Romney chooses Ryan

| August 11, 2012

Fox News is reporting this morning that they’re 2 hours ahead of the announcement from the Romney campaign that they’ll name Paul Ryan the VP candidate on that ticket for the Fall elections;

Romney will make the selection official during a campaign stop Saturday morning in Norfolk, Va., before launching his “The Romney Plan For A Stronger Middle Class” bus tour. Romney is expected to speak at 8:45 a.m. ET.

The selection comes roughly two weeks before the start of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, and gives Romney plenty of space to rally the party behind his pick before the official nomination.

There were some better choices, but I look forward to seeing the debate between Biden and and Ryan in the next few months.

Category: Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan

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I definitely look forward to the debates between Biden & Ryan. Biden is far more intelligent than his gaffes show him to be but I believe Ryan will be far more comfortable with the spotlight on him. I believe he will do well.


I don’t like a lot of Paul Ryan’s plan, but I like that he has the stones to show a plan that is both visionary and ACTUALLY SHOWS THE MATH! I am afraid that the Romney campaign will dumb his plan down into digestible sound bites and either a) no one will understand it or b) no one will like it because it looks like its undoing 70 plus years of social policy. I really wish the president had backed the Simpson-Bowles debt commission. It’s not about discretionary spending, non-discretionary is eating us alive and is only going to get worse.


Ryan has a firm grip on fiscal sanity which is what we need. I was all revved up for a Col. West/Joe The Biden match-up, though. That would have been epic.


Put a mic in front of Biden and he’ll say something utterly retarded. It never fails.


I’m with #2 jonp on this one. I personaly was hoping for West.


Ryan was the best of the probable choices. I don’t think he overcomes Romney’s weaknesses, but he makes the ticket a bit more palatable.


Meh. I was hoping Bob McDonnell. He’s done great things for VA, is a solid conservative, and is a vet.

Ryan vs Biden in a debate isn’t even a debate. Can’t wait to see Joe sputter.


I don’t like a lot of Ryan’s plan, but he has the vision and stones to show the math on his homework. I still wish the president would get behind Simpson-Bowles debt commission. I think that its a much more balanced approach to fixing what ails us.

Green Thumb

I would have gone with Condy Rice.

Impressive woman.


Better than a lot of the otber choices out there.


What concerns me this elections is the extreme Paulbots tossing away the election, along with the other lemmings out there too lazy to actually look past the propaganda coming from Obamas camp… as well as the absolute coordination between the Obama Campaign and the superpacs.
I mean hell, there are people that actually believe he caused that guys wife to get and die from Cancer!! WTF and I am sure I am preaching to choir here, but this country is screwed if that ass is re-elected.


The choice is between private enterprise and capitalism and cronyism and socialism.

Yat Yas 1833

Now it’s time to get to work to get comrade obama out of the white house. That means volunteering or donating money or doing anything necessary to get our people in the aforementioned white house.


Obama better watch out. With this pick, Romney virtually guaranteed himself the white Republican millionaire/billionaire vote.


Does that mean they’ll have to work to get the leach, gimme, it’s mine even though I didn’t earn it vote?


@14: You mean like Ryan, who (gasp) used SS Survivor’s Benefits to save for college, but now wants to get rid of “entitlement” spending?

Just Plain Jason

I would have much prefered Jindal, but I am too upset about this pic. Like we all know if Obama runs on his record and this stays about the economy I don’t think that it matters who Romney pics as his running mate. Of course I think it is going to be about, “loot at the big meanie rich guy!”


@15: Execpt SS is (gasp) not an entitlement. We all know that Obama will be throwing our tax dollars at the leach, gimme, it’s mine even though I didn’t earn it to get their vote.


For Ron Paul fan club, hey cheer up and turn that frown around – at least you got a “Paul” on the ticket.


@18: Oh, right. It’s mandatory spending when it’s convenient for them, but entitlement spending when they want to lather up a Tea Party crowd about what money is spent on the evil “them”.


Somewhere on pjmedia it was pointed out that this is the first time since 1944 that American voters are going to choose between two tickets that feature candidates with no military service (of course, the veteran candidate has lost every Presidential race since 1992).

Old Tanker

21 G W Bush had military service….and won since 1992


22-well more or less, but the candidates he beat were “veterans” in no uncertain terms in that they had both been to Vietnam (whatever we may think of them personally or their policies-and I dislike them both) and would have qualified for a veteran’s preference in hiring and veteran’s benefits and I don’t think Bush the younger would have (or at least would have only to a lesser degree).


@21: Misunderstanding you here? Or are you saying that neither ticket has a vet on it??

OK, that must be it. Because pretty much every election has had at least one on there somewhere.


@22 OT Evidently, to some, being a fighter pilot in the ANG doesn’t count. Have met quite a few who suffered from that low opinion. Oh, well.


OWB-24, yes no vet on either ticket is what I meant. And no hate for GWB for being an ANG pilot, but his veteran status would be considered of a different one from Gore and Kerry and he would not get the same benefits or preferences as them.


