Defeatocrat is not a misnomer, Peckerwood Murtha

| October 16, 2006

John “Cut and Run” Murtha has summoned the intestinal fortitude to write a piece in today’s Washington Post entitled Confessions of a Defeatocrat . It is the most ignorant steaming pile of shit to find it’s way out the bowels of Murtha in some time. Actually the bloated coward has been reseasonably quiet lately – until yesterday when Murtha and his fellow coward and pretender John Kerry hit the Sunday shows to announce that Democrats are not cowards.

First of all, if you have to go on television and announce to the public that you’re not a coward, something’s wrong anyway. Especially if you’re John Murtha – the same John Murtha who urged that we cut and run from Somalia from our previous President. And not because we were getting beaten, but because the Defeatocrats didn’t have the testicular fortitude to give our troops the equipment to get the job done. They’re so afraid of world opinion (especially our enemies’ opinion of us, apparently), that they jerked our troops out of an African backwater country whose most feared weapons were Toyota pickups with 12.7mm machineguns duct taped to a pole in the back. A company of Bradleys would’ve put an end to that shit.

And Murtha apparently doesn’t seem to care that his ill-considered cut-and-run message on Somalia is what fuels the people who are attacking our troops in Iraq. Hussein showed the movie BlackHawk Down to his commanders before our invasion of Hussein’s Iraq to show his commanders what can be accomplished by a small force of people against the best-equipped and best-trained military in the world. Just because of political cowards like fat-turd Murtha and his French Poodle Kerry.

And ya know what? Our troops are dieing in Iraq for one simple reason – a Republican is President. If this President was from the Democrat Party, Kerry, Murtha, Durbin and the rest of the Defeatocrats would be foursquare behind him. Pure politics – not National Security, not concern for our troops. And they really don’t care that they’re responsible for killing our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, either.

We have yet to hear how the Defeatocrats will win in Iraq. And we have yet to see Kerry sign his Form 180. I wonder if Murtha will release his records, too. Seems to me that if someone wants to hold up their military record as their shield from accusations of cowardice, we should get a chance to read it.

And since Defeatocrats seems to piss them off, I think I’ll use it at every opportunity.

Edited to add Boot Murtha link

Category: John Murtha, Politics

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