Jewelry thieves thwarted by gun owner

| August 7, 2012

A 65-year-old jewelry store owner in Los Angeles took action when five would-be thieves overwhelmed shoppers in her store. You’ll want to set down any beverages near by and purge your mouth of any liquids before watching this video sent to us by James;

I put the video below the fold because it was slowing the site down.

Category: Guns

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That little old lady’s got some huge balls taking on 5 guys with one handgun. Not much can be said about the criminals who took off so fast one of them fell 😛 I hope they’re caught.

Good for her, defending what’s hers!

Old Trooper

The cop said; “it may not have been the best course of action”? Um, yeah it was.

Why does the theme from Benny Hill keep going through my mind when I watch the video?


I wonder why they were wearing hoodies?


Wish she’d have nailed one or more of the perps. That way there’d be solid DNA evidence for the police to use in their investigation. But maybe one or more of these low-lifes cut themselves (or left some skin) on the display case they crashed into on the way out.

Nice to see good people stand up and fight to keep what’s theirs. But perhaps the owner needs to find a little time to spend at the range.


@2 Yakkety Sax, first thing I thought as well.


Maybe she should upgrade her dog, a doberman or two would have had a field day with those guys.


I agree 100% with Old Trooper1 The first thing I thought of was the theme from Benny Hill! I would say she should upgrade to one of the “Judge” revolvers for the first few shots, load those ass up with buck shot!


God Bless America and 65 year old women who carry gyns! PERIOD!


Ah .. that would be guns. The “Y” is adjacent to the “U” and I have not had my morning coffee … so sorry!


#9, LOL, it was funnier with gyns!


@ 10 ROG That!


“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run, outrun my gun! All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run, faster than my bullet!”


Thugs hate it when citizens fight back. When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.


Don’t screw with little old ladies, not even in California!


Ah, Garbage Grove back in the news.

Yat Yas 1833

Saw his on Fox News last night and snorted “Jack” chilled through my nose!?! Sumbich that stung!!!


Ahaha, I love how they scamper away and almost get stuck in the doorway trying to get out… and she chases them!


Thanks for the warning, but I scared the hell out of the wife’s cat with my laugh.

Definitely need to put the Benny Hill soundtrack to those skidmarks racing out of the store. Even more when the one tried to pus hthe door… that opens in!

I wonder if those two runners just kept going like Pee-Wee in the Porky’s movies?


@14 Lucky, I said once, don’t mess with geezers. I will now include “and old ladies”.