68W58: Yes, the benefit structure is radically different for members of the Guard. But, for preferances on job apps, for instance, we got credit for our military service. Hardly think it was just me!

(Guess I am forgetting Gore having any service. sKerry only served so that he could claim it later, most likely as a leftist, anti-war plant.)

No prob on my misreading. Was watching the Olympics and finally figured it out in spite of not reading with much attention. That’s on me, not you.


Anon, why don’t you toodle on back to the Occutard encampment? I take it, by your lack of a reasoned response, that, yes, Obama has the leach, gimme, it’s mine even though I didn’t earn it vote locked up?


@28: I would actually say that the president has the votes of people who view facts as being instructive rather than being annoyances. That supply-side merchants of tax cuts for the wealthy and austerity for everyone else continue to receive support regardless of overwhelming evidence that their “ideas” don’t work is mind boggling.


Ladies and gentlemen we should be honored-apparently Monsieur Le President Hollande himself is here commenting among us.


Facts? The recipients of government largesse[our tax dollars] don’t need no stinkin’ facts. Why would they start to seek out facts now, they haven’t bothered in the last generation or three.
And, 68W, you’re correct. If it weren’t for the envy of and coveting what other people have earned, Anon and the other occutards wouldn’t have anything.


Dem operatives already making snarky comments on Ryan as a creature of Washington D.C. who has never had a real job. Real job?
You mean like Monsieurs Obama & Biden have EVER had real jobs i.e. private sector? Liberal New Yorker mag writer Ryan Lizza is f*cking retarded and prime example of hypocrisy with utter garbage he just wrote today.

Real smart Lizza to be denigrating a Republican’s lack of private sector experience – oh wait, what about that Romney guy at top of the ticket who was both a CEO of multi billion dollar company and Governor of MA ? I’m sure Kenyan Obama and Joe “the plagiarist” Biden can top that.


@31: Actually, I’m not an “occutard”. FWIW, I wear the uniform just like many people who contribute to this blog, and have done so for close to 20 years. Corporations who don’t actually create jobs when given millions of dollars in tax breaks are not recipients of government largesse, I take it? It’s only the families receiving the small sums on TANF who are, right?


Anon…you mean like Solyndra, et al?


But on the other hand, corporations and people who make money from them are double taxed. They get hit with personal and business income tax. They also pay to the government more than they get in tax cuts. What I can’t stand are perfectly normal people living off of welfare and being satisfied with that. I grew up with my mother doing that, and I felt horrible. If you’re gonna take money from the pot, try to pay some back.


The biggest corporations in the world are monopolies, and known as “government.” Some of their closest competitors are also monopolies in the “service sector,” and known as “unions,” which strangle jobs out of the American marketplace.

Those other corporations? Those are those ones that actually create jobs, manufacture products, and which you, as the consumer, have a choice to buy products from, or not.

Government ownership of the means of production was tried and failed. It was called communism. It is demonstrable through history that when monopolies, whether government or monarchy or other, are given right to exist, their service is substandard and their prices are exorbinant.

What the purveyors of “big government,” of “Occupy,” of Che Gueverra are proposing is government monopoly, using the same slogans as did Lenin & Mao: “the People’s property,” i.e. government monopoly.


Perhaps an example of what you are saying, WOTN? The easiest one for me to grasp is the production, distribution, and taxation of gasoline.

Private companies, and individuals within them, do all the exploration, extraction, refining, and every other detail needed to get my automobile tank filled with gasoline. In other words, it is individuals who take all the risk that there will be a satisfacotry return on their investment of time and energy in finding and selling a product.

For that, they receive some profit. Profit of less than 10% of each gallon of gasoline that I buy. Sounds pretty good until you compare it to the profit on other goods we consume. But that is the free market.

Meanwhile, government entities tax that same gasoline. For contributing absolutely nothing to the process of getting it into my tank they take something over 25% of what I pay.

Yet we have folks complaining that less than 10% profit for the producers is “obscene?” Are they willfully ignorant of what the government takes for adding no value at all to gasoline, yet demand that we pay anyway?

Bottom line is simply that the government is doing to the producers of gasoline and consumers that which any of us attempting would result in our being in jail for violation of RICO, among other things.


An even more simple one is any utility–be it electric, gas, or even cable.


In your example OWB, the shareholders of those Corporations, which quite likely includes readers here that have invested their earnings in 401ks, Roths, IRA’s, Mutual Funds, and direct stock ownership, to buy the equipment and to take the risk on those wells. That investment includes in the people that explore, extract, and execute the corporations. The risk also includes that the market price of oil will decrease below a point that makes it profitable to extract that oil.

As to the price of gasoline, (as well as oil), that is set on the world market, not by individual corporations, or countries, though OPEC certainly has a big impact on it, as well as government regulations on refineries & extraction, which the current Administration (and others) have prevented.

Quite literally, retirees of all walks of life are depending on that project being successful, so they can pay their bills.

As to your 25% government tax, that highlights the monopolistic effect of government.

And the 10% employee portion, well that’s pretty good wages. While I don’t bemoan their portion of it, I won’t be shedding any tears for their “poverty” either.