Wounded warrior, Col. Greg Gadson, in Battleship

| May 16, 2012

CI sends us a video of an interview on Fox News with wounded warrior Colonel Greg Gadson, who could end up being the only redeeming quality of the upcoming movie “Battleship”;

From NJ.com an interview with Col. Gadson and his connections to the World Champion New York Giants (I had to rub that in, TSO);

Col. Greg Gadson, a double amputee who lost his legs in Iraq, was introduced to the Giants in 2007 by his friend and former Army football teammate Mike Sullivan. For the four seasons since he gave a few speeches to the Super Bowl XLII champs, he’s been an inspiration for the Giants’ players and coaches.

He’s also the Director of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program.

Category: Real Soldiers

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The American Legion gave him an award last year too. I would have boycotted on principal, but I was in PA testifying on Immigration. By all accounts though he;s a wonderful man.

Doc Bailey

He was CO of 2/32 FA, and part of 4th IBCT right? I met him, and remember when he got hit. I thought “shit if an LTC got hit, what chance do i have?” but MAN what a motivating individual!

K.J. Hinton

He brings Honor to us all.


@Doc – Yep, he was Patriot 6. That night shouldn’t been any rougher than when any other Dragon Soldier died, but you’re right….a LTC getting hit was unusual, and the vibe was different somehow.

carolina girl

My brother was in 2/32 that tour… Our family had the same reaction @Doc did — “if a LTC can get hit…”

By luck we ran into him at Point last fall, when he’d just come back from Hawaii to film some scenes, and got to hang out one night and traded stories over bourbon 😉 Incredibly nice, humble, funny.. Absolutely an honor to meet him, let alone hang out for awhile, and I’m afraid I was a bit awestruck, lol

don’t quote me on it b/c as merely an Army-Sister I obviously have only 2nd or 3rd-hand info… But as far as I know he was the only -combat- injury out of the main 2/32 group that was in Yarmouk 07-08 hurt badly enough to come home. (I mean, one of the guys tore a rotator cuff playing basketball and came back… and I am sure there were smaller injuries from patrols, but they got patched up there and stayed..) again, just as far as I know..


Go U.S. Army COL. Greg Gadson.. Friggin’ awesome!


For want of a better word to help describe you Col. Gadson: AWESOME!!!!!!!


Oops, somebody beet me too it,I didn’t notice. Awesome is too week a word for you anyway brother. You and others like you are the reason I donate whenever I can too American Veterans only!


He was about the only real good part of the movie. Well that and the corny ending.

Avengers is still kicking rear end at the box office.


I knew Colonel Gadson when he was a FSO in 1/7 FA in Schweinfurt, Germany. Good man, good leader.