Surprise! Paulians helped Pinkers

| August 30, 2012

The other night, some Code Pink protesters interrupted Paul Ryan’s speech at the Republican National Convention. Wonder how they got in there? Yep, it was those childish Paulians, according to the New York Times;

[ Laura Mills, the 21-year-old CodePink intern] said her credential, which she got from supporters of Mr. Paul after his son Rand, a senator from Kentucky, addressed the convention, would have put her in a remote area of the forum. But by pretending that [Code Pink/Veterans for Peace/OpTruth’s Ann] Wright was her grandmother, they talked their way into a seating area closer to the floor, near rows of reporters.

“An angry Ron Paul person was like, here, take my pass…”

I didn’t know there were any Ron Paul people who aren’t angry…all of the time.

Of course, TAH has been telling you that Paulians are simpatico with the hags of Code Pink for the last two years. They seem to intersect at foreign policy, but Paulians are so shallow that they disregard Code Pink’s demand for more government freebies.

COB6 sent us the link and says that he predicted the connection while his wife and he were watching the Convention on television.

Category: Code Pink, Ron Paul

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That's Right

Don’t you understand why Ron Paul garnered the most support from people in the military. He is against sending them off to die enforcing a Neocon strategy that only benefits the corporations and wealthy campaign contributors. Ever heard of the concept of blowback? The people of this country respect our military. I’ve got 2 veterans in my family. Ron Paul and his supporters want the military where it belongs, protecting us.

Just Plain Jason

Ok here is my thing about Ron Paul, he is like that crazy kinda cool uncle that you have. You can talk to him and shoot the shit for about 30-45 minutes then you realize he is FUCKING NUTS. He has a lot of really good points and says some really awesome things, but then he will go off the deep end. I can agree with him on stuff but once he starts talking about foreign policy…Uncle Ron is talking about how Jews are evil again.

Marine 83

@ #1 “I’ve got two vetrans in my family” And that makes you an expert? what a tool.


I like the term Ronulans myself. His gold standard fiscal policy belongs in the 1896 presidential race. His isolationist foreign policy would be a disaster. He is Libertarian unless that view butts into his religious views. But Joe hears he won’t send him to war so that’s who Joe votes for.


I have had enough of the Paul bearing libertarian purists. The idea that we’re “sent off to die” to support any policy because that kind of formulation is quite simply absurd. None of us sign up eager to die so much as we’re eager to serve. The Paul bearers and their ahem…friends, demonstrate exactly why they are not to be trusted.


I’ve got several veterans in my family and none of them supported Ron Paul.

Yes, this does make me an expert.

2-17 AirCav

@7. Fahgetaboutit.


I hang out over at and read their blog (hit and run) which is Paulbot central. They are upset that the RNC changed the way delegates were counted and that Paul was somehow being cheated out of his proper role in this year’s election because of that.

Of course what they leave aside in arguing that is that his son was given a major speaking part at the convention and that libertarians are a key part of the Republican coalition (though they like to think of themselves as separate from and above all the sausage making).

Just Plain Jason

I can honestly say that a full one-third of my household are veterans, two-thirds are of voting age. Which means fifty percent of the voting aged people in my household are veteran and don’t support Ron Paul. He has zero percent of the veteran support of the Just Plain Jason household and zero percent of the non veteran household. I would ask the two year old, but he only supports Thomas the Tank Engine’s policy of being useful.


No one in my household supports RuPaul.

But we do like to turn the sound down and say rude things that go with the way he flaps his lips.

AW1 Tim

I have long believed that RonPaul is the long-lost brother of Lyndon LaRouche. Both make the same sort of sense, the same sort of sense that is if you’re a meth head. Or a meat head. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference there.

Oh, and I read a book. It’s Psychology 101. I’m pretty sure that RonPaul is an unnamed case study in there for bloviating retard.


Jason, I would vote for Thomas too if he were only a natural born citizen. I would hate to upset the birthers again.


@1–that Lew Rockwell shit’ll rot your brain, son.

Just Plain Jason

Ex-PH2, have you never seen RuPauls drag race? Comedy gold I tell you!


COB6 & wife are only about 2 yrs behind me and my crew. I have screen cap’s….


The fact that Paul 1–won’t support Romney, 2–won’t denounce this kind of shitbaggery tells me he’s just a fucking whacked as his followers.

He is the company he keeps–figuratively and literally.



#1- I’m sick of explaining it. We went to A-stan hunting the man who killed 3000 civilians. The Taliban government there didn’t like the fact we went after their buddy. So, we took them out as well. I think killing the man who’s goal it was to destroy our nation IS protecting us.

Obama would have apologized for us being so easy to attack. Bush manned up and knew the risks when he started the GWOT. He even said it wouldnt be fast, nor easy. But we haven’t been attacked at home, have we?


Correction- haven’t had any successful mass terror attacks from outsiders.


“Don’t you understand why Ron Paul garnered the most support from people in the military”

I understand he actually didn’t. Just because one dumbass in a sham shield stumped for him in uniform doesn’t mean everyone in the military supports him. That idiot spoke for himself and did NOT represent the views of the military as a whole. This is why it is illegal to participate in political events while in uniform. Besides, the guys fuckin’ nuts.


