Life in an echo chamber

| September 28, 2006

Reading over comments by several Democrats in various news stories today, I ask myself “how can these guys be so out of touch with America?” Prattling Jerry Nadler praises the Democrat leadership in the House for “holding the Party together”. The party that is so cohesive that they’ve locked out anyone who disagrees with them. They’ve tried to lock out Joe Lieberman (he’s locked out of my house, too, but for very different reasons). He’s up 10 points in Connecticut polls right now – without a party machine behind him.

On Ben Cardin’s website, he attacks Michael Steele for taking “special interest money”. Special Interests like US corporations. I’ve got a request into the Cardin campaign asking where Ol’ Ben gets his money, but needless to say, I’m not holding my breath waiting for a response.

And I got to watch perrenial knucklehead, Marion Berry shouting “No more killing” after 5 DC teenagers were murdered within 24 hours this weekend. I guess the ex-con doesn’t figure he looks hypocritical asking other criminals to stop being criminals. Especially after tax evasion was added to his resume this past Spring.

What makes these pinheads think that their strategy is working? The only answer is; they live in an echo chamber. Everything they think is all they hear. They discount any evidence that they might be losing America in this “discourse” of theirs. Did Hillary hear any of you Upstate New Yorkers on her famous listening tour? What has she done for you in the last six years that make you think she heard you? Did John Kerry or Al Gore hear what voters told them in the last two George W. Bush victories? Have the Congressional Democrats heard what America is saying in the last twelve years?

All of their little aides tell them what they want to hear – and their aides can’t hear America, either, between parties and junkets to the Maryland Eastern Shore.

The good news is; they’ll probably continue losing elections. The bad news is; they’re dragging America down with them. I’m a firm multi-party system guy, I don’t want to see any party running this country by itself, but the Democrats are making that real hard to avoid.

In the short term, I hope they keep listening to George Soros and those dipshits at Democratic Underground and But in the future, America needs them to get their shit together and catch up with the rest of us.

Category: Politics

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Bill Levinson

Re: “I hope they keep listening to George Soros and those dipshits at Democratic Underground and But in the future, America needs them to get their shit together and catch up with the rest of us.” is in fact part of the Soros-Occupied Government (SOG) and also a Petri dish for breeding anti-Semitism, racism, and anti-Christian hate speech of the worst kind, along with 9/11 conspiracy theories straight from the Jeff Rense Show.