The Mad Medic: Ethan McCord goes full retard

| June 3, 2012

Our buddy, Doc Bailey, who goes by the name Mad Medic at his own blog “The Madness of the Combat Medic“, knows Ethan McCord, the clown who goes around the country talking to your kids in their school about the “Collateral Murder” video. He busted McCord for putting this as his cover photo on his Facebook page;

Yeah, the only reason McCord thinks Manning deserves the Medal of Honor is because Manning’s treachery made McCord someone, as opposed to the nobody he was before the video. But you need to read Doc Bailey’s post – Doc was there at the aftermath of the scene portrayed by the video, too, and for some odd reason, Bailey doesn’t see things the way McCord sees them.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Shitbags

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Nobody ever seems to remember that Abraham Lincoln was responsible for the bloody slaughter of 600,000 human beings.


@ Ann

(and I’m someone who became vegetarian primarily for ethical reasons.)

WTF is this? “Ethical”? Me thinks you’re a bit of a self righteous wacko, your-own-self.


@51 – Good grief, another ignorant nutjob with no knowledge of history.
Kiki, you moron, the South started the Civil War, not Abe.