Another Neo-Nazi in the MONG

| May 16, 2012

Last week we discussed the Neo-Nazi, Ryan Riley, from the Missouri National Guard who had trained a white supremacist group in Florida. The Saint Louis Today website reports that the MONG is investigating another Neo-Nazi in it’s ranks by the name of SFC Nathan Wooten who AKO says was in the 35th Engineer Brigade;

In March, Sgt. Nathan Wooten was fired from his $27,000-a-year state job serving on a state military honor guard that pays last respects at the funerals of Missouri veterans.

The action came almost a year after co-workers complained that Wooten was a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi who had a portrait of Adolf Hitler in his living room, tried to recruit others to the cause and named his son after a notorious leader of the German SS. A lawyer for Wooten has denied his involvement with an extremist group.

But, even two out of the thousands of Missouri guardsman doesn’t mean there a huge insurgency of racists into the military. And before our friends at Mother Jones and SPLC start whining that the military isn’t doing enough to keep these guys out, this guy has already been fired before anyone, including the media, found out about him. They’re also investigating Ryan Riley as soon as the FBI let them know about him. So unless the military should be following their soldiers every moment that they’re off duty, they’re doing the right thing as soon as they have actionable information.

Category: Military issues, SPLC

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John of Argghhh!

But, Jonn – that’s exactly what the SPLC will expect. Those of us who serve should all be treated like we were when we lived in open bay barracks (I know, you youngsters are confused by that last) and every detail of our lives, and belongings should be available for inspection (and those reports submitted to Morris for inspection, data entry, and approval) on or off post, on or off duty.

And we former military should *also* be watched thusly unto death. We have all that dangerous knowledge in our heads, donchaknow.


Hell I was kicking troops out for having Nazi tattoos. Even if they were gags. Even a joke isn’t tolerated.

What I find so amazing is that the word Nazi inspires such fear and anger that it is almost a crime to call yourself one. Not that I disagree. it is rightly diserved….

BUT…Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Mihn, Castro, Hugo Chavez…these guys have committed the same wrongs and socialism is not equally hated.

Just an observation.


Did he name his kid Himmler? I now have an irrational desire to know what ‘notorious SS leader’s” name he picked for his kid.

Bah Bodenkurk

Anyone remember that story about the father who named all three of his kids with Nazi names? His daughter was Jocelyn Aryan Nation Campbell or something. Why would people do that to their kids?

Andy Kravetz

hey, just an FYI, is the Web site of the Post Dispatch.


Kudos to the MONG for doing what needed to be done in a timely manner. Well done!

For the libs among us – even with the many talents possessed by members of the military, reading minds remains an illusive one. Until a member of a military unit DOES something for which s/he can be appropriately corrected, it remains none of the military’s business. I know – you would rather have people disciplined for what they think rather than what they do, but that probably pnly explains why it is we who are vets rather than you.