That phony Marine General

| July 5, 2012

We’re still trying to get an ID on this guy since we first posted this picture back in April;

Some new information came through POW Network to us;

The picture of the individual dressed as a two-star, smoking at the picnic table, was taken at the Phoenix VA Regional Office, at 3333 N Central Ave, in Phoenix, Arizona. It is the smoke area directly in front of the building, right next to Central Ave. It is where all the VA, and service organization employees usually hang out to smoke. The “Keeping Hearts Beating” poster in the back, is part of a national campaign.

The most likely reason for someone to be at the Phoenix VARO, is to apply for benefits. Most of the first floor is veterans service organizations. There was never any functions or anything, the least of which to where someone would wear a dress uniform.

I hope this helps in some small way.

I know there are a bunch of you in Phoenix – maybe the next time you’re at this VA office, you can show this picture around. I’m sure someone would remember the guy, I mean how often does a retired 2-star show up at a VA office in full regalia? And those readers we have in the DVA OIG might want to check out “Flynn” in Phoenix.

And, oh, while we’re putting up pictures, Darren sent us this photoshop to prove Tim Oliver was really in Delta;

Category: Phony soldiers

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That’s MG Flynn, duh!

Just Plain Jason

I had to look at that twice… Now I am standing at attention…


Been working on the picture of this dude. The name on the name tag is Flynn. Can’t teak it much more than I already am or it goes way too blurry. Currently have editing software set for 54% enlargement using temp/color/contrast/brightness and focus adjustments. With these settings it does appear to be his name is “Flynn”. Could be he might be listed in MOL if any of your jarheads care to check.


Excuse me, I’m using 150% zoom of original size…Still appears to be “Flynn”.


From one of the comments on the original post.
“General Disarray”


Well, it shouldn’t be too hard to find some pictures of this guy. Enlisted jacket with Major General stars and officer cover.

I just wonder why no other photos have turned up? Maybe someone already dealt with him.

Green Thumb

I wonder if he has his own coins?

Just Plain Jason

There I wasn’t….


One would think a general would at least smoke class A smokes…


Green Thumb-sure he has coins. After a morning down by the off-ramp his coins usually total about $4.78.


Tough part about searching for this guy is that there is a LtGen Flynn in the Marine Corps; but this guy is definitely not him.


I hate this keyboard.


I found that too Must(g)ang. Makes it harder to search.

Marine 83

No General officers listed under Flynn on MOL. 5 pages worth of Flynn’s. Just a couple of Colonels and some light Colonels.


I can’t tell from this photo, but is he wearing a blue USAF nametag on his uniform, or is it just the light?


Naw, it’s the light… Army nametag.

Marine 83

Oops. My bad. Lt Gen Flynn is listed.

Green Thumb

I want a coin.


If he’s gonna wear the uniform, he oughta at least shave his hands. And maybe put his teeth back in.


VA Police or Federal Proective Service (FPS) most definately KNOW who this guy is. I can say with certainty that when these subjects walk into Federal Buildings and/or GSA leased space … people are watching. If he walked into 26 Fed Plaza in NYC … well … he would have some splaining to do.


I think he is smoking “Natural American Spirit” or “Pall Mall” 100’s (cheap fuck). Silver Zippo (enlisted). Smoking outside uncovered and in uniform (against policy). Faddish sunglasses (not officer or gentleman). Not a good example for “Keeping Hearts Beating” (moron). My assessment – NOT a Marine.

Green Thumb

Right on! I wonder who his ADC is as well as his driver?


Totally disagree. Just the other day, I spotted GEN Odierno in a pair of 7-Eleven wrap=around sunglasses, eating a Subway 12 inch at a pigeon-shit encrusted picnic table outside the Pentagon. 100% legit.

Doctor Stickyfinger

I can vouch for this respectable man. About 10 years ago, after my stint with the Special Forest Rangers group, the Navy picked up my education bill and sent me to the hardest school the military has to offer. He was the CO of the US Navy Seal Gynecologist school. Now, don’t confuse my words, I am a Navy Seal Gynecologist, not a Navy SEAL. I do OBGYN stuff on marine wildlife, a very tough gig I can assure you and if it weren’t for the good general’s guidance I never would have made it through.

Yat Yas 1833

Ok Fellas, this one is MINE! My house is about 4+- miles from the Carl T. Hayden VA Center on 7th St & Indian School Rd. here in Phoenix. I will be there looking for this fool and call him out. A General Officer with no Pistol Badge? A General Officer with no ‘Q’ bar on his Rifle Expert Badge? Those ” blues” sure look enlisted! (I know, I have a set). Starting Monday, taking my grandkids to see ‘Brave’ tomorrow, I’ll be at the center waiting for him.


@24, dude you got a chuckle from me on that one.


Wish could do a blow up of that ring he’s wearing…maybe a clue there. Hate to say that it appears to have a lot of gold and no stone which is what I have on my Citadel ring and the Aggie ring is similar. Hope not…maybe just a Jr High School.


@26, doubt you find the knucklehead sitting outside in PHX at this time of year. Then again, he’s got to be insane to wear that uniform at that location. Perhaps look under the closest underpasses for his sleeping quarters.


This guy is a complete fraud as a Marine. He is wearing the enlisted Dress Blue uniform, the collar eagle that is visible is directed outboard vice inboard, rifle qualification, no pistol qualification, also looks like he is wearing an Army Combat Jump badge. Marines wear the lead sled if qualified, and the gold wings as an assigned Navy Marine Corps parachutist. Even if earned as a soldier, he would convert the wings accordingly. We don’t ever wear a name tag in that uniform. But as called out, smoking in a designated smoking area, covered or uncovered is appropriate. Marines do not walk with a lit cigarette, cigar or pipe when outdoors. Lastly, it appears that he is also sporting an enlisted Marine Cover over an Officer Frame. Certainly, the USMC emblem on the Cover is an enlisted emblem, and I don’t see the Officer’s Quatrafoil on the fabric on top, but that just be the angle…other than all of that…he must be legit…Semper Fi


simple amazement at La-La Land Zombies — that’s all .


No. 25:
My favorite College Course: Female Anatomy By Braille .


@# 26, He is all yours Yat Yas…Happy recon!


thumbs up for photoshop

Dennis Herdina

As someone who was a Navy Doc (enlisted HM1) with Marines I can state that is an enlisted marine uniform jacket and further I do not ever recall seeing a Marine wear name tags with that uniform jacket either That is also an enlisted cover on an officers hat frame and i do not see the Quatrafoil on top (maybe do to the angle). I cannot speak to other uniform or ribbon discrepancies but I can also honestly say in my inexpert opinion this guy is not a Marine! If for no other reason than the fact a 2 star general officer showing up at any VA facility of any kind will have a lot of people around him besides having an ADC there as well.


This guy is a hero

Green Thumb

I wonder if he has a coin?

Turd bucket.


I’m 5 miles from Pendleton, and I don’t like people like this. Has anyone ID’d him.

Unremarked in other posts: (1) That’s a McDonald’s drink cup. (2) The ring is likely a wedding ring. (3) No one has commented on the woman next to him. (4) His name is almost certainly “Flynn” since anyone seeing him in the Center would use that name or see it on papers. (5) There is a book next to him and the woman. I don’t have enlargement software to ID it.