From Captain Larry Bailey:

| August 9, 2012

Slight disclaimer: A personal friend AND a friend to TAH.


This is from Special Operations Speaks as mentioned several times here on TAH.

Category: Gathering of Eagles, Geezer Alert!, Politics

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I like it, aside from the speed-voice at the end.


Mike Rogers, leader of House Intelligence Committee is raising hell, but leaks occurring unabated. Apparently whoever is doing this feels they have topcover and no fear of prosecution. Its crickets from MSM mostly. Under Bush or any Republican WH, i’m pretty certain this would be front page news everyday – well vitually any Republican “screwup” is frontpage fodder.


Great vid! Thanks for posting it, Zero.


Who is behind the leaks? Probably has initials V and J.


@#2. You’re right, and like Ex-PH said, the initials of the leaker are V and J, and top cover with B and O.


Based on the very little that I know about Captain Bailey, I can confidently say that I would prefer him as President over either of the choices we have.


The leaker had better be discovered and procecuted appropriately.


The real question is what is the motivation behind the leaks. I am gobsmacked by the complete lack of common sense.


Leaks serve one purpose and thats to cash in on political currency. It perpetuates an image of BO in command, fighting against evildoers, that he is capable of making tough decisions – being decisive. Demonstrating himself as a strong national security President undercuts Republican challenger on this issue (historically national security is a Republican calling card). With economy stalled and a polarized healthcare policy – BO is gonna push the commander in chief credentials to the hilt. Yeah, he’s gonna pound the snot out of Romney on this – so Mittens get ready to rope a dope and counterpunch.


Liberals go on and on about how the Bush administration “outed” a CIA operative yet are strangely silent when the Obama administration is leaking secret SOF information. Hypocracy at it’s finest.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

When Diane Feinstein thinks there is a problem with leaks, it’s probably safe to say you have a serious issue. Ms. Feinstein is not known for her aggressive anti Democratic views, the mere fact she mentions the white house as the source of these leaks is very telling in my view.

Of course there are close to 5 million people with security clearances these days between the government and private contractors. Expecting all 5 million to be models of secrecy is probably not very realistic.

The saying used to be, “the best way for 3 men to keep a secret is if 2 of them are dead”…now we have people using secrets and leaks as a method to drive their political message, and Holder doesn’t think a special prosecutor is necessary. How does he still have a job?


Twist: especially since best evidence now indicates it was her own husband who “outed” Plame and that Armitrage only confirmed what was already common knowlege. And if her working openly at CIA HQ for a while hadn’t already done that, of course.


BO in command? Sure…

His voting record in the Illinois state legislature includes voting “present” on 3% of the legislation during his term of office. 3% of the stautes presented as legislation is a lot when voting “present” means you can’t make up your mind how to vote on something. Before the 2008 election there was a report in Newsweek about BO’s term as a senior law lecturer at the University of Chicago. He didn’t run the class; he turned it over to the students, which is not what he was paid to do.

We’ve already seen a report here on TAH about the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound and how BO was out playing golf and was unable to make up his mind, more than once, about taking out public enemy number one.

I would willingly bet that the only thing he’s in command of is the ashtray in his office.

I recently watched a documentary on Hurricane Katrina. Bush responded immediately when the governor of Louisiana asked him to declare an emergency. He had his faults, but he was decisive when he had to be.

But BO? Decisive? In command? I don’t think so. This guy is a gutless, wiffling leafblower who couldn’t make up his own mind about cream or no cream.

Larry Bailey

Thanks a bunch for posting this! We intend to beat that sucker!

Larry Bailey