Brendan Haas gives away his free Disney World trip

| May 30, 2012

Several of you sent us this link to a story about a 9-year-old boy from Massachusetts, Brendan Haas, who traded up for a free trip to Disney World and then gave it away to the family of a fallen soldier;

Brendan Haas created the “Soldier for a Soldier” Facebook page in February. Inspired by the story of the guy who, through a series of trades, turned a paper clip into a house, Haas started with a toy soldier and eventually traded up to USD 900 worth of Disney gift certificates, airfare and hotel credits.

On Memorial Day, Haas gave the trip to the family of U.S. Army Lt. Timothy Steele, a 25-year-old soldier killed in Afghanistan last year. According to NBC’s WHDH-TV affiliate, Haas pulled the name of Liberty Hope Steele, the fallen soldier’s now-2-year-old daughter, out of a hat and surprised the Steele family at their Duxbury, Mass., home.

From WHDH;

Timothy Steele was killed last August in Afghanistan. He was 25 years old.

“Tim was pretty special to us,” said Jack Steele, Timothy’s father. “He knew what he wanted to do at a very young age.”

The soldier left behind a wife and a 2-year-old daughter named Liberty Hope.

What can I possibly add?

Category: Support the troops

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Brendan, you’re the Man. God bless you, young man.

B Woodman

“What can I possibly add?”
Damn, it’s getting misty here.


I retract my statement in the other post about Americans being lazy and selfish. Brendan, you have restored my faith in humanity.


At nine years old I fully believe he could accomplish more than all of Congress put together.


Now THAT really IS special! (Can you imagine what his parents must be like to have taught this little guy so well at this tender age? My sincere thanks to them.)


“….and a child shall lead them…”

AW1 Tim

I can’t add anything. I read this earlier today and was just blown away by how this kid, and I am sure, his parents, get it.

Would that we had more like him.

Scott B

Methinks this kid is going to get his very own trip to Disney… courtesy OF Disney in the very near future.


God bless you Brendan. You give me and many others hope through your selfless deed and it is my sincerest wish your generosity is returned many times over. I’d love to see if there is a group that is putting together a trip for this young man because I sure as hell want to help.


Wow! Great story!


Brendan’s parents have raised him well already. Well done, young man. Well done.


#8 Disney awarded him a trip of his own for his good works, which he promptly gave away again. Good kid.–abc-news-topstories.html


Is there a was we could get this kid some unit and deployment schwag as a kudos to him? I don’t mind trying to get some stuff from my old unit, but it wasn’t all high speed Top Gun shirtless volleyball (he’s definitely earned it.)


This kid has earned himself a “Young John Wayne” day at a military base somewhere. Take him on a ride in a tank, put him in an F-16 or F-18 simulator, give him some time with some grunts out in the field, send him to sea for a day or two on a frigate…he deserves some John Wayne-type “action swag”.

Navy Vet

Brendan you are filled with all the is taught in the military, to defend and care for the weak, to love thy fellow man, to lend a hand to the down trodden. He should be given the key to his city, and the Young John Wayne day also. There has to a few VFW’s & military reservist near where he lives and I am sure they could have him march with them at one of the parades they participate in. WE need more children in the world to show this much honest to goodness good ole American greatness that has gone by the wayside, young girls & boys used to be like this we need to all be more like this young man. Thank you Brendan


[…] Haas Redux June 1st, 2012 As jerry920 has pointed out in the comments to Jonn’s original article, it looks like the youngster will do it […]

Jon The Mechanic

I was reading my local paper and found out that his gift was to the family of a soldier from Ft Drum.


WOW. @2 is right…