these asshats, er, goat rapers are butt-hurt about this Youtube video they’ve never seen, and people they don’t know, they really ought to check out “Religulous”, written by and starring one of Baracka’s high-rolling bundlers, Bill The Sewer Maher.

The movie offends all religions, including the last 20 minutes, which is devoted to Islam. I wonder if his audiences will now have to go through TSA screenings to get into his studio?


KARMA’s a bitch


Wonder where the flag they burned was made? Could be a disgrunted worker, sick of seeing his work go up in smoke, treated it with pesticide or something before packing it in its shipping crate!

We can only hope.

CI Roller Dude

Oh, they were not warned: “US Flags are now made with thread where they use pork fat as a lube in the sewing machine”



You guys know I don’t comment often, but when I do, it’s usually something I think carefully about before I post. On this, however, all I can think of is the following.

Boo-fucking-hoo. One less dumbass to spray AK fire at my brothers in arms.


If only we could include the threatening clouds plus thunder and lightning, and a deep voice that says: DOOM ON YOU!


I’m just waiting for the apology that’s sure to come after this.

“Let me be clear…the United States and her people apologize for the tragedy that befell the population of Lehore. Mr Ismail was only exercising his right to peaceful protest. My administration will not rest until we get to the bottom of who approved of flags that were sure to kill anyone who burned one. Even if the flags were made in China…there must be someone to blame in there. Maybe the shippers. Maybe the textile workers. Maybe Betsy Ross for sewing a flag who’s design unfairly entices idio…ahem…protesters into burning them. I’ll find someone to blame and then the kowtowing will truly begin.”


If that flag was made in China, it may have been made of materials that actually are toxic when they are burned.

American-made flags are made of cotton, and the correct way to dispose of a flag that is too tattered to be flown any more is to burn it in a container. Cotton does not make you deathly ill when it’s burned.

But the flags these guys are burning may not be made of cotton, and if so — if they are a synthetic like polyester — then, yes, they can produce lethal fumes when ignited.

Ha! Karma bites, doesn’t it?


I have faith in BO. Even if it was made in China, he’ll find a way to apologize.


that why we sould make are flags in the USA


22 right

true teller

stop #22 who ever you are


@ 22 Anonymous

yaeh .. youse reeley noses hows to spel, speek and right good!