Out of a hundred or so military friends I have, maybe six are Paulbot veterans. Two others are active duty Paulbots.

The vast majority of the rest (that I know) do not like him. Sure, he has support from vets and AD but it is nowhere near where his fans make it out to be, that is a fact.

I’ll be the first to admit I like his ideas when it comes to taxes,rights, getting rid of bureaucracy, and Austrian model economics. The guy is a great speaker, but when he starts wandering into his nuttier views it completely cancels out all the rest for me…and I do consider myself somewhat libertarian.


Paul worshippers have aligned themselves with code pink via Adam Kokesh long before the RNC. And the disgusting Occupoopers. Paul and son should of been in violation of Logan Act after appearing on Russia Today TV and the Iranian Press. After a lot of research you can find the trickle down of his association and groups to the very groups they love to hate: Bilderbergs, NWO gurus and yes, the Feds. (And radical Islamists, too)


All of these comments as well as this post are completely subjective. Other than not listening to anything Ron Paul has ever talked about, with obvious disdain for intellectualism that requires turning off the television and reading, you are confusing a cult following of many other individuals and groups (e.g. Adam Kokesh, Code Pink, Alex Jones, etc.) for the true aspects that define Ron Paul: Austrian School Economics, Constitutional government, non-aggressive foreign policy and declarations of war to be voted on before we go to war.
Adam Kokesh is a fraud, an instigator, and anyone who is not blazed out their own minds knows that he is a punk wanting his name lit up like the Vegas strip.
Blaming Ron Paul for people like Kokesh is like blaming Jesus for Judas. Besides, Kokesh is voting and promoting for Gary Johnson (has been for a few months now…).
By the way, if you think that Romney is going to win the election… you’re just as whacked as the Obama followers.


Ron Paul is a senile, slobbering retard and his followers are all slobbering, ignorant tools. It’s like a cult, without a secret handshake…although the Paultards may actually have one of those, too. They are the most strident, anti-intellectual jackasses that I’ve talked with, although they are convinced–to the man–that they hold a morally and intellectually superior position. They don’t. They, like the good little neo-leftardians that they are, learn some buzzwords and catchy phrases, then intone them over and over again. They are easily disregarded as serious people.


@15 Just Plain Jason — Yes, I have seen RuPaul’s drag race. Pure gold! That was a typo. I think RuPaul is about 50 notches above RON Paul and his ilk.

Well, this is turning into what is probably the silliest election year ever. Certainly one of the more confrontational. I think the last election year this nasty was when Andrew “Stonewall” Jackson ran and received the label ‘jackass’ in cartoons. He embraced it as his symbol.

This is going to be tighter than my cat Mikey’s fangs on the stolen cookie treats bag.


There will be a million tax free $$ added to my checking account tomorrow. There will be an extra million tax free $$ added to my checking account tomorrow. There will be an extra million tax free $$ added to my checking account tomorrow.

My repeating that sentance for a few weeks to the consternation of anyone within earshot will neither make me popular among my peers nor result in there actually being any unexplained extra funds in the checking account.

But y’all go ahead on and try to prove me wrong.


Adam Kokesh Ronpual is a fraud, an instigator, and anyone who is not blazed out their own minds knows that he is a punk wanting his name lit up like the Vegas strip”. Minor error in your point, there, Justin, fixed it for you. Don’t thank me, happy to do it.
Oh, and, please do tell us who’s going to win the election. We’re dying to hear your opinion.


Hey UpNorth… My opinion isn’t what matters. All that matters is your own. The least you could do is provide insight into yours as I have mine… Instead of attacking someone while having no foundation to build on…


@23–ah yes, the “read a book” meme rears its ugly head yet again.

Uh, we HAVE read a book or three. I’ve also read his racist and anti-Semetic newsletters he tries to deny. I’ve also read his statements supporting Stormfront and other ass-backwards organizations. The fact that he even acknowledges said groups tells me he’s not worthy of consideration as a dog catcher in Sugarland, let alone the highest elected office in the land.

And the fact that you STILL can’t let this go after the nomination process is complete tells us yet again we know we’ve made the right decision in eschewing Paul and casting him on the ash heap of history.


@29 The “read a book” (meme?) comment was for those who do not read. The support that Ron Paul RECEIVES from “Stormfront” says nothing about his character or loyalties. There is nothing I have to “let go” of… I read and agree with the same authors and schools of thought that Ron Paul does. Any candidate with the same principles as I would have my vote. To be clear… I am not a statistic or a Paulian, Paulite, Paultard, or Paulbot. I am a human being with thoughts and opinions of my own. You are the one who can’t let go of the fact that Ron Paul has supporters and will have supporters until the election is over and beyond to whatever ends he decides to go (educator, author, speaker, etc.) Romney has the golden ticket… I don’t understand why the hate for Dr. Paul continues.


Well, Justin, in the case of the general election, I’ll go with Anybody But Obama. I don’t think that Paul could pull the votes if he were the nominee. IMO, he’s an isolationist, and he’s living in denial about the threats we face.
Not to mention the points that Sparky made.