Austin Anderson saving the world one person at a time

| May 14, 2012

RBB sends us a link to a local news story about how 27-year-old Austin Anderson, a former Marine pulled 22-year-old Hannah Luce from their small aircraft which had crashed soon after take-off from a Tulsa airport on their way to a Christian youth camp in Iowa;

Austin Anderson, a 27-year-old former marine who completed two tours in Iraq, had just graduated from Oral Roberts University with Luce on May 5. Anderson reportedly pulled Luce out of the burning plane, and the two were able to walk to a nearby road for help.

Anderson later died in the hospital, suffering burns over 90 percent of his body.

“It would totally be like Austin’s character,” friend Lauren Rocket told ABC News. “He was such a tough guy, but once you got to know him he was so much a teddy bear.”

“He served two tours in Iraq, and he was willing to give his life for his country,” he said. “He was willing to give his life for a friend. He was always willing to go that extra mile.”

What can I add?

Category: Marine Corps, Veterans Issues

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No greater love . . .

Rest in peace, Austin Anderson.


That says it all Hondo…..Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones.

Old Trooper

Yep; what they said.

Southern Class

This is what we have in our military. I am so impressed by todays soldier, (from all branches), and those we are training.
RIP Soldier.


What a fine, fine young man. The quintessential demonstration of Semper Fidelis. May the Lords lovingkindness be with his family and loved ones and may His grace be upon the young lady he saved.

See you in a while, little Brother.


RIP Marine…

Yat Yas 1833

@1-6, what they said. Semper Fi Bro.


Godspeed, Marine.


What everyone said, Rest in Peace, brother.


What does this guy being a veteran have anything to do with this story? If some whacko vet had offed a bunch of people and himself this Site would be up in arms over his veteran status being mentioned. Bunch of whiny, biased hypocrites, the lot of you.


Yep. What most everyone else posted. Thanks for representing us all so well, little brother.

RIP, Austin. Peace be with your family.


No! No more stories like this! Where are all the crazy-vet stories being chased by Eric Holder’s troops?

You aren’t following The Narrative! Back on point!


Anon, relax, we know you’re just pissed that the lede wasn’t “Veteran shoots-stabs-runs over innocent Occutard”. Now, go back and “Occupy” the porta-john. How’s that week without capitalism going so far?
Oh, that’s right, you just used a computer(capitalism) to post on the intertubes.