Fort Bragg shooter dies

| July 2, 2012

The Department of Defense has announced that Spc. Ricky G. Elder, the guy who shot LTC Tisdale at Fort Bragg last Thursday has died from hi self-inflicted wound;

Elder, who was 27 years old at the time of his death, allegedly shot Army Lt. Col. Roy L. Tisdale, commander of the 525th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, during a June 28 safety briefing near the unit’s headquarters in the historic district of Fort Bragg around 3:30 p.m., according to installation officials.

Tisdale, 42, of Alvin, Texas, was killed immediately, officials said. Elder reportedly turned the weapon upon himself, causing life-threatening injuries.

Army Spc. Michael E. Latham, 22, a signal support system specialist assigned to the Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, had received a minor, non-life threatening wound during the June 28 shooting. Latham, a native of Vacaville, Calif., who joined the Army in October 2009, was released from Fort Bragg’s Womack Army Medical Center and is expected to make a full recovery.

Elder had been charged with larceny of a toolkit valued at $1,700 and was pending court martial for that charge. Charges had been referred but his trial had not been scheduled.

Well, at least we won’t have to spend money on a trial.

Category: Shitbags

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Old Trooper

“Elder, who was 27 years old at the time of his death, allegedly shot Army Lt. Col. Roy L. Tisdale,”

So I guess LTC Tisdale “allegedly” died from “allegedly” being shot?

Journolists are a bunch of fucking morons.


The fact that the shooter will now be judged by God instead of a jury is the only good thing about this incident.


Glad the shooter died. Too bad another had to die though.


How can someone use ‘allegedly’ when there were eyewitnesses right there?

It’s a word composed of more than one syllable that makes the reporter sound uh…

Sorry, I simply can’t stop laughing. They always do this: misquote, misdirect, misinform — just do a crap job because it doesn’t require accuracy.

I’m sorry that a good man was taken out by a sniveling jerk.


Until the investigation is complete and formally presented, everything is “alleged”.


they are using that word for Hasan as well and he was identified and shot by police during the incident….weird


Um, guys? It’s standard practice to say “alleged” when the person in question hasn’t been convicted of the crime in question. It’s a style thing.


#7… it happened in front of the entire battalion. It isn’t alleged, he did it. I understand the the letter of the law but casually tossing this legal beagle verbiage out is an insult to LTC Tisdale and his family. I understand the point you are trying to make and in many cases there is reasonable doubt that justifies the the word “alleged”. This is not one of them. The good LTC is gone and thank god the sociopath who killed him is in hell where he ought to be.

B Woodman

Damn! He escaped the trial, conviction and incarciration and becoming Bubba’s little prison bitch. He got off easy.


“Well, at least we won’t have to spend money on a trial.”

I’m pretty sure a Lt. Col. (or even a boot private) costs far more than a trial any way you care to look at it.

Not a worthwhile exchange in any way.


Elric @8, would you accept that different disciplines use words and/or terms in different ways? For example, a magazine is not a clip, nor is an M-2 Bradley a “tank.” These terms have very specific, as well as very important meanings within the armed forces community.

I understand your frustration, and I agree that there’s no doubt that Elder shot & killed LTC Tisdale. What we need here is an understanding of how reporters function, as opposed to how soldiers (or Marines, or sailors…) function, then try to comprehend how they approach matters.

Look at it this way: a man & a woman agree to get married, exchange rings, and so on. Being both very modern and, ahh, healthy, they engage in intercourse before the marriage. Now. According to at least some moral authorities, that’s fornication. Doesn’t matter that they’re engaged, exchanged rings, love each other, and/or really do intend to get married. At that point in time they aren’t married, hence their relations are fornication. It’s a formality. Me, I don’t get to bothered, but to others it’s a Big F’n Deal.

Same thing with “alleged.” Elder was seen to be the shooter, it’s given that he’s the shooter, but since he wasn’t tried & convicted in court, he must be referred to as an “alleged” shooter. It’s still fornication, as it were. That’s the formality of reporting style-writing. Most real reporters understand the distinction between the style-required use of “alleged,” and the self-evidently guilty, like MAJ Hassan. Ok, most except idiot proggie journalists who wear Ché t-shirts… 😉

I hear where you’re coming from, and as a practical matter I agree. Elder was a scumbag, and his cowardly suicide robbed us of the opportunity to hang him from the neck until he is dead, dead, dead.


Pave Pusher: the dead are dead. A trial won’t bring them back, and also won’t tell us anything of significance we don’t already know.

I’m OK with the shooter pleading his case in front of the Ultimate Judge vice in front of a courts-martial panel.