Memorial Day and ordinary men

| May 27, 2012

Admiral “Bull” Halsey once said “There are no extraordinary men…just extraordinary circumstances that ordinary men are forced to deal with.” And that is what this weekend celebrates. Ordinary men (and women) dealing with extraordinary circumstances, and although many of us who’ve known personally those men and women who have given the last full measure and we honor their memory every day, some Americans have to be reminded of their blessings of liberty and peace. That’s unfortunate, but at least they remember sometimes. That’s why I graciously accept their Memorial Day greetings, and their “thanks for [my] service” because this holiday is to remind them of the people who’ve sacrificed for them – because you and I don’t need to be reminded.

Memorial Day Unknown Soldiers 042

Among millions of others, we live with the sacrifices others have made for us and that is part of the burden we bear.

Tim's girls

If it takes a holiday to remind Americans what has been done in their name, then I’m all for it;


I think that Halsey’s comment was valid in the context of his time, but in these days of an entirely volunteer military, there are extraordinary people who take time out of their lives to participate in something for the greater good rather than the selfish good.


Anyone who enlisted in the military after 2001 knew with near certainty that they would end up being a pop-up target no matter what their job was – truck driver, cook or infantryman.

Memorial Day Unknown Soldiers 037

It takes an extraordinary person to run towards the sounds of the guns while most of his countrymen, the ordinary people, merely hope that someone will, someone who is not them. In these days, it takes extraordinary people to confront extraordinary circumstances, and not a day goes by that I don’t thank my Creator that such people exist in these times.

Category: Military issues, Support the troops

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SSG Eric Steffeney, KIA February 23, 2005

SGT Paul Thomassson, KIA March 20, 2005

SSG Asbury Hawn, SGT Shannon Taylor and SPC Gary Reese Jr., KIA August 13, 2005

See you in Fiddler’s Green.

Enigma 4 You

1st lt Earl H Wilson KIA May 5 1945 Army air corps.


Parade magazine in today’s Sunday paper could not find the space to make ANY mention of Memorial Day. Lot’s space for “celebrities” though.


My list is blessedly short.

SPC Ray Joseph Hutchinson, 7 Dec 2003, Iraq

SSG Michael Hosey, 17 September 2011, Afghanistan


My Great Uncles: Bob,Rich,Stanley,Ben and lost at sea in February, 1943 David S. Miles on the USS Dorchester…
Karen and Mike…Landstuhl, FRG

And thanks to those of you I know via blogging who serve or have– and to those I have had the pleasure of serving with. I have seen that 7% of “us” protect the rest and that is a great thing to be a part of…

In remembrance…


Oh, and Ms. Ethel Guffey…first to arrive with the Medivac as a WAC nurse on that fateful day in Normandy– God Bless you and Thank you…as she will tell you, she ain’t dead yet, so don’t memorialize her…

AW1 Tim

AT2 Gary Nesbitt, December 1977

AW2 Jim Piepkorn, September, 1978


I don’t think Memorial Day is for us (the military). For me, every day is memorial day. I think about great friends that have been lost every day, as I imagine everyone else does.

Memorial Day — I think — is a day for the rest of the country to think about them.

Yat Yas 1833

Thankfully my list is also very short:

Pvt Rudolfo A. Quintana, USA, 6 Jun 1944 @ Utah Beach and

Pvt Ignacio H. Hernandez, USMC, 18 Nov 1950 @ the Frozen Chosen.

May all of our honored dead rest in peace.

Mickey Bryant GSM

SSG Jason R Arnette USA 1 Apr 2007 @Iraq (my only son)

and my list is much to great to list them all.

May all of them rest in peace as we remember them. Not only Memorial Day but every day. Thank you Jonn for the great post.


Outstanding post! Thank you…


Master Gunnery Sergeant Leroy Poulson, USMC (Ret), May 14, 2010.

Semper Fi, Top.


EO1 Gary Rovinski KIA 6-5-06
HM2 Jaime Jaenke KIA 6-5-06
BU1 Jerry Tharp KIA 7-12-06


Operation Iraqi Freedom


SFC James Doster KIA Sep 29 2007, Baghdad, IZ

……and around 70 other Dragon BDE Soldiers….I’m ashamed that I don’t know the exact number off the top of my head.


1stSgt Luke J. Mercardante, KIA April 15, 2008
Cpl Kyle W. Wilks, KIA April 15, 2008
SSgt Christopher Diaz, KIA September 28, 2011
LCpl Christopher P.J. Levy, KIA December 10, 2011
Maj Samuel M. Griffith, KIA December 14, 2011


Amen Jonn, a beautifully written piece.

It seems, especially with the internet these days and instant “heroes” and celebrities being anointed every 15 minutes, that our military has been forgotten. I wouldn’t be surprised if many people in the U.S. didn’t even know what is being celebrated on Memorial Day.

So I honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.


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