Aaron Hughes; IVAW at NATO protest

| May 14, 2012

So, someone at Facebook mentioned that Aaron hughes was leading the IVAW’s effort in Chicago last week to protest the NATO conference. then Tom sent us this video yesterday in which he appears at 10:38 into it;

If you missed it, Aaron says that there are 18 veteran suicides everyday, that 17% of people in Afghanistan are on psychotropic drugs, that 20-50% of those suffer from PTSD, TBI or Military Sexual trauma, 1/3 of military women suffer a sexual assault, 48% of sexual assaults are committed against male soldiers. I don’t know where he got those numbers from, but they’re all higher than generally-accepted statistics.

But I get a feeling from his IVAW profile that he’s just a whiner, anyway. Apparently, he joined the military for the college benefits and was upset that he had to actually do something to earn those benefits;

So, he was in Kuwait and made trips into Iraq occasionally for 15 months and he doesn’t like the idea that they pulled him out of school to do that little mission. But I guess since the protest was against NATO, he’s going to take his case to the streets of Chicago and continue whining. I don’t know how IVAW thinks that this helps veterans in any way, nice to know that they’ve found some relevance again, but i don’t think a whiner like Aaron should be the vessel for their message.

Folks tell me that he was sporting an “I support TSO” beard last week, too, which was nice of him. By the way, 100% of the embedded bloggers from TAH in Afghanistan this month volunteered to go to Afghanistan despite their PTS (I learned this weekend that’s the accepted way to refer to Post-Traumatic Stress, because it’s NOT a disorder).

Category: I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Doc Bailey

So basically he’s against the organization that pulls the EU’s Xhestnuts out of the fire which it took them 7 years to respond to an attack on the US? If he were against it for those reasons I’d actually support him but since he wants to quote figures no one can back up, maybe he suffered TBI from too much face palming or maybe PTSD from COD. hey maybe the military gave Him sexual trauma cuz he wasn’t getting any stoner hippies for 15 months? Likely scenarios.


I love the idiots who think they can make people believe shit in the age of the internet. Armed Forces suicide rates do not differ from those of the civilian population by any stretch…but all the blather sure sounds great, don’t it? Effing punk.


Apparently the “protesters” are holding little training camps and preparing for an altercation with CPD. I see lots of pepper spray, Working Dogs, stinger balls, flash bangs, tasers, the long range acoustic device, and batons getting a good workout. If these lunatics keep their word and are actually peaceful, it won’t be a problem. But we all know how often THAT happens with the occutards.

CI Roller Dude

Sounds like a baby. Now, if somebody would get smart and protest the UN, I might show up for that. The UN is a total waste of time, effort and our money.

B Woodman

Illinois & the University of Illinois. Little doucheweasel.
‘Nuff said.


Ya gotta love that line, “Aaron was pulled out of the University of Illinois,” bullshit. Like the MP’s just showed up and dragged his worthless ass out of class, kicking and screaming.

You signed the contract, fuck-knuckle.

And a degree in “Art Theory?” Really? WTF is that, and how does one get a job not involving a fryolator or espresso machine with that degree?

Yat Yas 1833

Ya know what I find sad and scary? These douche-buckets actually believe all the blather their spewing!? They don’t realize that THEY have become the 1%! Here in Phoenix, there is not a single occuturd member at their former camp on the City of Phoenix campus around city hall and they haven’t been a presence at any other ‘rallies’ for any other causes.

Their rants have more holes in them than a wheel of Swiss cheese. I won’t even go into that because you guys can already see them.


I hate how these idiots spew out that BS rape statistic. Despite 1/3 of women veterans apparently doomed to be raped by their peers in five years as a junior enlisted female Marine I never met anyone who had a plausible accusation. The closest I ever came to it was courtesy of one Marine who made an inappropriate comment, but after I asked him not to he immediately stopped and it ceased to be an issue.

I felt safer in my barracks with my guys than I do even here in my low crime neighborhood near a police station or my college campus. Of course nobody cares to actually research it, and so continue to slander men in the military by making them seem like vile conscienceless pigs with no self-control. I know I would be in much more potential danger at an Occupy tent city than I ever would have during my time on active duty.