Canada’s award to Fort Bragg unit

| May 23, 2012

Will sends us a link from WRAL, a Raleigh, North Carolina TV station, which reports that for the first time ever, the canadian government is presenting an award of the Canadian Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation to an American unit, 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group for their actions in a September, 2006 battle in Afghanistan’s Kandahar Province.

Members of the battalion assisted Canadian forces in an attack on an insurgent stronghold in the district of Panjwai, west of Kandahar.

The Fort Bragg Special Forces stared down a much larger enemy force over days of intense fighting to protect Canadian soldiers and hold their position. The battle, code named Operation Medusa, is chronicled in the book “Lions of Kandahar.” Over nine days, the group killed more than 500 enemy fighters, a success that paved the way for Afghan Security Forces to establish a presence in the area.

Category: Real Soldiers

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Very nice to see that they have been recognized for their outstanding professionalisim.

Just Plain Jason

Way to go! Hell yes!


Lions of Kandahar is a great book if anyone is looking for something to read.


The Canucks can still do the right. Good to know. Thank you, neighbor.


Awesome comment OWB. I was there in 2006 when this party was kicking off, and again while it was being conducted. Thank you the air power that you guys brought to the show. Again most excellent that the very professional team’s get the proper recognition. Oh yea I am one of the Canucks 🙂


That is great! Working with/around some Canuck military was one of the highlights of my army stint. They were as professional as any other freedom loving folks could expect to be. Hats off to 3rd Group for their work and hats off to Canadian government for recognizing and rewarding that fact.


Well, Dano, I’ve long suspected that we common folk still have much more in common than a very few picky details which seperate us. But, if your media is anything like ours, you would never know it from what we see there.

Long live the ties that bind us!


Perhaps there’s a gulf between the Military Men, and the Mendacity Stream Media, in BOTH countries.

Yat Yas 1833

One of my closest friend’s is a retired Canadian Army Major and this comes as no surprise! I was a ‘mere’ Marine Sgt who happened to catch the eye of a Canadian Major who recommended to my Co. CO that I be recognized for exemplary leadership and skill. If we have any friend’s in the world, it’s the Canadians!


6 years is better than never! Glad someone didn’t leave the paperwork behind.

MAJ Rusty Bradley

Thank you to our Canadian brother’s for this. It was an honor to walk that field of battle during a time when the world and innocent people needed us most. It is a noble endeavor. We got your back.

Pro Patria / De Oppresso Liber

From King Henry V,
“From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be called my brother.”


Every Canadian soldier we met was competent, confident, and perfectly willing to fight. My favorite part of my deployment was sharing a FOB with them while providing some rear echelon support to 3rd. Good people to work with.


Some more information/update on the award:

Again a very big thank you to the American forces that It was my pleasure and honour to work with back in 2006 in the shit hole of the world. Most professional bunch of Soldiers I have had the privledge to work with exterminating vermin!!!

Yat Yas 1833

Dano, I made it your beautiful country twice, in th ’70s, and fell in complete love with your country and people, no Shi’ite! 🙂 Both times we were accepted with open arms and treated like celebrities. Vancouver is a beautiful city and I’ve seen some beautiful ones having travelled on vacations.

On our way back to Camp Pendleton, we did what Marines do in troops spaces on an LST, WE GAMBLED! The funny thing was the guys were more concerned with keeping their Canadian dollars than losing their American dollars!? I still have mine after 35+ years!


Hi Yat Yas1833, that is most funny. My home town is back in Alberta (western) part of Canada but my current posting is here in Kingston. Good to know you had a great time. My time back in the early 2000’s will always be a honour to have served with 10th mountain and other elements with the Counter RCIED teams. I was in Derka Derka land in 04, 05, and 06, again was a honour to serve with your Soldiers. Oh yea in the early 90’s way before meeting my Mrs. I was dating a lady from Bangor. Very majestic part of the United States.

Cheers Yat Yas1833 🙂



OWB sorry for the late reply. You said it very true you did. Long live the ties that bind us. 🙂