Final 8 of the 2012 Ballduster McSoulpatch Stolen Valor Tournament

| August 3, 2012


Justice Kennedy Regional:
Sharkey def. Wittgenfeld (thank you Jesus) 51.7 – 48.3
Truitt def. Comacho 56.8 – 43.2

Justice Ginsburg Regional:
Fatty McQuartermillion Pounder def. Sensei John 64.4 – 35.6
Oliver def. Tillson (farewell to boobies) 52.3 – 47.7

Justice Sotomayor Regional:
Wilson def. Creekmur 71.5 – 28.5
Diliberto def. Vaughn 57.4 – 42.6

Chief Justice Roberts Regional:
Stuttering Poe def. Brockbrader 72.6 – 27.4
Gunny Highway Mailahn def. Clumpner (IVAW is out) 62.8 – 37.2

Next week we vote for the Final Four.


For the Wittgenfeldian Truthers:

Category: Politics

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The issue has never been whether your records said you were awarded a CIB, Wittgenfeld. The issue has always been whether or not it was awarded to you legitimately.

As long as you can document that you qualified for the CIB legitimately – as in, personally participated in a firefight while also serving as an 11-series soldier – you’ll get an apology. Until then – uh, no. The rest of your records simply don’t support it. Your records clearly indicate you never served in an 11-series position in Vietnam, or as an advisor to any foreign forces in Vietnam. According to your official records, you were a commo guy the entire time you were in Vietnam.

I’m guessing your CIB ain’t really legit, but that it somehow got put in your records anyway. Whether or not you had an active role in making that happen is a different question entirely.


Hey Wittgenfeld? While you wrestle with these guys over your CIB and “Ranger” status, I’m still waiting to hear about those so-called “war crimes” you say you witnessed on the battlefield. You’re the one that ran your pie hole about them now step up, give us a deposition.


On second thought, don’t give us…give me your sworn deposition, locations, units, names and ranks. Now that you’ve got infantry crawling up your flabby, ranger wanna-be ass, us MP’s might as well score a piece of this here little firefight while we’re at it.


He won’t see me apologize, since I never said he didn’t have a CIB. What I would like is for him to back up his statement that I have lied about anything related to him. He has yet to point out a single thing I have written about him that is untrue. Meanwhile he continues to issue legal threats. Which makes it fun because I’ve asked repeatedly for him to point out an inaccuracy of fact, and he hasn’t done so, which means he has no case, so I look forward to him wasting money.


TSO: I don’t think anyone here has ever said Wittgenfeld didn’t have a CIB in his records. But given the rest of Wittgenfeld’s records, there is substantial reason do doubt whether said CIB is legitimate or not. I’ve yet to see any documentation that he ever served as an infantryman.

And you’re correct – he does have other things to answer for, like past false claims of having a BSM w/V and in general being an asshole.

I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for him to give you anything, amigo.


@ #41, Yat: Aw, don’t whimper! He’s just not worth it. Yeah, have hoped to never ever again have to look at that ugly for quite a while now.

But if it helps any, my first choices are no longer in the running either, so we are already even? Truitt is my last best hope.


Hey Dullass, come to Arizona with your silly ass little show. I got something for you. Stop being a fucking blunder chicken and show us what/who you really are.


Can we at least make him an “8th Loser” loser award?


Well Witlessfuck is gone courtesy of Sharkboy. Tilson’s passing makes me sad because of those two assets he brought to every bracket. Now if we can match Sharkboy with Wilson for The Goth Poser championship, (a separate award?), I’ll be happy. And of course, being from NJ, I am pulling for Driveway to beat Poe. Poe has already had fame and misfortune. Driveway has been a failure his entire life, I really want to see him “win” something that he earned. Who knows, it may give him the confidence he seems to have been missing all these years. It might even enable him to date a woman not in danger of being packed in wet towels by Greenpeace every time they are near a body of saltwater.


See? I said Wafflefleckster would complain that he was cheated out of his win.


My orders for the C.I.B are coming

Uh, fuckstick? I got my “fish” 26 years ago and I still have my orders, framed and on my wall, signed by D. M. Lachata, Captain, United States Navy.

Now how hard would it be to produce your orders? Most folks I know have either an “I love me” wall or keep their important records handy. Even old fuckers like me.