Barbara Lee’s attempt to cut money off to engaged troops fails

| May 18, 2012

Yeah, the usual suspects tried once again to cut off funding for the war in Afghanistan led by head moonbat, Barbara Lee, according to the Associated Press;

“The American people are far ahead of Congress,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., sponsor of the amendment, who called on Congress to stand squarely with the American people. “It’s past time to end the war and bring the troops home.”

Well, I guess the American people want the war to end is because this administration isn’t committed to victory, the White House and the Congressional Democrats are only committed to withdrawal. Barbara Lee and her band of half wits tried throughout 2007 and into 2008 to un-fund the war in Iraq and the surge – all the while unable to pass a national budget. What’s that old saw about the definition of insanity?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Congress sucks

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And don’t forget this is the same brain-dead twit who was the ONLY member of the House to vote against the 9/11 resolution. She’s been involved with supporting the Cuban government for decades, and tipped off the Grenada government to the possibility of an anti-communist spy in their government, which also lead to the death of Maurice Bishop.

In a perfect world, she’d have been lined up on the same wall as Jane Fonda.


The truly frightening thing is that as a Congresswoman she is automatically granted a TS clearance. I’m amazed she doesn’t tweet the details about our crypto every time we roll it.

Joseph Brown

You have to wonder who’s the stupidest, the Barbara Lees in gov’t or the stupid asses who keep electing them? Nancy Peeloser and Harry Reid come to mind, too.


“The American people are far ahead of Congress, . . . ”



Of course it ( used it purposely) is from California. I am so glad I was raised here…so much sunshine….but gees now that I am all grown up I need to leave this place.