The Gold Standard of Racism

| August 17, 2012

Last night I watched a Sean Hannity interview with Congressman Allen West which elicited a gleaming nugget of liberal Democrat racism of which I was unaware. Most of TAH’s readers are probably familiar with the viciously racist political ad issued by a Democrat PAC which showed Congressman West beating up on old ladies, old white ladies, in fact, just to get their racist message across. But what many of you probably missed, as did I, in my disinterested viewing of the ad, was one of its most snidely racist stereotypes: the Allen West depicted is sporting a flashing gold tooth, a complete fabrication, obviously intended to reinforce stereotypes of black thugs who mug old white ladies.

As West said and visually demonstrated as well to Hannity, he has no gold teeth.

What a thoroughly despicable, racist, cheap shot by the folks who are so quick to call us conservatives racists and condemn us for stereotyping blacks. When are blacks going to wake up and realize the true contempt which their liberal Democrat masters have for them?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: 2012 election

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So nice of you to concede that we’re not ALL knuckle-dragging racists. 3%? 4%? Wow, such Dead-eye Dick accuracy. “That’s more.” Because I say So.


Allow me to ask you this. Tea Party vs. Occupy and Unions. In the Tea Party rallies, how many Tea Party members were filmed making racist comments or berating ethnic groups? Okay, now in the Occupy and Union rallies, how many Occupiers or Union Members were filmed making racist comments or berating ethnic groups?

How many Republican political ads or speeches have invoked racial stereotypes or language? How many Democrat political ads or speeches have invoked racial stereotypes or language?

I am not saying that the GOP is innocent of racism, there is always going to be the occasional racists. However, on the whole, it is the Democratic party and their affiliates that seem to be more overly racist. Case in point, Obama’s speech about his grandmother, the West ad with the gold tooth, and the Dems calling ANYONE who disagrees with the President a racist.

Oh, I almost forgot, if you say that you disagree with someone over their policies, and that person or group claims you only disagree with them because of their race, that means the person believes themselves to be superior… which is the definition of racism.


The simple fact is that the Democrats rely on racial strife to stay in office. They point fingers and say “If it weren’t for us, those people over there would be mean to you”

So, more racism (and more blatant racism) comes from the Democrats in the form of accusing everyone else of being racist, and then getting liberal news and ‘research’ groups like Southern Poverty Law to back them up on it.


Per a friend of mine, “already the 2012 presidential election is the ugliest and nastiest election ever according to many political observers.” He says we are moving closer and closer to the edge of that big, ugly financial cliff.

Dec. 21, 2012 gets closer and closer. (Cue the Twilight Zone theme music.)

Mike in Manhattan

How long is this gonna go on… Gimme a friggin break…
Anyone with a brain knows and recognizes from history that it has always been the left that goes to the ad-hominem attacks to win- they can never run on any accomplishments… always with the racism chant… aren’t all of you sick and tired of it? I’m Black and I been sick and tired of this… these stupid jackasses who vote democrat seem to just protest vote… always with the “Get Whitey” meme. I am so sick and tired of people looking to dismantle our country… to Eurotrash it… what real American wants to live like this… our once-great nation has been trashed, slandered and compromised to the point where we are now on the brink of relegated to the history books… How many more young people are cuckolded into believing this crap… The Dems have ALWAYS been the racists… They fought to keep slavery alive (Cotton Is King), Jim Crow, Grandfather Clause, the KKK (started as a terrorist arm of the Democratic Party to keep the darkies in line)… all the social policies the DNC endorse is nothing but socialist bilge. To dumb down our youth, to make minorities into a permanent voting bloc (like AMNESTY is), and to make White people into docile, guilt-ridden folk who will bow down to any whim and wish. The Panthers make it clear of their hatred for this nation. HAMAS, Al-Qaeda, the MB’s… all the way down to Greenpeace,PETA, and the like. They all want America DEAD. So they can rule it. The attacks levied against Col. West… Thank God he can see through that. I hope he and all GOPers will rise up and call the DNC and the media out on their crap. It’s either that, or the people do it. And if anyone has a problem with what I just said (especially about my lil history lesson), SUCK IT. SAVE YOUR CRYING FOR SOMETHING ELSE.


Roger your last, Mike!


I’ll call your racism horseshit and raise you on terminology, Anon. Not only are Dems more racist, they’re more bigoted as well. As if condescension in regards to skin tone wasn’t enough, they’re far less tolerant religiously and socially.


@57 – I agree with the majority in regards to racism and the two parties [though the GOP has it’s history with groups like the Council of Conservative Citizens].

But I don’t see eye to eye with you on religion and social issues. It’s the right more than the left [as I see it] who are far more proactive in pursuing legislation of positive laws and regulating personal liberty.

PowerPoint Ranger


You can hold on to whatever article of faith tells you that Republicans are more racist, but reality doesn’t hold up to your view of the matter. You spent a lot of time talking about one study that supposedly confirms your opinion, why don’t you take a look at this one from Berkeley?