TSO on Fox News

| July 5, 2012

Fox finally put up the video that TSO recorded on Tuesday;

I think it’s unfair that the VFW guy wasn’t wearing his cap. I’m not even sure he’s in the VFW. We need to put pressure on the VFW to make their guys wear their caps when they’re on television.

But the video touts Joe Heck’s bill to replace the Stolen Valor Act which makes it criminal to claim military service and honors for a tangible profit. Didn’t Rick Duncan/Strandlof get something tangible from his veterans’ group? Doesn’t Dallas Whittgenfeld get something out of his buffoonery? Ken Aden tried to use his credentials as a “Green Beret” to win an elected office which would resulted in a paycheck.

Even Xavier Alvarez must’ve worn that Army uniform claiming to be a Marine before that meeting to win some sort of creds in his election. Like I’ve said, the new Stolen Valor Act will be another lawyer employment opportunity as they argue among themselves as to the meaning of “thing of value” which is the terminology in the bill.

I think their money would be better spent either funding a data base or funding TAH. Hey, I took a shot.

Category: Stolen Valor Act

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Well done, TSO! Bravo!


Does Fox have up the video with HeadHunter 6 from yesterday? He was interviewed on there.


Ha…..I was on live, no funny hat just before TSO. Then me and the Jag were on a taped clip, frantically trying to get out of the way as the reporter interviewed my boss.


Free drinks, attention from opposite sex, parade entry, discounts, throwing out first pitch at ballgame, points on applications, va benefits, first class upgrades on planes, early boarding on planes, license plates and on and on and on. So many examples of gaining something of value. Heck I would even argue that recognition and hand shakes hold some value.

I would like to see some sort of conduct detrimental clause for the craziest valor theifs that claim service and are drug addicts or rapists etc. If vets are tarrred and feathered for any and all behavior good or bad or non consequential we do not need the fakers like that eye liner tool making us look even worse. The public needs to know the vast majority of service members and vets are law abbiding good citizens. They need to know that people with combat related pts need a smile a hug a tip of the cap nott a straight jacket or cell.

Anyways thanks to TSO and Mr Lilyea and anyone else deserving recognition for keeping stolen valor an issue and pushing for justice in any way possible.


15 minutes (seconds) of fame! Bullshit that they cut him off so quickly.. twice.


Have you ever considered proving your badassery by jumping without a chute, Dallas?