Drill Sergeant Commandant King to change command

| May 17, 2012

Just a few days after Big Army reinstalled Commander Sgt. Maj. Teresa King in her position as commandant of the drill sergeant school at Fort Jackson, they’ve decided that the Army will hold a change-of-command ceremony for the first female commandant of the school, according to the Stars & Stripes;

The Army decided to formally replace its first female drill sergeant commander, Commander Sgt. Maj. Teresa King, only days after it lifted a six-month suspension placed on her, according to the Associated Press.

The announcement on Wednesday also said there will be a change of command ceremony the next day at the prestigious Army Drill Sergeants School at Fort Jackson, S.C.

Yeah, this makes it all seem like a political decision to reinstall and then replace her. It looks more like someone is covering their asses and doing what would give Big Army the best PR. After all, she’s been stateside throughout the war, so she has connections at Big Army, and she probably knows where bodies are buried. And since we’re transitioning to a toothless paper tiger again, the Army is more scared of Oprah than they are of the Taliban.

Category: Big Army

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I’m not really familar with how the Army works because I spent my career in the Chair Force, but correct me if i’m wrong ?, isn’t it unuaual to have a change of command ceromony for an enlisted Commandant ?.


From the article Jonn references:

Once, while posted at Fort Bragg with an airborne unit, she was held back from a combat deployment because she was a woman.

I’m getting older, so maybe my memory is failing me. But the 82nd was in charge at Bagram AB while I was there – and I seem to remember seeing women at Bagram, as well as at various US camps in the Kabul area. I also seem to remember seeing women in various US camps in Baghdad, Taji, Tikrit, Balad, and the “Green Zone” as well. And in Kuwait, and in Qatar.

But perhaps I’m mistaken. As I said, I’m getting older.


Pure political CYA bullshit. Big Army wants to get rid of her, but can’t because of gender/race issues which will arise. So they cut her a deal to reinstate her, provided she then leaves quietly at a future date and retires.

Yeah, tell me my tinfoil hat is on too tight.


It’s a change of responsibility ceremony, NOT a change of command ceremony. AR 600-20 is pretty clear on the privilege of command.


Sounds more to me like a quiet replacement because her leadership has lost confidence in her ability but hasn’t got the balls to pull the trigger on a formal relief for cause, NHSparky.

Just Plain Jason

She has pictures of someone with a goat…plain and simple. Unfortunately, she is a shitbird and is all to willing to play whatever cards she has. She should hang her head in shame hopefully she doesn’t try to go pushing this in people’s faces too much. On the inside looking out we all know what happened, but someone on the outside looking in they may not understand, expecially someone looking for a reason to scream racist/sexist at the military. Even though they know it is about a shitty leader.

wink windsor

I always thought the Army was burdened with more of the Politically Correct Crap than other branches of military service.
Now they may approve female Rangers.

CI Roller Dude

You mean the “Never Deployed Sergeant Major?”

Just Plain Jason

I know isn’t it crazy…we should alert “only deployed once” SMA!


She was with the 82nd when they deployed and was held back because she was a woman?

She’s also a 42A, Personnel Specialist as I recall.

Is she trying to make any of us believe that they went anywhere without a PAC section……even once BCT?

Just Plain Jason

Is someone suggesting she is a deployment dodger? Surely you jest! I know plenty of women who were left behind when the 82nd was deployed, they weren’t soldiers…but they didn’t go to war.


@1 and 4: She is technically in command of the school. There are no officers assigned. Same as every NCO Academy has a CSM in command. That’s where the term Commandant comes from.


I should try to get this job so I can get accolades for being the first person with brown hear, an appendix, and my shoe size to be assigned the posting.


A case of permanent PMS just might be an asset for a modern DI. To me that sounds even more intimidating than the still unforgotten Drill Sergeant Simmons.


What caused them to dismiss her in the first place? All I ever heard was unspecified performance issues.


@Ann, it is has been rumored that she was being porked by a subordinate.


This whole promoting and selecting so someone can claim to be the first whatever of a specific race is working out well for everyone – http://boston.cbslocal.com/2012/03/30/head-of-mass-national-guard-suspended-due-to-rape-allegation/


@16 If it was true then I have zero sympathy for her predicament. It isn’t even remotely difficult to avoid that sort of situation if you have even a smidgen of professionalism.

When I was still in the military I refused to get involved with anyone stationed at my base since I viewed that as dating in the workplace. Nobody was participating in cage fights for the chance to ask me out, but I was asked out a few times. Some of them I might have actually otherwise agreed to, but declining them wasn’t difficult. It definitely wouldn’t have been fair had I dated, the relationship soured, and my coworkers were forced to walk on eggshells around us.

Now she’s made it that much harder for every other woman in the military to be taken seriously and treated with respect. If she wanted to screw someone so badly then she should have bought a ticket for the Love Boat instead of opening her command to dysfunction and ridicule.