If You Wanna Play a Practical Joke on Your Neighbors . . .

| August 29, 2012

. . . I’d recommend you don’t try this at home.

Randy Lee Tenley, 44, was dressed in a “ghillie” — an outfit favored by military snipers and game hunters — and standing in the middle of southbound lanes on U.S. Highway 93 near Kalispell on Sunday when he was struck twice in quick succession, Montana Highway Patrol spokesman Sergeant Steve Lavin said.

“From what I understand, at least one of his friends said that he was trying to induce a sasquatch sighting by using the suit along the highway,” Lavin said. “This is a first for me after 20 years on the highway patrol. It’s strange.”

With all due respect for the deceased:  “strange” isn’t the term I’d use.  Apparently The Refreshments were right.


Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Pointless blather, Who knows

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Never go full retard.


Clearly alcohol *HAD* to be a factor!


Certainly a Darwin Award nominee.


Here’s your sign.

Old Tanker


My first thought!

“Son, do you even want to find Bigfoot?”



@2 Bigfoot standing along side the road drinking from a can of Budweiser. That’s believable.


Randy messin’ with sasquatch – probably watched too many Jackass flicks.


Only in Montana.

I’m actually surprised he was run over, and not shot.


Dumbass… seriously, you have got to be a special kind of stupid to think dressing in ghillie suit and standing in traffic is going to end well.


Usually, even in the craziest of stories, there is some small teensy tiny item with which one can identify. Not so with this clown.

Best advice from here is: If or when one decides to go full retard it is best to do so in complete privacy. OK?


So basically he wasn’t even smart enough to let someone else hold his beer for him while he went out on his Darwin Award qualifying run–for which he currently holds the pole.


Words fail me.


And some people wonder why they put those crazy no brainer warning label on products. Now Budweiser is going to have to put on their cans “WARNING, Do not drink, put on ghillie suit, and then stand in traffic”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So much for “drinking responsibly”….

“Hey look at me, I’m bigfoo….uhfff”

2-17 AirCav

Interviewer’s question: “I’m sorry to hear that. How did he die?”

Respondent: “Um…Er…. Ah….”


It’s bound to happen so I’ll take care of it now.


How dare you make fun of him! A man is dead! Have you no shame? And you call yourselves patriots? You will be hearing from my attorney!!!

Chuck W

The suit worked. No one could see him.


Hey! Have some respect! That was my prom dress!

Bubblehead Rsy

Tune in next week when Earl will strap on 75 pounds of raw beef and go snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef.

2-17 AirCav

Damn funny comments in this string. I would hate to have to pick a winner. Sick lot.

2-17 AirCav


Possum 3

Raccoon 2

Squirrel 8

Deer 2

Rabbit 4

Sasquatch Impersonator 1

2-17 AirCav

Am I going to here about the missing letter? Here’s your damn o. Dammit.

2-17 AirCav

Uhg! Am I now going to hear about here? Dammit. I quit.

Bill C.

Apparently, one of the cars was driven by a 15 year old girl with her father beside her. I wonder if there is a square in driver’s ed for Sasquatch road kill.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Good thing he was removed from the gene pool.


I’ll just refer to my standard answer…”It seemed like a good idea at the time”


How’s the 15-year-old girl student driver holding up?

2-17 AirCav

@28. Yeah, that’s the only unfunny part of this episode.


#28 Probably a good thing that her Dad was with her on that drive, yeah? Accidents like that can be very difficult even for adults. Poor kid. 🙁