“Those Who Cannot Remember the Past…”

| June 25, 2012

62 years ago today North Korea crossed the 38th parallel.

US: 36,940 dead
92,134 wounded
3,737 MIA
4,439 POW

And to complete the quote: “are condemned to repeat it” Santayana

Just a FYI sort of reminder.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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Thanks for the reminder! I’ m calling my buddy who served with the 14th Infantry Regiment, 25th Division and thank him for his service in the forgotten war- not conflict!


136 years ago today the Battle of the Greasy Grass began. It ended the next day.

Billy Bob

History repeats itself because Basic Human nature does not change…


Zero: that makes all the difference.

Joe Williams

Anybody but the politicos see a pattern,Korea,Viet Nam,Iran,Iqan and A’san ?